You Tube’s Political Video Of The Year

March 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


What a bunch of shit…

They can’t handle the truth…

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12 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    Moral equivalency is just another (often terminal) disease.

  2. mindy abraham

    I liked both videos-go figure :roll:I guess I just want people to get along, but can’t figure out how.

  3. kozanne

    “Are we that different” Hell yes, we are.

    I can walk down the street of my neighborhood alone without fear of being attacked by some kind of moral police. I can wear what I want when I want. I can wear makeup! I can get an education. I can run my own business. I can marry whom I choose, whether anyone else likes it or not. My future is not decided by someone else on the day the doctor says “It’s a girl!”

    The God I know says that women are to be cherished and that He created them so that man would not be alone. The demon god of Islam and it’s viper prophet say that woman are things, and to be covered because they are so worthless and shameful.

    F**k yes we are different. If the women involved in this crap piece of video think it’s all the same — well, maybe they should grow a set and change places with their ‘counterparts’ in the sandbox for awhile…..

  4. Leatherneck

    Art fag bullshit.

  5. drillanwr

    :arrow: mindy, hun … I love you to pieces, but stay focused.

    Don’t get suckered into these socialist/communist backed organizations. They can make pretty videos, but go to their site and see if you don’t see a tone/pattern to their subliminal mind-think.


    About Us is a community of global citizens who take action on the major issues facing the world today. The aim of is to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decisions. members act for a more just and peaceful world and a globalisation with a human face.

    … Coming together in this way, Avaaz has become a wonderful community of people from all nations, backgrounds, and ages. Our diverse community is brought together by our care for the world, and a desire to do what we can to make it a better place.

    … In just hours we can send hundreds of thousands of messages to political leaders telling them to save a crucial summit on climate change … was co-founded by Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group, and, an online community that has pioneered internet advocacy in the United States. Our co-founding team was also composed of a group of global social entrepreneurs from 6 countries, including our Executive Director Ricken Patel, Tom Perriello, Tom Pravda, Eli Pariser, Andrea Woodhouse, Jeremy Heimans, and David Madden. Avaaz is lucky to have the founding partnership and support of leading activist organizations from around the world, including the Service Employees International Union, a founding partner of Avaaz,, and many others.


    `nuff said, sweetie.

    They are great at “candy-coating” … But when you bite through that candy apple you find the core is wormy and rotten.

  6. jerbb

    We are that different. We send our volunteer trained, armed forces to fight our foes, not strap bombs onto kids and the mentally handicapped then send them into markets to blow themselves. yes, we are that different.

  7. Kevin M

    So now we’re supposed to believe we are no different from a pack of mindless hate-mongering death zombies?

    Um…I don’t buy it.

  8. dwallu

    Its all about the caliphate babe

    no jihad and no caliphate and no virgins,, its that simple

    plus, this is the last chance the medieval, murdering bastards will have before they lose any chance running over a nation and grabbing oil.

    and polygamy. will be many years before they give up terrorizing woman with the burka and jijab, using slave women and boys from other nations and treating women as property. pretty simple actually.

    its also all about alarm clocks - they dont have them and dont want them

    google lazy muslim on memri tv their own iman spell it out

    also check out immigration_by_the_numbers to see the insanity of not closing our borders

  9. dwallu

    the video left out polygamy with goats and such

    plus, we only act like we play soccer lmao

  10. mike3481

    Video :arrow: “how do we stop the clash of Civilizations”

    Well, according to the Islamo Nazis… we in the West have to fucking surrender. :shock: ,FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS YOU BITCHES :gun: :gun:
    PS- Bash, your video is great :beer:

  11. Marc

    ahh look someone at CAIR got a computer for Rammadam

  12. Trevor

    Yes, we are very similar.

    We each breathe O2 and exhale CO2. We each procreate. We each sleep. We each beat our women and send them to their couch as prescribed by the Prophet.

    Oh whoops!

    Seriously-62% of Palestinians want peace? 38% of Palestinians want to keep fighting. Think they’re going to abide by any peace agreement that you come up with?

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