Whoopi Goldberg Claims Bush Skipped Afghanistan to Attack Iraq

March 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Gee, that’s news to me because I recall a very concerted effort that resulted in the breaking of the Taliban’s grip on that country.

The View” co-hosts, typically very loose with the facts, demonstrated that again on the March 10 edition. Ironically accusing the Bush administration of lying to take America into war with Iraq, Whoopi Goldberg put out false information herself.

GOLDBERG: Let me say, let me say this. Now, when it all went down at 9-11 and he said “we’re going get him.” I was like “come on Georgie, let’s go.”


GOLDBERG: But he didn’t go where he said we were going. See, that’s where I got, because I woke up the next morning, we were in Iraq. I was like, what? I don’t think we’re in Afghanistan. So, for me-

Whoopi must have slept through the 17 months the United States was in Afghanistan before invading Iraq. On October 7, 2001, less than a month after September 11, the United States began its military campaign in Aghanistan. The United States did not attack Iraq until March 19, 2003. Even after the Iraq invasion, the United States retained its military presence in Afghanistan.


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10 Responses

  1. Reign in Blood

    GOLDBERG: “But he didn’t go where he said we were going. See, that’s where I got, because I woke up the next morning, we were in Iraq. I was like, what? I don’t think we’re in Afghanistan. So, for me-”

    She has never woke up. She was asleep before 9/11 and still is to this day along with everyone on that show except Hasselbeck. :roll:

  2. drillanwr

    :arrow: Whoopi

    While some folks are more than satisfied to open their mouths and stick their foot inside, it seems you bitches on The View will only settle for your fat asses being inserted to your yaps …

    You woke up the next morning and we were in Iraq?

    Maybe you’d better cut waaaay back on the crack … and see a doc about those black-outs.

    Small Timeline:


    A-stan Invasion - Oct. 6, 2001

    Iraq Invasion - March 20, 2003

  3. Kilemal

    Whoopi is the best argument for adopting the berka since Rosie O’Donald. She is one stupid ugly bitch. :gun: :gun:

  4. intrepid

    she talks a puddle of truth,with apint of poison. :roll: kinda like M.O.

  5. TedB

    Damn dude, that picture looks like finding a cockroach in the margarine…

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Wow what a complete moron! what did she do, go into a coma? woke up 17 months later? and in case she didnt notice we are still in Afghanistan.

    Thats about as stupid as Rosies little rant about 9/11 being an inside job.
    she said, and i quote “thats the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel” newsflash dipshit, thats what welding is, and cutting steel with an acetylene torch is. Im a certified welder and hearing those words were like nails on a chalk board to me.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    oh and that picture disgusts me :oops:

  8. cb10

    That ass clown sack of guts reps the hi point of TV trash propaganda.
    Pity the poor bastard who is paid to watch this crap for it’s newsworthy content.
    The “view” probably gets good reviews out on the plantation.

  9. Gary in Midwest


  10. 0311Yutyut

    Don’t say “WE are in Iraq” YOU have not been to Iraq Whoopi. I have never seen you over there. so don’t say “WE” are in Iraq.

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