Alicia Keys: Government And Whites Created Gangsta Rap So Blacks Would Kill Each Other

April 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Alicia Keys with gun I forced into her hand

Uhm, I think a good way to achieve the alleged racial harmony they want would be for blacks like Alicia Keys and Michelle Obama, Hussein himself, Al Sharpton, et al, to stop telling white people what trash they are…

NEW YORK (AP) - There’s another side to Alicia Keys: conspiracy theorist. The Grammy-winning singer-songwriter tells Blender magazine: “‘Gangsta rap’ was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. ‘Gangsta rap’ didn’t exist.”

Keys, 27, said she’s read several Black Panther autobiographies and wears a gold AK-47 pendant around her neck “to symbolize strength, power and killing ‘em dead,” according to an interview in the magazine’s May issue, on newsstands Tuesday.

Another of her theories: That the bicoastal feud between slain rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. was fueled “by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing.”

Keys’ AK-47 jewelry came as a surprise to her mother, who is quoted as telling Blender: “She wears what? That doesn’t sound like Alicia.” Keys’ publicist, Theola Borden, said Keys was on vacation and unavailable for comment.

Though she’s known for her romantic tunes, she told Blender that she wants to write more political songs. If black leaders such as the late Black Panther Huey Newton “had the outlets our musicians have today, it’d be global. I have to figure out a way to do it myself,” she said.

The multiplatinum songstress behind the hits “Fallin’” and “No One” most recently had success with her latest CD, “As I Am,” which sold millions


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65 Responses

  1. SOC

    What horseshit. Most of her music is highbrow rap.

  2. RJI

    Strangest single hand shooting position I have witnessed. Why is her left hand clutching her side?

  3. Rhune

    Shes black? ….srsly, is she?

  4. Leatherneck

    This certainly does destroy her beauty.

  5. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Hussein’s Rev. says we’re giving them AIDS …

    Someone else in the “black” community leadership says the government/CIA gave them drugs to kill or imprison blacks …

    Keyes says the BLACK music industry was set up to have blacks gun each other down in the streets …

    Such poor victims they are.

    Yet, nobody wants to listen to the likes of a

    :!: Bill Cosby: “For all the talk of systemic racism and government screw-ups, we [blacks] must look to ourselves and understand our responsibility.”

    :!: Starr Parker: “Far and away the worse toll is taken in the most vulnerable community, the African American community, where black women are three times more likely to have an abortion than their white counterparts. … Black pastors and their congregants are waking up to the fact that the liberal agenda that they have been supporting all these years does not liberate but denigrates, dehumanizes, and enslaves.”

    :!: Thomas Sowell: “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling. … One of the consequences of such notions as “entitlements” is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence. … Elections should be held on April 16th- the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders. … White liberals, instead of comparing what has happened to the black family since the liberal welfare policies of the 1960s were put into practice, compare black families to white families and conclude that the higher rates of broken homes and unwed motherhood among blacks are due to “a legacy of slavery.” But why the large-scale disintegration of the black family should have begun a hundred years after slavery is left unexplained. Whatever the situation of the black family relative to the white family, in the past or the present, it is clear that broken homes were far more common among blacks at the end of the twentieth century than they were in the middle of that century or at the beginning of that century-even though blacks at the beginning of the twentieth century were just one generation out of slavery. The widespread and casual abandonment of their children, and the women who bore them, by black fathers in the ghettos of the late twentieth century was in fact a painfully ironic contrast with what happened in the immediate aftermath of slavery a hundred years earlier, when observers in the South reported desperate efforts of freed blacks to find family members who have been separated from them during the era of slavery. A contemporary journalist reported meeting black men walking along the roads of Virginia and North Carolina, many of whom had walked across the state-looking for their families. Others reported similar strenuous and even desperate efforts of newly freed blacks to find members of their families.”

    :!: :!: And the best by Thomas Sowell: “By projecting a vision of a world in which the problems of blacks are the consequences of the actions of whites, either immediately or in times past, white liberals have provided a blanket excuse for shortcomings and even crimes by blacks. The very possibility of any internal cultural sources of the problems of blacks has been banished from consideration by the fashionable phrase “blaming the victim.”

    CLEARLY someone needs to slip a Black Panther book-jacket on a Thomas Sowell book and hand it to Ms. Keyes …

  6. Arthuraria

    Up until this very moment, as a musician myself, I’ve always had a tremendous amount of respect for Keys and her musical talent. I’ve lost all my respect for her and I will certainly never listen to her music again.

    It’s interesting how we are hearing so much anti-white rhetoric now that Obama has a good chance of being President. This is malicious stuff too. This isn’t just somebody saying that historically, black people have been treated poorly in this country. This is a malicious accusation of supposed ongoing oppression by whites against blacks.

    What does she want to be global? The anti-white movement? Does she want to incite more racial hatred? I thought we were trying to move beyond our checkered past. It has become clear that people like Alicia Keys do not want to live in a world without racism. I think she likes to play the part of the victim. I would like to think that these racial conspiracy theorists like Keys are a small percentage of the black community in this country, but my confidence in that idea is dwindling more and more each time I hear a new prominent figure of the black community come out with these statements that show their true feelings.

    It’s quite depressing, really, because I’ve always held to the theory that each successive generation - continuously further removed from that checkered past - would grow to a point where a person’s race is merely an afterthought. Apparently, I was wrong.

  7. Ivan the Kafir

    Ahhhh….the sweet smell of bullshit. Once again it’s all whitey’s fault! I already hate conspiracy theorists and now I have more reasons. They used to be such a harmless bunch of kooks….now they’re becoming so dangerous. What happened? Must be the guv’ment’s fault!

    As for her shooting position, yes it is rather unusual. Perhaps some Michael Jackson influence in there somewhere? Maybe she’s recovering from an appendectomy. Or maybe she’s reaching for another magazine to slap into her revolver after she’s shot out a few more bullet-proof windows.

  8. TBinSTL (just typical)

    That pic is from “Smokin’ Aces”. I think she was “gut shot” at that point.

  9. bill-tb

    We be getting a good look at the party of the KKK, and it’s not going to be pretty.

  10. PhilNBlanx

    Shut up and shoot!

  11. Sandy

    What a bunch of absolute b.s. Nothing like never taking personal responsibility for ones own life. Always the victim. Meanwhile all the big rap stars are rolling in dough and talkin’ smack all the way to the bank. I am really disappointed with Alicia on this.

    Thank God there are those in the black community that do not buy into that type of thinking and speak out against it.

  12. Kevin M

    :arrow: drillanwr

    Always impressed when I encounter other people who have read Sowell. The man should be mandatory reading throughout the country.

    My favorite has always been The Vision of the Anointed. Whenever I convince a liberal to read it, they never talk to me again. Never.

  13. vncenzo4

    I am in my mid-50s and I have lived with and around this “black thing” all my life. I am neither astounded nor impressed in yet another wave of blaming whites and projecting individual responsibilty as a human being who has dark skin and whose lineage is of the African continent. Nothing will ever change because being considered the same as everyonelse means an end to the moneymaking mill of racism through a sense of expectation brought about by overcorrection of the actual and percieved wrongs of the 1950s and before; the receipt of unearned or undeserved gain as a dividend from a bastion of scale EEO preferences, essentially legally condoned racism.

  14. vncenzo4

    One more key issue: Friends of many years and also acquaintances all of whom are black feel the same way, I am hopeful that we will bring forth a generation who is not focused in selfishness and skin color, but America.

  15. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kevin M

    My favorite has always been The Vision of the Anointed. Whenever I convince a liberal to read it, they never talk to me again. Never.


    Some people find un-nuanced, unadulterated truth hard to swallow … and sometimes choke to death on it.

  16. Mike in Dallas

    Gosh, I never thought of it that way, she is right, I should be ashamed of myself…….aaaahh whatever. She is full of shit. Does that make me a typical white person Mr. Obama?

  17. Tom in CO

    Then can she please explain Eminem? :roll:

  18. serfer62

    They found out!

    How did they find out???

    Damn it stop the leak. They found out about aids, drive by shooting, the education conspirocy, Debolt, printing balloots in english.

    Damn, all our secrets are out!!!!

  19. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: serfer62

    and Valeri Plame/Wilson … don’t forget her. I’m sure an anti-black connection can be made to her “outing” … :roll: :gun:

  20. Mike Mose

    If every their was a time the colored people need to look within itself it is now. The Rev. Wright’s, Jesse Jackson’s, Al Sharpton’s have gutted the black people of any integrity and thought process.

    Blame,blame,blame,blame could it possibly be because of people like Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin using the black people for nothing more than a vote.

    Black people are nothing more than a Slave to the Democrats. If anything the whites have bent over backwards to help. Yet people like Bill Clinton keep playing the race card.

    Destroyed by the people they elect!

  21. Jeanet

    :evil: …..Flushing Keys Down Sewer.

    (First timer ever I won’t yell:”Where are my keys????”.)

    It’s clear to me now that with Hussein pushing to become a candidate the black community hides behind the same words as Muslims do in The Netherlands:
    “It’s not/never our fault, you own us”.

    Another describition: cowards. :gun:

  22. EDinTampa

    Great post there drillanwr… Thomas Sowell “Black Rednecks & White Liberals” was very enlightening for me.

    Liked that book cover change idea, they’d really have an awakening.

    Paraphrasing: Someone suggested here a while back, these racist, biggoted blacks (especially the ones that look white) need to get down off their crosses and get on with their lives and enjoy their successes, stop living in the past!

    Thanks whoever made that comment, I’ve used it in mixed company as well, with friends of course.

  23. Ivan the Kafir

    Speaking of Sowell, there is a group on Facebook for him (which I thought was incredible - I thought it would be up to me to start one). At current, there are some 370+ members and a second group has about 35. This guy does have some currency with people and I think he should be more widely read. In fact, I remember a moderate/conservative sociology professor of mine handing out one of Sowell’s articles for us to read (and he didn’t have a bad thing to say about Sowell!). I have to say that he makes racial equality a palatable notion by making it a two-way street. Blacks have as much responsibility for promoting an anti-racist atmosphere as whites do.

  24. John Cunningham

    “robbing them of their ability to think”. I think this also extends to a lot of young whites and I think stems from schools not teaching history well enough. Young people have no concept of the difference between yesterday and one-hundred fifty years ago. Everything just happened the day before yesterday. The world was manufactured the day they were hatched.

  25. POD1

    If I had to guess,
    I’d say little miss A-K is about to release a new gangsta rap album.
    This is probably the beginning of the pre-release buzz campaign.

    Her entire genre of sterile, pre-packaged, soul-less, clone of a clone of a clone,
    R&B music “product” is detestable at best.

    To sum up:
    FUCK Alicia Keyes.
    FUCK her phony black pantherism.
    FUCK liberalism.
    FUCK socialism.
    FUCK communism.

    Oh, and before I forget,
    FUCK islam.

  26. Randy

    Is this stupid racist for real.

    I’m sorry but where I see it the blacks still think the whites owe them something..

    I never owned any slaves, have black friends and those black friends are so tired of the race card they can puke!

    So Alecia Biaotch Keys and suck a big white dick..She is an ignorant slut

  27. James F.

    For all the people talking about Thomas Sowell. I haven’t heard of him before but now I’m interested, is there any particular one of his books I should read first?

  28. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: James F.
    Thomas Sowell has several books out … You can introduce yourself to him by checking his archived articles over at

    The man has some of THE best “random thoughts” known to mankind …

    Enjoy, James.

    :arrow: Mz. Keys … I’ve ALWAYS been under the belief, “Free your mind, and your ass WILL follow.”

  29. Old Chief

    WOW! I really didn’t think that an intelligent, talented woman could be so ignorant. Where do people come up with this shit? She must not be the only one who feels that way. I wish I knew what government agency was responsible for pulling that off. Tin foil hats for everyone.

  30. tammy

    A little known fact is that Dick van Dyke and Cary Grant, led by Frank Sinatra, developed this scheme. After inventing Rap music over a period of months in the early 1970s, they knew that they needed a national leader to implement the plan, after succeeding in placing Ronald Reagan in the White House in 81, Sinatra and his henchmen succeeded in fully introducing Rap to the black community. the rest is history…. :shock:

  31. tammy

    A little known fact is that Dick van Dyke and Cary Grant, led by Frank Sinatra, developed this scheme. After inventing Rap music over a period of months in the early 1970s, they knew that they needed a national leader to implement the plan, after succeeding in placing “tin ear” Ronald Reagan in the White House, Sinatra and his henchmen succeeded in fully introducing Rap to the black community. And I don’t have to tell you what that meant

  32. vncenzo4

    tammy: Actually this was a vast right wing conspiracy chartered by General and President George Washington. It’s all his fault. He has manipulated the races from the grave, and is responsible to implanting the idea of rap music in ther heads. If it were not for people like Washington, they could have been running around to avoid the passion for genocide of generations of African governments. Or, quite possibly they could be running around mudering white lamd owners and farmers, which incidentally has conveniently escaped the righteous indignation of the typical intellectual, comfortable, leftist, affluent whose hobby is enjoying the kewl clique notoriety of cursing and embarassing the US.

  33. jake

    That bitch is barely black, she could have easily chose to be white, but they never do

  34. Steve in NC

    You mean my tax dollars fed the government to get black gangstas to kill each other? I my not protest the next tax increase if this is how they use it!

    fuck em all and feed em fish heads.

  35. Irish Gal

    Tupac and Biggie, great black leaders, really??? :roll: I think she is the lesbian daughter of Allen Keys. What an oddball he is, so the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I agree, I’m ass tired of all this race crap, but I’m glad that BO is showing his true colors (no pun intended), because for so long, “yes we can”, “hope we can”, ” we are the ones we have been waiting for” blah blah blah… told us nothing.

  36. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Irish Gal
    No :lol: :lol: NOT Allen Keys … :lol: :lol:

    However, NOBODY KNOWS the TROUBLE she’s seen …

    From her Wiki bio:

    [[[ Keys was born in the Manhattan neighborhood of Harlem, in New York City, New York, to Teresa “Terri” Augello, a paralegal and part-time actress, and Craig Cook, a flight attendant.[5] Keys’ mother is of Irish, Scottish,[6] and Italian descent and her father is Jamaican.[7] Keys describes herself as confortable with her biracial heritage : “I grew up in New York, and thank God, I never had to go through that in regards to, ‘You’re not black enough, you’re not white enough,’ the whole kind of white/black-mixture thing. I never had to go through that. I went through prejudices and all, surely. But I never had to battle with those two parts of me.”[8]
    Keys’ parents separated during her early childhood, and she was subsequently raised by her mother during her formative years in Hell’s Kitchen, also in Manhattan. … Keys almost chose Wilde as her stage name at age sixteen until her manager suggested the name Keys after a dream he had. Keys felt that name represented her both as a performer and person … Keys graduated from the Professional Performing Arts School, a prestigious high school in Manhattan, as valedictorian at the age of sixteen in only three years. Although accepted to Columbia University, she decided to drop out and pursue her musical career. …]]]

  37. Irish Gal

    drillanwr: I stand corrected. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  38. James F.

    :arrow: drillanwr

    Cheers :beer:

  39. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Hey Alicia Keys: STFU you black racist-bigot a-hole. Not many women are a-holes but you are. :mad: :beer:

  40. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Hey Alicia Keys: STFU you black racist-bigot a-hole. Not many women are a-holes but you are. :mad: :beer:
    And as reported , A. Keys claims she read something. Really? You can read? I never heard of you until right now, you ignorant slut. Seems as if you are doing really well here in the USA, winning some singing award thing and no doubt reaping the benefits from the clueless who buy your product. So to you, Ms. Keys again, STFU, you piss me off. Don’t like the U.S.? Then get on a fu*king plane, pick the country of your choice, emmigrate there, stay there. Do not come back, a-hole. :mad: :beer:

  41. GinUp

    One Lesson From This: Talent at something is an indicator of one thing, and one thing only: talent at something. Anything else, like brains or character, should not be assumed.

  42. danielle


    And I seriously liked her.

  43. HardLuck

    you bet…
    Me an’ Karl Rove came up with sickle cell and AIDs in my basement,
    just to keep the black man down.

  44. Doc16

    I’d like to fuck her, and then spit on her.

  45. Vehement

    These motherfuckers are giving the gov’t far too much credit…

  46. Kevin M

    :arrow: James F.

    Re Thomas Sowell: Check out The Vision of the Anointed. You will never read a better researched and level-headed explanation of the utter insanity behind the welfare state (among numerous other issues).

    The title is derived from the belief/practice of “feel good” politics. It is a study of how governments and politicians embark on artificially manifested crusades to rid society of problems it does not have…and ends up making real.

    Sowell is no airhead media-whore pundit. Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk aren’t fit to carry Sowell’s shoes across the room. The man is in a class by himself.

  47. luke37

    dumb cunt :gun:

  48. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Kevin M

    Sowell is no airhead media-whore pundit. Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk aren’t fit to carry Sowell’s shoes across the room. The man is in a class by himself.


    Perhaps, (in my opinion), a little strong … but I get where you’re going. Yes, you cannot put Sowell in the group of others you named. To be [fair] I have actually heard Coulter and Limbaugh (and my local conservative radio guy) reference Sowell on several occasions.

    However, you are correct. The three listed are in a group quickly discounted FOR their media images, whereas Sowell cannot be discounted. He is a conservative and realistic intellectual.

  49. Kevin M

    :arrow: drillanwr

    Point taken. I didn’t mean to suggest, by association or proximity, that Bill O, Ann and Rush were “media-whores.”

    My intent was only to suggest that, even though numerous people are famous for touting the conservative flag, they are primarily celebrities, and Sowell is no celebrity. He is the real deal.

    I do sometimes get carried away with my zeal.

  50. LadyAngler

    Why is it that many mullato people privately act as “typical whitey” yet publicly they want to be seen as African-American? Can anyone help me on this?

  51. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Kevin M

    I drink in and “buzz” from your (and other’s) zeal! :beer:

  52. James F.

    :arrow: Kevin M.


  53. Mark F

    People like Keys, Kanye West and Ice-T can get away with saying crap like that because of all the self loathing wanna-bes that bye their records. Nothing succeeds like success so why should they stop?

  54. Mark Tanberg

    Thats a lot of press and attention for a Know nothing, ignorant, opportunistic, mocha\black, NOUVEAU RICHE, showoff.

  55. John Cunningham

    Mark F, they flatter themselves thinking that the government spends even one second giving a fuck what these mental defectives have to say or think about anything. With west’s “logic” his mother’s plastic surgeon doesn’t like black women and ice-t’s hostile in your face attitude makes him a one dimensional character, the hostile, raging negro. We must have dialogue and become as one, yea right. Coming together begat keys and BO. How many more do we need?

  56. Goodbye Natalie

    Sister Souljah comes alive! Kill all the white people!

    I am so happy for Alicia, whoever she is. She glorifies a bunch of dead old men whose lives are well documented as being miserable failures with their only claim to fame as being lying rabble rousers.

    Hatemongering may be cute and sassy for the moment Alicia but in the end, you always end up in the dumper. Well deserved, I might add.

  57. steve m

    Dumbass bitch..should join the choir in Rev Wrights church of the lady of perpetual “Whitey be keepin me down” movement

  58. alexjensentx

    uh oh boys, I think she’s on to us :lol:

  59. mindy abraham

    our gov’t is not organized enough to do that, and I do not think it wants to. i’m not racist, but come on. people like her make people racist, by turing them off black people, while ignoring some potential leaders in their midst. That is why i liked bill cosby’s speech. :smile:

  60. Midnight Rider

    you mean because im white im evil? :shock: now what the hell am i supposed to do on the weekends?? :lol: haha this is proof that celebrities are trying to use political “agendas” to get their fans to buy more of thier crap so they get more money and become “another great black leader”. goddamn i can only take so much ignorance a day. :beer: :gun:

  61. Keisha

    U all need to get off her back. Just reading most of these comments I see how racist some of you really are but you’re still too afraid to call her a “nigger” or something blantly racist like that. So U chose to call her a bitch and slut and acting as if America was built on peace and love. She has a right to her opinion and if she think that the government produced “gangsta rap” so we (blacks) can kill each other then let her think so. I personally know that what you feed into your soul you eventually become so that type of music did (does) encourage violence. Now rap (to me) just encourages ignorance.

  62. dime after dime

    she just got really ugly.

  63. Rik

    Late to the discussion as usual. Yeah. She’s beautiful, talented, and freakin, plum-loco!
    Such a shame to be so insane. There is lots of vitriolic remarks about her, but she deserves no better. I would hope white people would stop buying her music……take a chunk outa’ her “bank”.

  64. TPL

    This is truly sad. I have always really liked Keys’ music, and the lady like way in which she carried herself. If these rumors of what she said are not true, then she better hurry up and explain what she really stated. Otherwise, I’ve lost all respect for her, just as I did for Kanye when he decided to screw up a Katrina Relief effort in spite of himself. This entire Obama race has done NOTHING but re-ignite smoldering flames, as opposed to doing what he claims is “healing”. You CANNOT change peoples views on race, or any other deeply embedded issue. You CAN enforce laws, civil rights, and equality, but you CANNOT force someones views to change in regards to the subject of racial relations.

    People will eventually change their views once they work with, hang out with, and come into contact with those hardworking, respectable, and decent individuals they previously despised. This comes about naturally through the act of integration, which is a process that has progressed tremendously since the 1950’s and 1960’s. YES, we do still have some racial intolerance, and issues in regards to such, but these problems must be attacked and fixed as they arise. If we see a racist white cop running down black people with their car, such as what recently occurred in South Carolina, we go after the offender, and punish them for violating ones civil rights. If we see a group of black teens randomly attacking only white people, we go after them for violations of civil rights. We CANNOT however go after general ideas, as in doing so the enforcement of actual civil rights violations would become an impossibility.

    I’ve never known a Black American that harbors such views as what we are recently seeing through Obama, his pastor, and now Alicia Keys. I know MANY black Ministers, and none of them ever preach hatred or racial division. They preach God’s gospel, and equality. I also know many a Black American who may wonder at times if they are treated differently due to race, yet they NEVER use it as an excuse. They work hard, study, and conduct themselves in an extraordinarily magnificent manner. I ALSO know MANY blacks who wish to do away with Affirmative Action, and other such related laws, as they want to be acknowledged for their hard work, without having people stare at them and wonder if they simply rode a free-ticket to success.

    It seems that White Liberals have some “White Guilt”, and try too hard to act as if they are “Down with the Brothers and Sisters”. I have even seen a liberal white artist where I live selling shirts and coffee mugs that say “I love Black People, I love Brown People, and I Love Yellow People”. Wth kind of garbage is that?! Not to mention that anyone wearing that garbage most definitely knows none of the aforementioned, for if they did they would get laughed at, and ridiculed beyond belief. All of my friends are from Africa (Sierra Leone, Ghana, Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Somalia), Asia (The Philippines, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South Korea, Japan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Vietnam), Latin America (El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia), Europe (Finland, Germany, Ireland, England, former Yugoslavia), the Caribbean (Bahamas, Trinidad, Puerto Rico, Dominican Repub.), etc. YET I don’t walk around as if they are some kind of armband for my “Racial Tolerance”. To push forth the fact so hard, such as what many White Liberals seem to do now-a-days, is to actually hint at a closet racist mindset. Typically the more one attempts to distance themself from an act, the more guilty they are of actually committing it.

  65. Meghan

    This is completly taken out of context, another story of what someone has said being heavily edited.

    It’s not the government which encourage this behaviour though, it’s advertisers. Who do you think is in charge of portraying rap artists in a particular way? It’s the white, middle class, male they’ve done it and still doing it to the female form, in order to control her, and this is their way of controlling Black people.

    I think the best thing Alicia and other black artists can do is to symbolise Positive Black pride in their lyrics, no one is political anymore.


    I really do hate 50 cent, he’s crap. He just glamourises guns, violence, sexual violence etc. The Game, on the other hand, (ok not agreeing with everything he’s done). But actually talks about his struggle, real life and says its nothing to be idolized.

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