WTF? Woman Goes for Leg Operation, Gets New Anus Instead

March 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


A German retiree is taking a hospital to court after she went in for a leg operation and got a new anus instead.

The woman woke up to find she had been mixed up with another patient suffering from incontinence who was to have surgery on her sphincter.

The clinic in Hochfranken, Bavaria, has since suspended the surgical team.

Now the woman is planning to sue the hospital. She still needs the leg operation and is searching for another hospital to do it.


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16 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Gives new meaning to anal retentive …


  2. deathstar

    My Spanish is weak. When I first visited Mexico I wished some lady at the bank “Happy New Anus” instead of “Happy New Year”. Oh well.

  3. TedB

    Wow, what a pain in the ass…

    I can’t believe nobody else got that. :smile:

  4. GregGS

    I think germany has socialized medicine…. so that poor poor lady is gonna have to wait another year or two before another anus becomes available… Unless we Americans feel charitable enough to fly over a C17 Globemaster III full liberal democrat politicians.

  5. GregGS

    I think Germany has socialized medicine. So that poor poor lady is gonna have to wait another 2 years for an anus… Unless we Americans are feeling charitable enough to fly
    over a C-17 Globemaster III full of Liberal Democratic Politicians.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    wonder what was wrong with her old one :lol:

  7. Rhune

    I wonder what they actually did. They could have done something simple like a sphincterotomy or manual sphincter dilatation (more likely since its Europe..think its called a Lords procedure)…though this wouldnt jive with a diagnosis of fecal incontinence..true incontince of the sphincter is pretty rare. Leakage can happen from hemorrhoids so she might have simply had some banding done. Crazy Germans.

  8. franchie

    Actually that was the queen of UK that said that 1992 was an “Anus Horibilus” (Diana’s divorce)

    too bad for the old lady, though shouldn’t be the same chirurgians for legs and anus, I thought they were different specialities

  9. mongo

    wonder what was wrong with her old one….. kurt, i think i saw hillary wearing it on her shoulders.

  10. IP727

    She had best be careful with that leg operation,
    she might come home with a new pussy.

  11. Paslode

    That is what Socialized Medicine has to offer.

  12. drillanwr

    Of course she’ll sue … What a tight ass this bitch is.

  13. allahlovesporkchops

    I didn’t know such operations were actually done. A brand new asshole and still unable to walk to the can and use it. Damn!!

  14. IP727


  15. drillanwr

    :arrow: allahlovesporkchops

    I didn’t know such operations were actually done. A brand new asshole and still unable to walk to the can and use it. Damn!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer:

  16. TJ (The kafir)

    So what did they do to the leg of the guy suffering from incontinence? :lol:

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