Vote: Bash Brings His Girls With Guns Over

March 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


They begged me to let you guys see them…who am I to refuse these girls?

Your vote counts…which one is hottest? And weapon doesn’t count, just the chick.






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31 Responses

  1. talitm

    Lola I think is Terra Patrick… :mrgreen:

  2. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Bash -

    If you’re buying (and April IS my b-day) I want Marie’s outfit …

    And because I have ALWAYS been a leather jacket girl (since my first leather jacket in high school) I want Lola’s jacket to go with it …

    Sandy or Marie’s gun will do nicely in place of some dumb purse …

    Hey, PETA :gun:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    I vote for Sandy. I wouldnt trust a woman with a silenced pistol.

    :arrow: talitm

    I see we have a porn watcher haha :lol:

  4. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kurt -

    THAT explains those silent absences of yours … :lol:

  5. DC

    Marie…..definitly Marie!
    And the twin Desert eagles……….smokin’!

  6. Kurt(the infidel)


    you’re half right. except im not just watching them. its my secret identity LOL

  7. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kurt -

    I saw your “guns” … Yeeeah! :twisted:

    You nasty boy … freaky nasty!

  8. POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    Normally I’d go with Lois but that pic makes her look like she’s about to take a dump.
    In my fantasy world, woman just don’t do that.

    Gotta go with Candy.
    Theres something about a woman with a drum magazine.

  9. Chandler

    There is something about a blonde and a Tommy Gun! Or maybe I am just bias….the name is tommy. :lol: :gun:

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    Normally I’d go with Lois but that pic makes her look like she’s about to take a dump.
    In my fantasy world, women just don’t do that.


    My thoughts exactly :lol: :beer:

  11. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kurt and POD1 (Proud Cracker) …

    Ummm … just a warning … Stay out of the “Delivery Room” … and if you do venture in that fateful day, leave the video camera home. Trust me on this … :roll:

    That is all.

  12. POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    :arrow: drillanwr (typical white female)
    Thanks for ruining it for me Maggie.
    Now I have to go to another website to reset that part of my brain. :mad:

  13. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    lois, lois, lois

  14. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    That’s okay … The girls will wait for you. :beer: :lol:

  15. mike3481

    SANDY WINS :!: :!: :!: :!:

    Because she’s the only one to drawn a bead on you… and is about to end you… because your not smart enough to realize she’s the HOTTEST chick alive bar none :!: :!: :lol: :mrgreen:
    BASH… you made my evening, Thank You.

  16. Dannyboy

    I’ll take one of each, thank you. :razz:

  17. A. S. Wise- VA

    :arrow: Bash, in the words of Borat, “naughty, naughty!” :wink:

    I do believe this pictures are insensitive to the Iranian regime, we all know they hate seeing the female body. :roll:

    It depends on the criterion for me:

    If by gun, Candy (I will have a Thompson, one of these days).

    If by looks, Lois.

    …Lola doesn’t even get a consideration, due to that song by The Kinks. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

  18. POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    Damm internet.
    Sometimes learning new stuff can hurt your soul.

    Thanks to drillanwr (typical white female) I now know what a “Sheizer video” is.

    Damm my eyes, damm them.

  19. Kurt(the infidel)

    POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    Thanks to drillanwr (typical white female) I now know what a “Sheizer video” is.

    I think those are popular in Japan and Germany :lol: yucky!

  20. drillanwr (typical white female)

    I’m sorry, POD1 (Proud Cracker) … I’ll think about going to Confession …

    ummm … nahhh.

    Here, have a beer instead :beer:

  21. POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    :arrow: Drill
    I’ll drink your :beer: and I’ll take comfort in the fact that neither Candy, Carmen Electra, or Julie Banderass have EVER done that.

  22. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: POD1 (Proud Cracker)

    And, perhaps, nor should they … :beer: {clank}

  23. BlueOval8950

    Marie…she is hotter than Pam Anderson could ever be in that outfit.

  24. EDinTampa

    Sandy’s pose is awesome, but I am afraid that she may be as bald as me when you take that wig off.

    Marie’s pose is great too, but I think the crotch needs to be open on that outfit to let some of the smell out.

    Lois looks like a dopey blow-up doll.

    Lola looks good but facial make-up is over the top.

    Candy, Candy, those lines around the lips make you to slutty.

    If I have to choose one, SANDY in hopes that she is not bald!

  25. Birdddog

    Lola :beer: :gun: :gun:

  26. hegelbot


  27. drillanwr (typical white female)


    That IS a wig … and a poorly placed one at that … CRIPES!

    Shoot the fluff— er, “make-up” person …

  28. S. Kresan

    What do you mean the gun doesn’t count!? Chicks are a dime a dozen, but a Thompson is something special!

  29. Dave

    CAndi’s dandy.

  30. Dan (The Infidel)

    It’s a tie between Candy and Lois. Can’t make up my mind which is better.

  31. KBoomr113

    Yea, lose the wig and hopefully Sandy still wins

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