NBC Report On The Milestone

March 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


A Video elaboration of what we brought you this morning

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6 Responses

  1. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Well, gee … I dunno, Bash … I might be missing the double-speak by a typical arm of the MSM, but what I am hearing is that we need to stay there in order to

    1) make sure the Iraqi groups work together

    2) keep the terrorists/insurgents off-balance while we keep killing them

    3) that all those worn white headstones in Arlington Cemetary are somehow (subliminally) supposed to represent 4000 lives lost in Iraq (since the vampire MSM isn’t permitted to show the Flag-draped coffins returning home)

    What am I missing?

  2. RJI

    Each loss of a hero who voluntarily sacrificed their life for our freedom and for the liberation of more than 50 million people is tragic. The msm and the left only use their death as a billboard to attempt to deny them the honor of a victory well earned. The brutal truth is that we have been extremely frugal in applying the blood of our armed forces to the task of war. Nathan Bedford Forest said it bluntly, “War means fighting and fighting means killing”. In the same period of time more than 200 thousand Americans were slaughtered on our highways.

  3. Monkey3531

    for starters, I’ll bet the MSM newsrooms have office pools for the day each “milestone” is met, you know they have these stories just waiting to be aired 2-3 weeks in advance. these assholes use the deaths of troops as a pretense for a story about when the US can leave Iraq, that’s what I see and hear. Fuck the MSM.

  4. RJI

    The loss of each of our brave heroes who have volunteered to sacrifice for our liberty and the liberation of 50 million people is tragic. The MSM and the Left use their deaths to dishonor their sacrifice and to produce a defeat for America. Nathan Bedford Forest bluntly stated, “War means fighting and fighting means killing”. Our sacrifices have not been in vain, our enemies reel at the massive loss of life we have inflicted on them. We have been judicious in the use of our warriors. Perspective and context are lacking when our defeatist attempt to use the number 4,000 KIAs as a tool to halt our the work of out fighting forces. IN the same 5 years more than 200,000 American perished on our highways. NO one is proposing that we we stop driving yet, the purposeful, sacrifice of 4,000 brave warriors is used as a rationale to surrender, to lose a war were we are protecting liberty and freedom

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Bash,
    What I hear are the apologists of defeatism deftly spewing their hatred for the freedom of the Iraqi people as only American troops can bring.
    But there will be no defeat and we will prevail.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    There was VN vet who was on Mark Levin’s show this PM. He called in to say we abandoned our troops and are trying to pull the same shit again. He said that 58,700 people essentially died for nothing.

    He wanted America to know that the troops who dies will have died in vain, if the shitheads, hippie-wanna-bees and Code Stink ANSD the LLMSM get their way.

    It was a great call from a great patriot of that era.

    The only way we’ll lose in Iraq is if we elect a fool to POTUS in Nov like Hitlery or Racist-man.

    Dick Cheney had it right the other day when some pinhead reporter asked him his reaction to polls showing alot of non-support for the war. His answer “So”.

    Thank God the GW and DC aren’t the poll watching freaks that the Klintonistas are.

    Fuck the polls. Let’s finish the job. Hell, we’re winning the freking thing anyways. Why duck out now? Just because some media maggot has a poll to quote?

    Fuck the media too. Ruck up America. Get your heads out of BHO and Hillary’s asses.

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