$100 Cup Of Coffee Made Of Cat/Monkey Poop

April 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


“We wanted to give our customers a really special experience.”

It might not be to everyone’s taste - and that’s not just because at £50 a cup it’s the most expensive coffee in the world.

The secret behind the special blend about to go on sale at an upmarket department store is that it is made from cats’ droppings.

While such an ingredient might leave many spluttering into their cups, Peter Jones thinks it is on to a winner.

For the rest of April, it is serving espressos, Americanos and lattes made from the droppings in its in-store coffee shop in Sloane Square, central London.

And for those who want the ultimate talking point over the after-dinner mints, the coffee beans are also on sale at £50 for 100 grams.

The store, part of the John Lewis partnership, has bought 60 packets of the exclusive blend of Jamaican Blue Mountain and the Kupi Luwak bean.

The bean is rare, with less than 450lb harvested each year.

The beans are extracted from the droppings of the palm civet, a cross between a cat and a monkey which lives in Indonesia.

The civets eat the soft coffee cherries, digest the fruit pulp and excrete the beans on the forest floor, because they cannot digest the beans.

Plantation workers then collect the beans, which are sold as Luwak coffee.

The civets are said to pick the best and ripest coffee berries.

It is also thought that their gastric juices may add to the flavour.

Now Peter Jones customers can taste flavour for themselves, with all proceeds from sales going to a cancer charity.

One, 23-year-old Hannah Silver, said: “I was a little apprehensive before I tried it but I actually really liked it. It was very earthy and it tastes very smooth.

“It wasn’t too bitter and the earthiness really came through - probably because of where the beans have come from.

“It is a delicacy so I can definitely see someone wanting to pay £50 for this, perhaps for a present.”

A Peter Jones spokesman said: “We wanted to give our customers a really special experience.”

(Daily Mail)

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15 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    “It is also thought that their gastric juices may add to the flavour”

    freakin weirdos!

  2. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Well, looks as if the libs/left are finally taking our strong advice …

    They got the “Eat shit …” part right.

    Now they just need to get to the “and” part of that equation.

  3. DC

    I wonder what the corn in my poop is worth? :roll:

  4. Molly

    I would rather just donate the money to the cancer charity. They may be the “best and ripest coffee berries”, but that is gross.

  5. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Theres another version of this, collected from goat droppings in a certain part of North Africa, Morocco, I think.

  6. Steve in NC

    That coffee freak has been reading dollard!

    She said this:

    One, 23-year-old Hannah Silver, said: “I was a little apprehensive before I tried it but I actually really liked it. It was very earthy and it tastes very smooth.

    “It wasn’t too bitter and the earthiness really came through - probably because of where the beans have come from.

    >>> Now what I wrote last month:

    re my comment on Bush’s War from march 18:

    I see the ad for BUSH’S WAR on Frontline. I’ll bet my ass it’s a slickly produced expose of the folly of American hegemony, with undercurrents of how we have weakened our status in the world community, how this has created more instability in the world, and it is his neo-con ideology twisted by Cheney that got us there in the first place.

    A cocktail of smoothly delivered biased bullshit that the masses drink in while commenting on it’s earthy undertones, unaware they are drinking in the fecal matter of those that will spirituality and economically enslave them.

    I’ll pass.

  7. Old Chief

    Whats the big deal. I drank monkey shit coffee the whole time I was in the service.

  8. Sam

    My coffee is s$$ty enough as it is.

  9. TedB

    $100? Man, I can get a shitty cup of coffee for free at work. I wish they would just throw an egg shell in there…

  10. Ivan the Kafir

    Shitty coffee? You gotta be shitting me….I can get the same crappy coffee at Starbucks for $1.55!

  11. RememberOurFathers

    Awesome, I can’t wait to eat some coffee beans, shit in a cup and drink it for free! Stupid Brits paying 50 pounds per cup, pffft!

  12. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    Call Finkelstein, Finkelstein, and The Gaddamn Finkelstein Shit Kid Son of A Bitch Inc. …

    I think you might have a law suit, buddy!

  13. JJIrons

    Shoot, I’ll sell mine for $20 a cup. Any takers?!? Makes a really smooth cup of joe (so I’m told)!

  14. Steve in NC

    :arrow: drillanwr (typical white female)

    That close is such a hoot, reminds me I haven’t ordered my dvds from the bash

  15. BRUCE

    :cool: reminds me of the days of the magic mushrooms. didn’t complain much about eating shit now did we!

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