You Gotta Be Kidding: Mayor Of Tehran Busted In Brothel

March 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I saw this and started reading with a skeptical eye…funny if true, though.

Tehran, 10 March (AKI) - Tehran’s police chief, Reza Zarei, has been arrested after he was found nude in a local brothel with six naked prostitutes, according to report on the Iranian Farda News.

Farda News is a website said to be close to the mayor of Tehran and former chief of the police forces, Mohammed Bagher Qalibaf.

Following the raid, Zarei stepped down from his post as police chief. The news of his arrest however was not reported by any official Iranian news agency.

According to a popular Iranian website Gooya, the order to raid the brothel was given directly by Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, chief of the judicial authorities.

Before he was arrested, Zarei was in charge of the programme for the ‘moralisation of the city’.

It is alleged that in the past six months, hundreds of young people have been arrested in Iran for not respecting the Islamic code of behaviour.


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13 Responses

  1. GregGS

    Poor naked prostitutes they’ll be headless soon because it’s their fault for slowing down the
    “programme for the ‘moralisation of the city’.”

  2. ticticboom

    Heh. Lot of that going around.

  3. jgee

    so if you steal something, they cut off your hand…

    does that mean!?!?!

    is this guy soon be the proud owner of a hairy mangina?!

    :shock: :shock: :shock:

  4. Kevin M

    There are no gays in Iran.
    There are no prostitutes in Iran.
    There are no criminals in Iran.
    There is no litter in Iran.
    It never rains in Iran.
    Iran is totally free from pollution.
    Iran has no traffic lights.
    Iran is a depression-free country.
    Iran has the longest lifespan in the world.
    Iranians are the happiest people on the planet.
    In Iran, you can windsurf and snowboard 24/7.
    There are chocolate waterfalls and gumdrop bunnies running free in Iran.
    Iranians kiss and hug each other seventeen times every hour.
    Erotic spanking is a national sport in Iran.
    Blowjobs are free in Iran.
    Iranians never need Botox or “falsies.”
    The women in Iran make Jennifer Aniston look like Chuck Norris.
    The men in Iran all look like George Clooney if he looked as good as Cary Grant.
    The sun only shines in Iran. The rest of you assholes suffer under an illusion.
    The Pope only wishes he could live in Iran.
    The food in Iran is not only delicious, but it literally jumps into your mouth, and it’s all free!
    In Iran, it’s tuna that smells like pussy.
    All Iranian penises are 10-inches long by government order.
    Nobody in Iran needs breast augmentation; the tits are enormous!
    The Iranian Alps are the beggest Alps on the planet, and the snow is all made out of a heavenly mixture of magic fairy dust and cocaine.
    The force of gravity in Iran is 0.03% what it is on the rest of the planet.
    Car insurance is free in Iran.
    The government of Iran is monitored by magic invisible giant rabbits in the sky.
    Peter Sellers is not dead. He still lives in Iran and he’s still very funny indeed.
    God has a deer camp in Iran, and He gets a 74-point buck every year.
    Porpoises can speak English, Farsi and French in Iran. They are all named “Flipper” and love to cuddle!

    If you believe one fucking word of this, you need to :gun: yourself ASAP.

    Iran is a sandmonkey pisshole where everybody is a knucklewalker.

    Donate your next paycheck to the US Marine Corps so decent bipeds can nuke Iran and put a stop to Muslim bullshit.

    Death to Iran.

  5. GregGS

    “It never rains in Iran” it might be true.

  6. Kevin M

    :arrow: GregGS

    Dude. It snows in Iran. Ya think maybe it rains, too?

  7. Doc Holliday

    There are no trans-fats in Iran.

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Kevin M;
    Totally cool post. One of the best (lmfho) I’ve ever seen.

  9. Kevin M

    :arrow: Doc Holliday

    There are no trans-fats in Iran.

    Good point. I hear the Omega-3 fatty acids aren’t quite as “fatty” as they are here, either. :smile:

  10. Sandy

    ‘moralisation of the city’ :lol:

    It just gets better every day.

  11. POD1

    :arrow: Kevin M

    “In Iran, it’s tuna that smells like pussy.”

    :lol: :lol: This six pack is on me bro.
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  12. skh.pcola

    “six prostitutes?!” Dayum, this horngoat is a machine! Who’d a thunk it? :wink:

  13. franchie

    Kevin M,

    there are no faslh opponants in Iran

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