Al Qaeda Decapitated In Iraq

April 22nd, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


April 22, 2008: Between mid-March and mid-April, al Qaeda suffered major losses in Iraq. American and Iraqi troops killed or captured 53 al Qaeda leaders. These include men in charge of entire cities (or portions of large cities like Mosul or Baghdad), as well as men in charge of various aspects of terror operations (making bombs, placing them or minding the bombers). Most important, nine of the ten most senior men involved, were captured, and interrogated. This led to locating more al Qaeda staff, and assets. Hundreds of weapons and explosives caches have been discovered this year, as a result of interrogating captured terrorists. The result has been a sharp fall in suicide bomber attacks, and the ones still carried out are against soft targets (civilians), including the recent funeral of two men earlier killed by terrorists. This was part of an al Qaeda campaign to force Sunni Arabs to switch sides again and support terrorism. But these attacks have the opposite effect, causing more hatred for al Qaeda.

All this is good news, meaning it’s not reported. Face, any media outlet that puts out too much good news will go out of business. Bad news brings in the eyeballs and advertising revenue. Stories of desertion and desperation in Basra grab the headlines, while al Qaeda’s travails are relegated to the back pages, if at all.

Kudos to The Strategy Page for this.

It goes nicely with this post from earlier today:

Zawahiri Answers More Reader Questions, Says Al Qaeda Targeting U.S. And Iraq Allies - UPDATED

I love when all the puzzle pieces fit together so nicely….

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4 Responses

  1. WarBicycle

    Let’s hope they execute the bastards when they’re through with them.

  2. AFITgrad86

    All those opposed to waterboarding sit down and shut up …

  3. Sandy

    There should be celebrating in the streets for the successes that are more than under-reported. It is true people only like bad news.

    I know they will get all the info they can from the al-Q top assholes! :gun:

    Lftbhndagn has provided appropriate paper for the occasion! :lol:

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    AQI is down but not out. They manage to get more tards into Iraq via old smuggling routes. It’s up to the IA to cut these f*cks off at the pass. The IA can tell by accent where a stranger is from. They’re good at ID’ng bad guys.
    But the borders are very porous.

    The situation is far better than before the Awakening. It will get even better if the IA finally crush the puppets in JAM.

    Naturally, my hats off to the IA and the efforts of the US military to clean up these oinksters. But the job is not yet done.

    I remain a realist. Maybe 2 to 5 years more and this shit will be done. At least enough for the IA to run their own show.

    At that point, I think that the captured apostates would welcome waterboarding…because the IA would go back to Iraqi justice instead of Western ideas of justice.

    Works for me. :beer: :gun: :gun:

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