A-10 Warthog Low Pass, And I Mean LOW

April 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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10 Responses

  1. hegelbot

    i have seen a ton of these now, what is the reason, no doubt cool, but i assume this is more than just toying around?

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Now, THAT’S what I call a “quickie” … :cool:

  3. Bill Smith

    The A-10 is primarily a ground support aircraft, and that is not unusually low for them. And, some of the best hog pilots are female.

  4. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    the pilot really should comb his hair and straighten his O2 mask up before doing a stunt like that. just looks bad on the other “hot-dogs”. also, flight line should really wash the bird more often, greasy fingerprints around the fuel inlet just looks unprofessional.

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    :smile: :beer:

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Bill Smith

    The A-10 is primarily a ground support aircraft, and that is not unusually low for them. And, some of the best hog pilots are female.


    As a female who is “hot” for the A-10 … I can see why.

    And I’m telling ya … that growl is just so … UMM!

  7. Mark Tanberg

    The new A-10c retrofit is a prime example of a fine aircraft revamped and made better at a very low cost. The first time I saw an A-10 was in 1974, they are way old but tough as hell.
    The retrofit program as a whole cost 300 million, less than the cost of 1 f-22 raptor.

  8. talitm

    “the pilot really should comb his hair and straighten his O2 mask up before doing a stunt like that. just looks bad on the other “hot-dogs”. also, flight line should really wash the bird more often, greasy fingerprints around the fuel inlet just looks unprofessional.”

    Phendlin (Death Rattlers) you saw that too?… :beer:

  9. OldflyerBob

    I heard the senior Marine Aviator asked back in the 70s why the USMC did not buy the A10. He responded along the lines of that plane can survive a lot of damage; and it is going to need to. We are not interested in airplanes that need to take a lot of damage.

    It has turned out to be very serviceable in its role.

    As an old Skyraider pilot, I appreciate unglamourous workhorse airplanes that just do their job.

  10. BlueOval8950

    Bob -

    My hats off to an old Sandy pilot! :beer: I personally love that old workhorse (I am staring at on on my computer background) and still think it could do one heck of an impressive job over a battlefield today. My Dad was a Marine in Nam and was very fond of the Skyraider and Puff.

    For the Warthog, I was at an airshow trying to keep a camera on one doing low level manuevers and had one hell of a time, it made me feel good knowing an enemt AA gunner would have the same trouble.

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