Al-Sadr Threatens To End Cease-Fire, But Cancels Million Man March

April 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Ooooh, scary…this guy and his movement is toast. He’s going to be chewed up by the same force that chewed up Al Qaeda. The average Iraqi is fucking “over it”. They’re done with all this gang rule and it’s attendant bloodshed and oppression. Was Spike Lee going to be at the march?

BAGHDAD - Gangster cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is demanding the Iraqi government protect the public from “the booby traps and American militias” or he may formally end the freeze he imposed seven months ago on his Mahdi Army fighters.

The statement was being circulated to the press and public Tuesday as U.S. and Iraqi troops stepped up their pressure on Shiite militiamen in their Baghdad stronghold of Sadr City.

Al-Sadr also wants a timetable for the U.S. to leave Iraq.

Al-Sadr’s cease-fire helped bring down violence but has been under severe strain since fighting broke out last month in Basra and Baghdad.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP’s earlier story is below.

NAJAF, Iraq (AP) — Aides to Muqtada al-Sadr say the anti-American Shiite cleric is calling off a mass rally in Baghdad Wednesday.

Iraqi security forces are blocking al-Sadr’s followers from traveling to the capital from the southern Shiite heartland where he enjoys wide support.

Two aides in al-Sadr’s office in the holy city of Najaf told The Associated Press that the rally had been canceled. They spoke on condition of anonymity pending an official announcement.

Al-Sadr had called for a “million-strong” protest to mark the fifth anniversary of the capture of Baghdad by U.S. troops. It was seen by many observers as a show of force in his confrontation with the government over calls to disband his Mahdi Army militia.

(AP), except for the word “gangster”, which I added. I also took out the words “Anti-American” before the word cleric. The AP describes him thusly as if being Anti-American was the most notable and important thing about him. The most important thing about him is that he is a fucking gangster who is just as anti-Iraq democratically elected government AND law and order.

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7 Responses

  1. Chandler (Typical face for radio Infidel)

    Al-Sadr is a shitbird that thinks he’s big money. He will get fucked just like the rest of ‘em, and Hamas/Hezbollah will quake in their boots at the ass beating that we hand him.

    Bring it bitches :gun: !

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Ha ha ha, Million Man March, more proof that the hajji extremists are the same as the Dems.

  3. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: “Muqtada al-Sadr is demanding … he may formally end … he imposed … his Mahdi Army … Al-Sadr also wants … Al-Sadr’s cease-fire … the anti-American Shiite cleric is calling off … where he enjoys … Al-Sadr had called for … his confrontation …”

    I see a very distinct Napoleon Complex pattern and a disturbing Penis (American) Envy plaguing this man, and the enabling news media.

    Somebody seriously needs to get him some serious help … and soon … seriously.

    And WE should be the ones to get him that serious help … soon … seriously.

  4. Ang

    Sadr is nothing but a lowlife bully! He has no worth and has to control others with fear to make himself feel important. He uses religion as an excuse to justify it and gangs to do the dirty work. I don’t see that pig out actually fighting for the cause he supposedly feels so strongly about. He just wants power. He has no love for his country. If he did he would be working with all involved to come to some compromises and understanding.

  5. DC

    The only “movement” he’s gonna have is the instant bowel evacuation when we light him up! :gun:

  6. Brian H

    Poor Luciano. I doubt he appreciates your misappropriation of his images as a stand-in for Mookie Monster!

  7. Tom

    I hope that this is a joke. The picture is of luciano pavarotti…………………….

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

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