AP: Race Counts Against Hussein In Pennsylvania

April 22nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Remember, it’s racism when white people do it, it’s “identity politics” when black people do it.

The Swamp:

The Associated Press reports that race appears to have worked against Obama in some parts of Pennsylvania. According to exit polls, the AP says:

“About one in five voters said the race of the candidates was among the top factors in their vote. About as many said that about the candidates’ gender. White voters who said race was a factor supported Clinton over Obama by 3-to-1, while whites who said race wasn’t a factor divided between Clinton and Obama more evenly. But race and gender played out as factors in very different ways, with Obama’s race apparently a negative for him among white voters, while Clinton’s gender was a positive factor for her among men and women who said it contributed to their votes. Those who said gender was a factor actually tended to favor Clinton, while those who said gender wasn’t a factor tended to favor Obama.”

AP also tackles the “bitter” question:

“Remember those rural Pennsylvanians who Obama called bitter? Well, rural Pennsylvanians, who are overwhelmingly white, favored Clinton over Obama by similar margins to suburban voters, while Obama won among urban Democrats. But while more rural Democrats thought Clinton was in touch them than Obama, the majority still felt Obama was on their wavelength.”

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4 Responses

  1. Mike in CA

    Well, I guess the gun loving, church going, backwoods folk don’t like being talked down to.
    Never underestimate the voting public. People are a lot smarter than most democrats think. We can handle our own money and if we could get them to listen, they would cut these useless programs and vote themselves a pay cut. Ahh, in a perfect world. :beer:

  2. Reagan T.

    So I guess he lost because he’s black? Holy shit quit making fucking excuses for him, AP. Its the “content of his character” that lost him Pennsylvania not his fucking skin pigment. Dammit I’m so pissed

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    The race factor with this is a complete non story because its a figment of some peoples imagination.

    Obama lost because Pennsylvanians didnt like some guy telling them they are bitter. and those who are religious certainly didnt appreciate anyone saying they ‘cling’ to religion because of circumstances. or are bitter. dont even get me started on the ‘clinging’ to guns aspect of this.

  4. Irish Gal

    Well, when 90% to 95% of African Americans vote for Obama, they are the ones making it about race….

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