Recent New Black Panthers Leader Video: “Kill All White People, Even Little Babies…”

March 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


His is the first face you see at the New Black Panthers website. They hold this man in the highest esteem you can give a human being…I shit you not.

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46 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio

    :gun: :twisted: :evil:
    Unfucking believable. This fuck needs to be on the receiving end of a 7.62..

  2. One Way Ticket To Hell

    When the light starts to shine on the darkness, you can really see a lot crap that’s been hiding in the shadows. :arrow: There is a Satan and Demons :twisted: and they are pulling the strings on this tragic baffoon. :gun: :twisted:

  3. Tom in Texas

    You think that might qualify as “hate speech”?

  4. Denghis (ibm al himar)

    And we’re worried about Hajji’s?
    At my age, after a lifetime of tolerance, striving to overcome the ingrained bigotry that all people, be they black, white, green or fucking blue-blood back-woods inbreds, feel about anybody who is different from them, am now on the verge of becoming somewhat jaded with that philosophy.
    I could take a deep breath and squeeze on this motherfucker like a coyote with one of my chickens in his mouth…

  5. drillanwr

    Gosh … I am so tired of seeing this stuff over-covered on the MSM news … I wish they would cover something else more important … like some poor little rich pop-tart celebrity who’s gone into rehab without her underpants for the tenth time in two years …


    :arrow: Tom in Texas

    You think that might qualify as “hate speech”?

    :!: I think it qualifies as a DAMN good reason for me to take gun classes and buy a damn :gun:

    Hell, the NRA should use this as a promo-commercial.

  6. LftBhndAgn

    I don’t know what to say

  7. Reagan T.

    hmmm… :gun: :gun:

  8. DC

    I know what to say…….”lock-and-load”. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  9. blastdad

    :arrow: 0311inOHio

    Truely scarey shit!!!

    To think that there are still people in this day and age that are so full of hate like this, there is no reasonable argument that will change thier hearts. no to mention all the ba$t@rd$ in the crowd that he’s preaching to!!

    I hope the Lord takes care of them before they hurt someone.

  10. LftBhndAgn

    Lets not forget… In regards to Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad :roll:
    Joseph Mengele was a Dr to.

  11. Richard Quinn

    Dr. Kahallid Abdul Mohammad, Yusuf Shabazz, Imam Akbar Bilal - WTF??? Does anyone see a pattern here? :gun:

  12. soontobemarine

    Bring it :gun: :gun:

  13. Mike F

    Never forget, this is the outfit who endorsed Obama!

  14. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    This degenerate needs to be arrested and jailed for inciting riots and promoting the killing of innocent people. I could not even finish watching all of this depraved persons’ lunitic ravings.
    Protect yourself folks. :gun: :gun: :gun:
    I need a beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  15. Richard Quinn


    My apologizes - I should have clicked 4 guns!

  16. Steve in NC

    Black madrassas are a becoming a threat to this nation. I am starting to refer to black ‘churches’ as madrassas.

    Don’t want to, but will if I have to. :gun:

  17. drillanwr

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    No problem … You didn’t miss much except when he told them to go dig up dead, rotted folks and “kill `em again … `cause they didn’t die hard enough” …

    I think they should do that first … :gun: :gun:

  18. deathstar

    The people who really need to die are the dog turd pictured above and every other ignorant, knuckle dragging, black panther cocksucker.

  19. colton c

    man, so much hatred against the caucasian race. its unbelievable and pointless. It makes me sick. Why isnt anything being done about these websites and organizations??

    heck, why dont the kkk and the black panthers just have an ultimate showdown and get it over with.

    just jeez. i never knew people were like this

  20. CAPT-DAX

    You think that might qualify as “hate speech”?

    A big Fucking YES!!! :mad:

  21. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    This degenerate needs to be arrested and jailed for inciting riots and promoting the killing of innocent people. I could not even finish watching all of this depraved persons’ lunitic ravings.
    Protect yourself folks.
    I need a beer.


    I would agree but he is already rotting in the ground. Dead in 2001.

    Here he is on Phill Donahue.

  22. Birdddog

    Wait a sec….you guys are taking this all out of context… :lol:

  23. ticticboom

    Imagine he gets his wish. Imagine whites and blacks go to war. Imagine no quarter is asked or given. Would he have the slightest chance in Hell of winning?

    I’ve never understood why Leftists of all stripes agitate for starting wars they can’t possibly win. I guess they scavenge for scraps of power, wealth, and fame by making the fools who follow them think they’re at the edge of Armageddon. But his type always pull back from the brink because if they were to do what they say they’d do, they, personally, would be destroyed.

    The sad thing is, in most countries creatures like this become leaders. Look at Mugabe or Taylor.

  24. Kilemal

    It is good to see that after all these years of political correctness that racism is still alive and well in America.
    It just goes to prove once again that there are no liberal programs that can ever work.
    However, we must keep our powder dry and rifle at the ready. When the black man doesn’t get the nomination there will be blood in the streets.
    In the words of General Patton, “We didn’t start this war but we’re damn well gonna’ finish it!

  25. denghis (ibm al himar)

    Kilemal, you got a point there…

  26. Kurt(the infidel)


    I said this earlier. I have seen Dem strategists on the news even say that if Obama loses superdelegates and/or the nomination or general election the shit will hit the streets.

    Some people say we purposely avoid the race issue in this country. well i never felt a reason to get into because im not a racist person.

    People like this backwards fool in the video do need taken off this earth and by force if necessary. Ever since Obama and Clinton have begun the race crap you can see it boiling up more and more every day. something might happen this year. be ready ya’ll :gun:

  27. drillanwr

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    I would agree but he is already rotting in the ground. Dead in 2001.


    You’re kidding?!?!

    Well, hell! I say “we go dig `em up and kill `em again because he didn’t die hard enough …”

  28. John Cunningham

    This is all a part of the jailhouse muslim thing. Most of them are graduates of those crime schools. They’ll be back in soon.

  29. TJ (The kafir)

    This man was condemned, along with farrakhan by our congress during the clintoin years. By the way, this guy died on february 17 2001, so if you want to find his grave and leave him a nice turd as a gift. :lol:

  30. ken holton

    I keep seeing Africa mentioned, why don’t they take themselves and their bling bling cash there and help out? Instead of buying BMW’s (black mans wheels) and Fuck da powlice (NWA) go back to their Roots (nice name for a movie). Their bro’s are starving to death and shit oba dere. Charity begins at home mo fo’s

  31. ken holton

    Maybe planet of the apes wasn’t fiction, Dr Zayus did look a bit familiar, and cornelius hmmmm.

  32. CJ

    Lt. Whitey Cracker reporting for duty :gun: :gun: :gun:

  33. jack douglas

    and God said let there be light and there was light….folks if you don’t see light from what these vitriolic pieces of puke are preaching and the audience they are preaching to, then shame on your ass. When we do see the light then shame on their ass. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  34. ssgduke54

    And Obama had these corrupt hateful demons on his website for almost a week! Thanks Obama for showing what you truly are….
    Another corrupted soul who whore himself for any votes from any racists and I hate America loony groups. :sad:


  35. Brian H

    Wrong; racists know and study and obsess about every possible nuance of color!

  36. radgy

    dudes a dick for sure,but it says he died in 2001,so it cant be new…or maybe just newly released?

  37. kjk32

    i will put one between this mother fuckers eyes!!!!!!!

  38. trustme1013

    That’s just sick.

    What about all those interracial couples and their babies, though? The Black Panthers back Obama, but he’s a mulatto, like so many people in this FREE nation.

    I wish for once, people’d listen to what really is being said.

    Birddog, you’ve got it — let’s excuse it all away. That’s what the pundits did when Obama’s grandma was thrown under the bus–she was guilty for her fear, though all sterotypes have to have a foundation in truth to get started, yes??

  39. JonnyMordant

    Was that his Easter Sermon? I’d like to hear his interpretation of the sermon on the mount!

    He makes Charles Manson sound sane!

  40. Tom in CO

    :gun: :shock:

  41. austin from indy

    anyone just want to blow this motherfucker away? honestly, it’s pure iggnorance, and he has more rights then i do, what the fucks with that? :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  42. Brian

    The Asshole is already dead. That being said, if he wasn’t dead he would be soon.

  43. deathstar

    [[The Asshole is already dead.]]

    Good. I want to dig him up and crap on his face.

  44. azpatriot

    I remember seeing a Che poster hanging in the background of a picture inside of one of his campaign offices also.

    I’ve been saying for a long time now that people better get ready because we are sitting on a powder keg in this nation, with the election BS and the illegal alien BS and all of the other BS, it won’t take much to start the ball rolling.

    Stay safe all and keep your powder dry :beer: :beer: :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  45. Joe

    Where does this fucker live?

  46. Chandler

    What the hell is this guy a “doctor” of?!… Is that like the “Rev.” in front of Al Sharpton’s name?

    “Stewardess. I speak jive.”

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