“Allah Loves Us To Die And Kill In His Path”

April 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

That ain’t God, that’s the Devil, Satan that loves death and murder, moron.

Explanation that came with video is below, apparently it was one of the airplane bomber conspirers:

Raw video:Allah “loves us to die and kill in his path” says a man who is accused of plotting to blow up passenger jets as part of an al Qaeda plot.

The martyrdom video was shown to jurors in the United Kingdom today in the conspiracy trial of eight alleged plotters who hoped to use liquid explosives to blow up airplanes in the summer of 2006.

The 19-minute video features 29-year-old Umar Islam speaking in English with a British accent as he praises Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar. A shorter four-minute version was released to the public by British authorities, while jurors watched the full-length video.

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12 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    One of the names for Allah is “the great deceiver” So any psychoid Islamist that makes the claim that Allah wants them to kill in his name aren’t worshipping the God that I do.

    My God died for me. Their god wants them to die for him.
    BTW the great deceiver is none other than The Lord Of The Flies himself: Lucifer, aka Baal, aka Beliel, aka Satan…and now aka Allah the anti-God.

    Allah is not the greatest. He thought he was…that’s why he is damned for all eternity.

    Rant on Islamniac piglets. Your future is certain (and very hot). :mrgreen:

  2. ssgduke54

    How Hitler is smiling as the 4th Islamic Reich has risen from the gates of hell. This video clip is showing what will happen when all good people deny their is EVIL in the world. Your choice! Stop them now or fight later in World War III?!!

  3. Old Chief

    If they truly believe in God, why do they think that he would use the stupidest mothers in the whole world to do his biding. I think god is capable of doing his own work.

  4. Jimmyb

    yeah there’s a bright bulb….. you can tell he’s so edjumacated and stuff…… hey swing on my cock motherfucker cause your gonna be swinging from something else soon….. oh wait no, that’s right their in Europe…… :roll:

  5. John Cunningham

    We’ll leave when all the oil is extracted from the sand pile your wagging your finger at us from. The superior negro lecturing. Which reminds me. Notice the finger wagging gesture of Michele Obama? Watch, if BO wins that will progress to the finger up and thumb out and she’ll also be doing the bobble head.

  6. Max

    Methinks the religion of peace speaks with forked tongue, Kimosabe…

  7. WP0861

    Bring it you fucking piece of shit…I swear I will rip your bleeding head off and shit down your neck then wipe my ass with your Koran.

  8. Kevin M

    One of the things I detest about the “hug everybody” crowd is when they say “we all pray to the same God.”

    I heard a Southern Baptist minister give a brimstone lecture on Islam. He said “The God of Abraham is not the God of the Muslims!” Clearly, he was right.

    Muslims do not misinterpret their god. Allah is not even remotely connected to the God we know.

    This video is accurate. Allah DOES love it when Muslims murder people. And that is the best commercial for Islam you can make. If you love murder and harbor a sick, twisted heart, Islam is definitely for you.

  9. John Goodrow


    When will people wake the fuck up?

    I just don’t get it.

  10. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Hey United Kingdom; believe what this towel-headed bed sheeter is saying. Take heed of it. He means it and is not kidding.
    Wake the FU England.
    How many times do we need to warn you? :gun:

  11. Leatherneck

    “Allah Loves Us To Die…”

    I love it (when you die) a lot more than Allah does.

  12. Sandy

    There are so many video’s on LL and YT that show all we need to know about their plans. I don’t know what it will take for people to take this war seriously. Too many think we can just walk away and everything will be fine. It won’t. All these types make it clear as day.

    Yes, Allah loves for them to die and our Armed Forces can help accomodate them. Have at it.

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