Your Vote Counts: Which Babe Is Hottest?

March 2nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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33 Responses

  1. POD1

    I’m a sucker for the dark haired sultry.

  2. Evestay

    agreed, Salma. I’m a sucker for both, though ;x

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    aww man dont do this to me.

    They are both so hot!

    Ok Salma wins

  4. mike3481

    BASHMAN, the only truthful answer must be determined between the sheets, so my answer to your question is YES :!:

    Because I hope their both equal in the “in the sack ‘10′ scale” . (if Hussein and his useful idiots can hope so can I)

    Hey Bash, you asked the question, LOL.

    PS - good gawd their HOT and… God bless America.

  5. hegelbot

    Selma, too easy, too, too easy

  6. Ivan the Kafir

    Agreed, Salma is an easy yes. But then again, the fact that Salma is wearing a bikini and Jessica is wearing a sweater doesn’t help. Every man of us here is a sucker for a pair of pillows getting a little sun. Sweater puppies just don’t cut it for competition.

  7. JonnyMordant

    Salma Hayek is Da Bomb YO!

    Jessica Simpson has a Rockin body, but I have a pet peeve about any chick with a chin that reminds me of Kirk Douglas! Sorry Jess!

  8. ticticboom

    Salma. Remember the snake scene in Dusk Til Dawn?

  9. just posting

    Salma Hayek over any

  10. Mark Tanberg

    I don’t see their faces.

  11. James "Jihad this" Hooker

    I follow the “3B’s” on questions such as this: “Brunettes Bust-nuts Better.”

    Well, they do!

  12. Dannyboy

    When everything else is so close… I would go with brains as the tie-breaker. And it would be Salma. …But, seeing those pics of her preggers has created an image that I can’t let go of. Jessica wins it.

  13. ken holton

    If Jessica lost the sweater, y’all would be with me

    Jessica is da one

  14. One Shot

    My vote goes for Santanico Pandemonium…

  15. intrepid


  16. Top Ward

    Salma :wink:

  17. Laura

    I vote for Daniel Craig.

  18. Steve in NC


    jessica might have has a chance before she tried to act and sing, that sent chills up my spine.


    :arrow: Laura, my wife seconds Craig.

  19. Jimmyb

    Salma, no contest :mrgreen:

  20. Monkey3531

    jessica is a frekin hottie but selma is hot enough to make me watch that awful movie she made with matthew perry…plus she did this…


  21. Mike in CA

    Well, my wife’s brunette, so i’d have to go with, hey wait, that is a picture of my wife! :shock:

  22. David Ross

    I’m a brunette fan but Jessica is too fine to pass up.

  23. Nick

    Salma, brunettes for the win!

  24. Dave M.

    Salma is striking a pose but Jessica is blonde.
    My vote is for Jessica.

  25. RLD77


  26. Tom in CO


  27. franchie

    one shot, as far music I prefer this version

  28. the gunslinger

    Ain’t nothin’ better than a fine Texas country girl. Jessica gets my vote.

  29. TedB


  30. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: One Shot

    Great clip of her! and thats one of the best movie ever too

  31. skh.pcola


  32. 1LT JAF

    Salma by far. Me love the Mediterranean/Latina look :shock:

  33. stormin1961

    the hot t-shirt girl in the right column

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