100 Sex Offenders Found Living In One Trailer Park

April 5th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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12 Responses

  1. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Where’s a fucking F-5 or F-4 tornado when you really need one?

  2. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    i bet their block parties look like the carnival. adults admission: 12 bucks and kids get in free.

  3. Tom in CO

    Hey at least they’re in one spot and not all over the country. Well, you know what I mean…

  4. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    Oooooo! That’s bad, Kurt … really bad … :twisted: :gun: :beer:


    :arrow: Tom in CO

    Hence, my desire for one of those “tornado tears through a trailer park” stories.

  5. medfly

    If they are that big of a threat, why aren’t they kept in prison?

    Furthermore, if sex offenders are required to register, how about murderers or burglars? I’d feel much safer if I could map all the murderers in my neighborhood.

    The whole Megan’s Law Database concept is an invasion of privacy for someone who served their time and was released. Either keep them locked up or leave them alone. It’s un-American to require one group of people (granted they’re scum) to register with the local authorities.

  6. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Now that you can get on the “sex offender” list for taking a piss against a tree outside a bar, I’m not surprised that they’re having trouble finding a place to put ‘em all. :roll:

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: medfly. They should be in prison for the rest of their worthless fu*king life. They (pediphiles) give kids a life sentence and so they have earned one too as far as I am concerned. I’ve worked with these unfortunate kids. Most will never recover even to 50% of what was to be their potential in life.
    And what is it with trailer parks? On my local San Diego County area state/county web site for sex offenders, the majority of them live in a local trailer park in my city.
    Megan’s Law is invasion of privacy? WTF? Don’t think so. All should know who the local perv is.
    You’re statement is totally weak.

  8. Mark Tanberg

    medfly X 10
    As this nation slips further and further left things like this that have already been addressed by the founding fathers comments and explanations of the intent of amendments and laws
    that are on the books go unchecked and problems usually dealt with get compounded because working 24-7 the left is dismantling this country and they are making great headway.

  9. John Cunningham

    The trailer park should at least be fined for over crowding. She’s violating the occupancy laws. They leave the place during the day and go to wherever and are unsupervised. That’s not good. They should have reasonable living arrangements so they would be more inclined to stick around where they live. Fair is fair.

  10. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    I wasnt making a joke about pedophiles. personally i think they should all be shot dead on scene. the ridiculousness of this being allowed to take place is what i was talking about. 100 of these pieces of shit being allowed to live in one trailer park is a disaster.

    there was a judge who gave a man found guilty for raping a 10 year old 6 months probation. it was in the northeast somewhere. so the point about things like this becoming more common as the country slips farther left is well said.

  11. medfly

    :arrow: Marc:

    You obviously missed my point. I’m not excusing the offender. I’m questioning their release.

    The databases in CA include everything from an “adult” 18 year old who kisses a “minor” 17 year old to aggravated sexual assault to rape and crimes against children.

    We agree that a child rapist SHOULD be kept behind bars. As for the 18 year old who got snared by some over protective parents and is now “registered” for the rest of his life, the databases are crap.

    Equal protection under the law should apply to everyone, released “sex offenders” included. If you think it’s cool to register one group of people, it won’t be long until YOU will be registered for some crime.

    Maybe you smoke. The way laws are going in this country, soon smoking will get you registered.

    Maybe you own a gun. Certain classes of weapons require registration in CA.

    Got a DUI? That ought to require registration. I don’t like the idea of living around drunk drivers.

    How about anal sex? Ever poke your significant other in the corn hole? How long before that gets you registered?

    Soon after registration, someone comes knocking. The neighbors might come with a petition to have you thrown out for your crime-of-the-day. Or maybe the government thinks you’re not to be trusted with that popgun. It won’t be long until SWAT is knocking down your door to collect it.

    My point is that the United States of America is becoming more like East Germany, where everyone spied on everyone else.

    Marc, they live in trailer parks because that’s what they can afford. I doubt you’d hire a former felon regardless of what the job opening is. As a result, “sex offenders” aren’t raking in six figure salaries.

    They did their time. Either let them get on with their lives, or keep them in jail.

    My point is that if the law wants to give someone a “life sentence” of registering, then legislatures should change the terms and states should pony up and keep them behind bars.

    Privacy = Left Alone.

  12. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    Unit 451? Should become Unit F’451!

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