And When The Fight Begins Some Of Us May Be On Our Own
“Christendom might quite reasonably have been alarmed if it had not been attacked. But as a matter of history it had been attacked. The Crusader would have been quite justified in suspecting the Moslem even if the Moslem had merely been a new stranger; but as a matter of history he was already an old enemy. The critic of the Crusade talks as if it had sought out some inoffensive tribe or temple in the interior of Thibet, which was never discovered until it was invaded. They seem entirely to forget that long before the Crusaders had dreamed of riding to Jerusalem, the Moslems had almost ridden into Paris.” -
G.K. Chesterton, The Meaning of the Crusade, 1920
Why SHOULD I say anymore?
A British citizen who converted to Christianity from Islam and then complained to police when locals threatened to burn his house down was told by officers to “stop being a crusader”, according to a new report.
Nissar Hussein, 43, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, who was born and raised in Britain, converted from Islam to Christianity with his wife, Qubra, in 1996. The report says that he was subjected to a number of attacks and, after being told that his house would be burnt down if he did not repent and return to Islam, reported the threat to the police. It says he was told that such threats were rarely carried out and the police officer told him to “stop being a crusader and move to another place”. A few days later the unoccupied house next door was set on fire.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a British human rights organisation whose president is the former Cabinet minister Jonathan Aitken, is calling on the UN and the international community to take action against nations and communities that punish apostasy.
Its report, No Place to Call Home, claims that apostates from Islam are subject to “gross and wideranging human rights abuses”. It adds that in countries such as Britain, with large Muslim populations in a Westernised culture, the demand to maintain a Muslim identity is intense. “When identities are precarious, their enforcement will take an aggressive form.”
i would say about damn time someone said it but looks like it was said nearly 90 years ago, as a history buff i am so sick of anti-western interpretations of the crusades, people seem to forget that nearly all of the land that Muslims have conquered since their rise in the 7th century was once Christian Roman land from Baghdad to Morocco, from Jerusalem to Constantinople, and frankly i wouldn’t mind if we take it all back, but i may take the next 1400 years.
April 28th, 2008 at 2:55 pmIt’s a short article, but has that ’shove ya on the shoulder for attention’ quality to it …
The complacency and appeasement of the Western World today is paving the roads for the “Islamo Fascist” Muslims to advance to our door steps and our necks.
April 28th, 2008 at 3:03 pmWhen you read the true history of Islam,the Koran,Hadith,Sira and other texts,all available on the internet, you are forced to realize reality. DO IT !
April 28th, 2008 at 3:21 pmOh GREAT! Let’s take it to the UN! They have such a wonderful track record of showing up AFTER the Genocide to denounce the “atrocities of whoever did such actions”…
April 28th, 2008 at 3:28 pmSCredneck
The U.N. …
The world’s placebo.
April 28th, 2008 at 3:33 pmI have already picked up arms to fight for my country, but I would just as easily pick up arms to fight for the cross….especially if another egregious offense like the invasion of the Church of the Nazarene in 2002 occurs again. I’m saddened that Christian countries didn’t outrightly condemn that offense to our culture and religion.
April 28th, 2008 at 4:38 pmIslam’s operated like this from the beginning, it’s one of their “rules”.
Check it out here:
link is still good, videos ten min. long
April 28th, 2008 at 5:13 pmHere’s a plan, after reading the post about the honor killing of the young Iraqi girl with a crush on the Brit soldier I thought if only we could make a safe haven for the women and girls who want out of that sickness, if you could take away the ability to reproduce by saving the women out of there, it would be over in 1 generation.
April 29th, 2008 at 12:17 amI bet theres more than 1 female over there that dreams someone would do exactly that.