April 1, 2008

April 1st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Yesterday’s “Deep Thoughts”

6:40 A.M.

Hussein’s close adivsor, James Meeks: Via Ace of Spuds:

“Obama is going to face some tough questions about this guy and it will resuscitate the media’s flagging interest in Rev. Wright since now we have a pattern. Meeks’ sermons are just as stunning as Wright’s and are also available on CD, which makes me think we’ll be seeing more arm-flapping goodness in the near future. (BTW, is it common for churches to sell recorded services?)”

6:41 A.M.

Today is the site’s last day. April Fool’s.

7:29 A.M.

Well, we had Hichens on Coulter yesterday, we may as well have him on another blonde today…

8:06 A.M.

Three days ago:

A simulated emergency turns into a real one at Butler Community College in El Dorado. Police were practicing what to do during a school shooting.

It happened as crews were finishing the first part of the exercise and a Rose Hill officer picked up a tube containing some type of explosive.

The explosive went off in the officer’s hand.

Police have identified the officer as Patrick Firebaugh.

Paramedics took him to a nearby hospital to be checked out.

8:20 A.M.

McCain put out two new ads yesterday, just two days after the one I last ran.

9:40 A.M.

Newsbusters, exposing a little scandal, has something to say about yours truly and some of my colleagues…

10:47 P.M.

Been out taking care of business for about last 8 hours, been awake for the last 24. Goodnight.


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21 Responses

  1. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    Yeah there is a definitely a pattern and I think this Meeks guy is worse than Wright, with a shorter recorded track record as of yet. but there will be more im sure.

    And yeah Pat its normal for churches to sell recorded services. lots of them do it. the bigger mega-churches do at least. John Hagee, Rod Parsley etc. evangelical churches. most use the money just as if you were giving to the sunday collection though.
    not to buy ex pastors 10 million dollar mansions like wright got

  2. Laura (are Jews white?)

    Please tell me that Obama is unelectable if he wins the democratic nomination???? Please tell me most Americans don’t hate themselves so much that they’ll vote for this vile stuff??? I’m starting to worry a lot about my neighbours to the south!! No April fooling!

  3. Steve in NC

    Laura, should I vote for hillary in the NC primary? In all seriousness if McCain loses, I would rather have her than hussein. If the media is nearly fair and does expose the hussein to the masses I would think he can’t be elected but in a way the hussein aura reminds me of the time this country elected a naive peanut farmer to lead the free world.

  4. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    So in conclusion to the video. was the officer good to go or what? his fingers seemed to be intact at least. horrifying to watch.

    :arrow: obama vs Hillary

    are the American people really dumb enough to vote either of these 2 into office? i hope to hell not. my gut tells me there is no chance in hell and McCain will win in a landslide just because he appeals to a large portion of the people and the other 2 only appeal to die-hard brainwashed idealogues. I would rather have Hillary if it was one of those 2 but thats only a last chance opinion with me. the thought still makes me sick.
    moral of the story, lets keep pushing the truth about them and try our best to get McCain into office.

  5. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    wow someone on youtube just called me illiterate. he didnt like my views on McCain and said i am a disgrace to the educational system. also didnt understand what the word ‘illiterate’ meant which was the funny part. he is voting for hillary and actually told me to put on my tin foil hat because i mentioned how McCain has learned his lesson from the immigration debate. had the letters THC in his screen name which is a weed reference, go figure.

    I just thought it was funny and decided to share this story.

  6. Molly

    He’s the typical liberal moron Kurt. They cut you down when you don’t have the same values and beliefs as you do.

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    :arrow: 7:29 am:

    Both the dhimmis are pathological liars. Commies’ll choose a lie over the truth every time. It’s their nature.

    Much like the pedophile-worshippers, actually.

    :arrow: 8:06 am:

    Was that a flashbang?

  8. LftBhndAgn

    Pat - Regarding -9:40 A.M.

    Newsbusters, exposing a little scandal, has something to say about yours truly and some of my colleagues…

    I have been questioning the MSM “Sources” credentials in Iraq since the start of the war. No one has been listening until now. Its amazing when you point out WHO the MSM is attaining so called “Inside Information” from, you can see how the propaganda machine for the enemy works…Its just that easy.

    The difference between a journalist and a GREAT journalist:
    TO be a journalist, you need to know how to write. To be a GREAT journalist, you need to be a great detective.

  9. SCredneck

    Don’t ever get between a liberal and their “cause”. Remember, they are the “victims”, And you’re the evil conservative bastard that won’t give them what they want…
    Free this and free that. And like a big baby, if you don’t give it to them, they throw a tantrum! He sucks his kool-aid through a straw! :mrgreen:

  10. Molly

    This is the kind of crazy Muslim shit that Geert Wilders was talking about.


  11. Kurt(Typical white infidel)


    you got that right! i just thought it was hilarious that he would try and personally attack me after he realized he had no argument against me. thats what they always do though :beer:

  12. A. S. Wise- VA

    Interestingly enough, my father graduated from EHS 10 years after McCain.

    You really see the contrast in character between McCain and the enemy.

  13. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    teh gyu hu say u illiterate tipe lik dis?

    Dear God, reading some of those comments makes me want to shoot their teachers. And their parents. And them, for that matter. Some people are too stupid to be allowed to breed.

  14. MarineSgt

    I think Bob Knight said it best, and it could definitely apply to all the MSM “journalists” out there:

    “All of us learn to write in second grade. Most of us go on to better things.”

  15. voice of reason

    Old Chicago news story showing Video of Obama and Jeremiah Wright together signing books. The news guy describes Wright as Obama’s father figure.


  16. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: MarineSgt

    I think Bob Knight said it best, and it could definitely apply to all the MSM “journalists” out there:

    “All of us learn to write in second grade. Most of us go on to better things.”



  17. NY_Nick

    Back in ‘38 & ‘39 Hitler was just somebody’s “Wacky Uncle” too. Good ‘ole Uncle Adolf…, he don’t mean nuthin, he juss bees tha way.

  18. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    John SIDNEY McCain… hmmmmmmm…. Purpose and when did McCains middle name start being used in ads?

    Maybe now, we can with out guilt, use Barack (Yo Mama) Obamas middle name.. Heheeee. :lol: :lol: :beer: :gun:

  19. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yep, even the smaller churches record their sermons. The money goes for expensive outreach programs that use satelight and other technologies to reach the third world. It’s the reason so many muj are leaving Islam…and they can hear and see the Gospel in their own languages.

    Occassionaly, you have the tards like Benny Hinn who uses those monies to buy expensive cars; or a Joyce Meyer, who bought herself a 20,000.00 marble throne…er I mean toilet with donor monies.

    Paula White, Creflo Dollar, and a few others have been diverting contributor funds to personal accounts for a long time and are being audited by the Feds.

    The other side of the coin are the Stanleys, the Grahams, and the David Jeremiahs; who don’t practice the fine arts of Elmer Gantryism.

    The wolves in sheeps clothing are legion. Like Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. My sheep hear my voice and follow me.” Discernment is key. Wisdom is the way.

    Editorial over. Now back to our regular broadcast. :mrgreen:

    Nice kudos from Newsbusters link. And like, who but a retard trusts the MSM anymore?

  20. JonnyMordant

    Is Jessica Simpson doing a remake of Private Benjamin?

  21. tanicacid

    I’m glad that wasn’t this sites last day…the April Fool jolt. I hate April Fools Day from the same day in 1968 when I heard our Commander in Chief puked out on us. Nothing new in history I found out where Kings and such leave their troops in a shit hole while they bug out. Hope that’s not the case again if a Dem gets elected.

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