April 15, 2008

April 15th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Earlier Deep Thoughts

1:29 A.M.


I know everyone’s been waiting for the YA update that I’ve been mysteriously quiet about. I’ve been quiet about it for legal and good faith reasons, but as several prominent filmmakers in Hollywood have informed me of some shady shit, my silence is on the verge of exploding in a very open and shocking fashion. I need answers, and I need them quick, or there is going to be blood in the streets, and more importantly a press war at the highest levels. I’m not going to keep up my end of the bargain if others are not going to keep up theirs. In the meantime, Iraqslogger has run an earlier review.

Stay tuned for the gunslinging and updates. Fraud. Look it up. And someone has been handing out some shit to people with big mouths who are ratting on the supplier who is breaking the law. Good news, some big filmmakers are telling me some amazing things about the episodes. I’m here to shake the fucking world, and I’m going to do it.

Either way, it’s coming out fast, as this time which has seemed “quiet” to you has been about razor sharpening the policy perspective of this piece for the Presidential election, plain and simple. What did not happen with this piece for the mid-terms, is definitely going to happen for the Presidential elections. Like I said, God has his plans always, and I’m just a shlub laboring along to do what I can.

2:06 A.M.

Just received this typical weak-ass attack email. I get ‘em all day long from the Kos Kid trolls. The reason I put this one up is not that it is in any way special, but because it is mundanely typical andf demonstrates a typical tactic of most people who attack/criticize, etc. in their posts and emails. They all claim to actually be Audy Murphy, some kind of genuine service member who has seen the shit. Because they are both ashamed of their cowardice in that they WOULD NEVER have the balls to face combat ( what’s in it for them? ), and that if the truth were known that they were just some chickenshit dweeb with no military connection writing from their mom’s basement or $350 a month apartment, then their attacks would lack strength and resonance.
This guy implies he is MUCH, MUCH more than that, cos he describes himself as “An American Hero”, leaving open a very wide door to speculate/assume that he is a military member. But I don’t ever feel like I’m being written to by a creepy loser when I get mail from real military people, even those who have certain disagreements with me:

“american hero wrote:
You are probably the most stupid american i have ever seen i hope they fry your
ass in eufrates. Mother FUcker”

2:46 A.M.

I strongly suggest you don’t miss this.

3:31 A.M.

By the way, anybody notice how Colmes seems absolutely terrified of Rove every time he interviews him? I’ve never seen the guy so deferenttial and careful - he interviews Rove like a bomb squad guy trying to carefully make sue he picks the right wire to cut so the bomb doesn’t blow up in his face.

4:19 A.M.

George Bush is going to personally pick up the Pope at the airport, which is completely unprecedented.

5:18 A.M.

One more time:

5:36 A.M.

AP News Alert

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI says the Catholic Church will work to ensure pedophiles don’t become priests

6:03 A.M.

6:18 A.M.

Carter solemnly lays wreath at terrorist mass murderers grave.

1:19 P.M.

Got the ball rolling on taking care of the YA issue…out for lot of morning because of…

Rev. Wright: Jefferson pedophile and rapist.

2:35 P.M.

Love a good motorbike killing.

3:12 P.M.

D.C. Madame found guilty.

3:17 P.M.

The guy’s unraveling and under siege from all sides, and the U.S. is doing all it can to keep Maliki from going nuclear on him, and he issued a laughable and meaningless demand to have his supporters returned to the Army, which everyone knows isn’t going to happen However, that’s a good news narrative that Time magazine isn’t interested in. Instead, they unabashedly lick his ass in a fantasy piece. The unabashed gall of these people is breathtaking.

4:25 P.M.

Heading out for some business, be checking back in shortly.

7:32 P.M.

Just got back in, man have I learned some weird shit regarding YA. Have to finish investigating a couple of things, will be back at y’all about it asap.

9:17 P.M.

Arab Writer: Arabs Have Stolen The Jews’ History

9:26 P.M.

“American gun owners have for years understood the elitist concept of special privileges for the few, the same few who look down their nose at the people who respect basic American traditions like flying the flag, going to church, owning a gun and believing in the Bill of Rights. Obama’s statement is a crack in the door that gives all of us a peek as to how the ‘special’ people look at the rest of us. Americans can read that code.”

- Wayne LaPierre, Executive Director of the National Rifle Association

10:13 P.M.


10:57 P.M.

The Reconciliation Files:

Major Sunni Bloc Returns To Iraqi Government -Baghdad, Apr 15, (VOI) - The official spokesman for the Iraqi government Ali al-Dabagh said on Tuesday that the Iraqi Accordance Front (IAF) agreed this evening to return to the government under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

“The Sunni parliamentary bloc agreed to return to the government and presented its candidates’ names to al-Maliki to select those who will be appointed as ministers in the government,” Ali al-Dabagh said in exclusive statements to Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq – (VOI).

IAF withdrew its five ministers from the current government under Premier Nouri al-Maliki in Aug 2007, but it still has 44 seats out of the 275-seat Parliament.

11:10 P.M.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - A cigarette store cashier has snuffed out a robbery. Police said a masked man flashed a knife at the Cigarette Outlet on Friday and forced one employee to the floor, then demanded money from another worker, Ruth Wright.

Instead of cash, Wright threw two cans of chewing tobacco at the robber, and one hit him in the face.

Officers said a customer then tackled the man, but the robber broke free and bolted out the door.

A cashier, Kittie Peacock, said the store had been robbed at least once before.

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41 Responses

  1. Snooper

    :arrow: HEY! NEED SOME HELP?? :gun:

  2. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: Snooper

    Maybe. But I’m a gunslinger surrounded by gunslingers. And I can only be pushed so far.

  3. KBar

    :arrow: Pat,

    I don’t (personally) know of anyone in the military, currently serving or not; whether they saw combat or not, that would refer to themselves as “American Hero”. I think your read of this emailer is dead-on. I’m guessing this guy hates his life, hates his job filling thermometers, hates his “lifestyle” choice, and probably hates his country. Most self-loathing types do.

    It is fun watching the reptile faced Colmes fidget when CR is on. I’ve seen him do that with Col. North too.

  4. Steve in NC

    Pat, didn’t they neuter the ending of Blackhawk Down that Ridley Scott wanted to use? Because it was going to slam the klinton administration?
    The Scott brothers still playing?

    Your a danger to the h’wood establishment if they don’t own your ass like so many others in that field. I like it. Go fuck ‘em up.

    Godspeed to you sir, finish this mission with glory.

  5. Swanny


    Let us know if we can help, I’m sure you realize that you’ve got any army behind you, even in the subtle passive-aggressive hollywood chickenshit kinda sorta way, think of the massive spam potential or of invading their favorite AA meetings, fuck up their yoga sessions, etc….

  6. tanicacid

    Pat, I know you will triumph over the treachery involved in getting your YA flick on the air and I trust your patience while keeping your mouth shut where you need to vent. I always keep in mind the Marine mascot during such times, the little bulldog, who never lets go of the bulls nose ring until he behaves.

    Also, that nasty email from American Hero brings to mind the analogy of: if you’re getting flak, you know you’re on target. And I thought I was the king of typos, this guy fits your profile to the T. Also, here’s a link to some perp that claimed he was a Marine and has 50 hours of sandwichboard punishment coming up for claiming he was a Marine, something American Hero might think about if that’s what his game is. http://www.helenair.com/articles/2008/04/10/state/85st_080410_sandwich.txt

  7. Jeanet

    Quote from Pat Dollard at April 15th 2008.
    “Like I said, God has his plans always, and I’m just a shlub laboring along to do what I can.”

    Yesterday, I commented the following words:
    “He (my dad) left me :shock: -ed. And, even after going over things time and again, I still don’t have clue what made him say this. (Not to mention the way and the tone of his voice he said it in.)

    Only one (clue): there is so much between heaven and earth that don’t need no explanation, just needs to get acknowledged for happening. With me, finally accepting that I’m part of a bigger Plan ’cause too much happened “by coincidence” recently, it can’t be “coincidental” anymore.”

    I thought I was having another “Larry” (minus the :beer: , but the good thing is, I haven’t seen any purple little elephants since two weeks. So, things are improving :mrgreen: .)
    But then LftBhndAgn commented:” You got that too huh? Yeah, me to.”
    In case he was just fooling around, I took his words serious. (I’m a legal blonde, remember.)

    Then, Erik Marsh jumped in at me and LftBhndAgn, commenting:
    “My own dad has called me more in the past 3 months than he has in the prev. 5 years and even more than before I deployed to Iraq or right after 9/11. My hippy friends have started asking me to teach them how to shoot and what weapons would be good.

    Ya, that clock just seems to keep tickin’ faster and faster.”

    I’m taking him serious as well.

    I don’t need to elaborate about what I’m thinking these days anymore. Furthermore, I’m not alone with my thoughts and opinion anymore. Those who come to Dollard-nation make a choice between two opportunities; get the hell out of here, meaning they just don’t belong here (poor suckers, must be tough living without any brain cells).
    Or, keep coming back and get informed about a lot that hardly can get found elsewhere. (Or, biased so much there’s not a crunch of truth in it anymore.)

    I’ll walk to the cemetery now, paying tribute and my respect to the British crew buried there after been shot down in 1944 near my village. I do that every time I need to contemplate about serious things. It makes my head clear, things get focused better without all the other unnecessary rif-raf that seems to get forced down out throats in order to keep us away from the real important issues. ( I call it brian-washing; give men bread and play so they won’t have time nor the urge to criticize the system. Too late for me I “woke up” some years ago and it feels damn good too.)

    I’m a too much down-to-earth person to get into the alu-head and conspiracy-theory scheme. But I need to thinks things over, especially after what Pat has been writing here today in “Deep Thoughts”.

    There must be a reason why I found YA on the web, no coincidence.
    Was last Wednesday-evening/night with that Cpl., especially considering his story, a coincidence?
    Was my dad’s remark from last Sunday a coincidence?
    Me, being through with talking and having the urge to DO something? No coincidence.
    Certain people coming into my life, e.g. a Sgt.Maj. who’s right now in the middle of what’s going on in Iraq.
    Why I ended up as a volunteer at a base. Especially with a Regiment that is still regarded as “infamous” as a result of the same big media-scheme and biased MSM-crap US-soldiers are witnessing right now. (Am already pretty sure about that since some years. Not an ounce of coincidence here!!!!. This was “planned” by the Powers above.) Not to mention the big role Clinton has played in this as I’ve explained some months ago and considering the pre-elections.

    I’ll keep a close eye on YA for the rest of the day.

    Someone who describes himself as a hero is a respectless SOB who needs his tongue get cut out and his fingers amputated so he’ll never be able to speak or write such blasphemy ever again. Such a selfish and arrogant mind is a disgrace to those who I consider to be the real heroes.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: 2:06

    Dude sounded like a douche to me. American Hero would never be a name chosen by one of our troops. Military men never see themselves as heroes. they just serve with a bunch of other heroes. thats the way it works

    :arrow: alan colmes being scared of Rove

    I can explain that one. Rove has been the lefts boogeyman for so many years now, they have him built up to be the epitome of what they think an “evil conservative” is. the mastermind behind the scenes, the architect.
    they are truly scared to death of him. i love it

  9. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Jeanet
    I thought I was having another “Larry” (minus the , but the good thing is, I haven’t seen any purple little elephants since two weeks. So, things are improving .)
    But then LftBhndAgn commented:” You got that too huh? Yeah, me to.”
    In case he was just fooling around, I took his words serious. (I’m a legal blonde, remember.)


    First off, I can assure you I take my faith very seriously. When someone such as yourself makes that sort of statement, I smile when I read it because I know for a fact that I am not alone in seeing how ” it can’t be “coincidental” anymore.” I have to tell you also, I am a woman.
    I have to say, the coincidences that have happened to me, that have happened the the past 10 years would make your hair stand on end. The coincidences in my life that continue, have pointed me to only one conclusion. God represents everything that is good, good will ALWAYS triumph over evil and it was written what His final plan is. Not you or I or anyone can change His plan. The battle lines have been drawn, the sides have been picked and it was done before you and I existed. You can not change Gods will. When we dwell on it, we only cause ourselves more suffering. God only knows the day, hour and second in which he will pull the plug. The only thing we can do is ensure that WE understand that our time here is so short, a drop in the bucket per se. The time you spend in eternity, well, speaks for itself.
    NO - I am NOT some holy roller. No - I am not on medication. I recently started to attend church again this past Palm Sunday. I hadn’t been to church in 6 years. I do however love God and know in my heart, we don’t have much time left to understand how important it is to save ourselves. Not for this world but for the next. God’s plan for me? The coincidences that can’t be “coincidental” anymore”? I feel its Gods way of saying, Don’t be afraid, I’m here.

  10. Typical White Texas Mom

    Pat - I did not serve. Wish I had - too late now. I have family though who serve or served. Friday, I attended my father-in-law’s funeral at Fort Hood who served in WWII and Korea. It was such a beautiful service. My father-in-law was a great man - a gentle giant - An American Hero. I was so honored to be in the presense of the Army representives who performed the ceremony.

    Having said that, in attendance also was my fuck-wad brother-in-law who volunteered for Vietnam, sat behind a desk, and has bitched about it ever since. When we are together, which is rare, we don’t speak as it turned into too many yelling matches in the past. In the summer of 2003, he told me that my opinion of this war had no value since I had not served. In that same conversation, one of his TWO young adult sons told me that “3,000 people died on 9/11, so what - people die every day” - that son is now in free-ride graduate school paid for in full by his parents . . . I don’t speak with him either. On the otherhand, he has another son who dropped out of college and joined the army. He was stationed for a long while at Fort Hood and we really got to know him well. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law practically disowned him. He is treated as an outsider - the lesser of the two sons. That soldier, my nephew, is more of man than his father ever was and his brother ever will be . . . His grandfather is proud of him in Heaven right now.

    I tell you this story to say that most of those who served or serve are American Heroes - but unfortunately not all.

  11. Jeanet

    First off, I can assure you I take my faith very seriously. When someone such as yourself makes that sort of statement, I smile when I read it because I know for a fact that I am not alone in seeing how ” it can’t be “coincidental” anymore.” I have to tell you also, I am a woman.
    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    My apologies for:
    - thinking you were a “he”.
    - having any doubt (even if it only was for a second) about the comment you made.

    As a matter of fact, your comment directed me into “the right way”. Without you knowing it, your words and those of Erik Marsh gave me the foundation to go towards that direction.

    Yes, you are right, there is not much time left to understand certain things. And as you could read, I’m working at it with all the power left in me.

    Bless you for finding your way back to church again. As far as I’m concerned you are not a holy roller. I admire your strength, wishing I had some of it. (I can’t step into a church anymore without bursting into tears.)

    Furthermore, my walk to the cemetery was uplifting. More clues and more answers as for the coincidences that can’t be coincidental anymore.

    As for the “shady shit” Pat is getting confronted with, another nod to you. Evil will never win. Sometimes I feel like a lot of Dollardians gather here to strengthen themselves for a battle too:
    The battle against lies.
    The “shady shit” Pat is confronted with right now is not about “shit”, it’s about a lot of so far prominent and extremely self-indulged movie-makers, actors and politicians who are having sleepless nights, getting aware that their false pretences are about to blow up like big balloons “meeting” a sharp needle. (The needle being YA-The documentary) A big BOOM will be the result and I’ve been convinced since the first time I visited this site that this documentary will have a big impact in many, yes many ways. A giant wake-up call that will result in important changes of views on many subjects.

    On the subject of me being on medication sometimes:
    I don’t like it, but sometimes I don’t have any other choice. I like to joke around about it, just because I refuse to make the situation more negative as it already is. (Remember, laughing is the best medication, it has healing qualities.)

    In those darkest hours I can deal with the situation by reminding all the pain (physical and mental) those brave service-men and women submit themselves to, without any force and out of their own free will, only to defend our freedom.

    Believe me, it’s a humbling experience for it makes me strong and brave enough to concur those hours that are even darker.
    (That being also one of the many reasons why I hold the honour of service-men and women so high that I can completely “black-out” the at that moment raining pain and every other discomfort, only to rush to some one, for example that young Clp. Last Wednesday, that was in dire need. And no one will ever hear what price I have to pay the days afterwards. Just because that doesn’t matter, what matters is a soul in distress that calls out for help.)

    Please, accept my cyber-hug from across the ocean.

  12. steve m

    “God has his plans always”..keep the faith!! “If He is for us, who can be against us?” keep on keepin’ on. You have a whole lot of folks with you on this!!

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn
    Spot on… My life was on a fast track to hell some years ago. God “put a hurtin’ on me” and got my attention. He only disciplines the ones He loves…you gotta prune the vine to get fruit. Read C.S.Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” and a light went on. Got a Bible, read it,.. study it. I suggest anyone first read the Book of John, then get into the rest of the New Testament…Romans is great for the laying out the entire meaning of being Christian…

    I got in with a great bunch of folks who, like me, came to the same realization about where we all ought to be heading. Found a great “Bible preachin’ Bible believin’” Church. Fanatastic Pastor…Religion is man made, and is mans attempt to reach up to God. Christ is Gods way of reaching man. Religion is just that, religion. Christianity is all about a relationship w/Christ.

    There is something so much more to this existence then simply gettin’ what you want when you want and occassionally throwing a few bucks in the Salvation Army kettle or collection plate. This life is in preparation for the next. As you said, this one is short in comparison to eternity, “but a vapor”…The choices you make impact the present as well as the future. The biggest is to accept His sacrifice for us, realize what He did for our sakes, what He did BECAUSE of what we are…This life ain’t perfect, we ain’t perfect, there will never be true “peace” here. What matters is when we do falter, stumble, or get knocked on our butts, what direction do we go in when we get back up…

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  13. Jeanet

    “In that same conversation, one of his TWO young adult sons told me that “3,000 people died on 9/11, so what - people die every day” - that son is now in free-ride graduate school paid for in full by his parents . . .”

    “My brother-in-law and sister-in-law practically disowned him. He is treated as an outsider - the lesser of the two sons.”.
    :arrow: Typical White Texas Mom
    Ad. a:
    Poor kid. Any chance he will wake up one day and do a “rewind” from the damage been done to him?

    Ad. b:
    Lucky man to have a great aunt like you. I hope you’ll go on giving him the love, support and understanding he lacks from his….ehm…. parents and brother.

    On the loss of your father-in-law;
    My condolence on his loss. Heaven became an even more beautifull place then it already was. May he rest in peace.

  14. Egfrow

    Forgive me for saying but I find it odd that you are discouraged from publicly discussing any details at your own project. I also think you may be dealing with people who embrace you as a friend because you are an idealogical threat to powerful friends of theirs in Hollywood.

    This may be a way to silence and slow you down while their ‘friends’ fund counter projects to attack or discredit your very own film work. If they keep telling you there is no money, be weary, It’s bullshit. There’s lot’s of money just not for your ideology of patriotism.

  15. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I think it’s time for a New Hollywood …

    Yeah, I’m one of the first in line to slam and bash the entertainment industry … But I do enjoy a good product.

    However, in recent years the product has been less than shit … and “Hollywood” is an idustry that doesn’t give a damn about their falling profits and reputation.

    You have MANY out there like Pat who have a hell of a lot to offer in really GOOD entertainment [product] … but it doesn’t fit Hollywood’s agenda or ideology … so they can’t get published, or read, or projects funded.

    In that much mentioned Beck/Voight interview about Hollywood, mention was made that Marcus Latrell’s “Lone Survivor” IS being made into a movie … I hold my breath and hope and pray it is done correctly.

  16. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Jeanet

    Yes, you are right, there is not much time left to understand certain things. And as you could read, I’m working at it with all the power left in me.

    That power you have, will get stronger day after day. Don’t try to take on everything at once. You cant. Do one thing. When your satasfied, do another and so on.

    I admire your strength, wishing I had some of it. (I can’t step into a church anymore without bursting into tears.)

    You already have the same strength as I do. You just have to realize you have it. :wink:

    As far as crying in Church? So do I. I try to hide it and I can’t at times. Every time I go, it is always something that is mentioned in the Gospel or the readings, or the Homily, week after week that God hits me in a way I can not deney. My tears I refer to as just the ice melting off my heart. Its a very humbling feeling and one that makes me feel closer to God then I have ever been. If he is calling you to go back to, go. Don’t ever let anyone or anything stand in your way.

    God Bless you Jeanet. And of course that hug was felt and I hope you felt the one I sent to.

  17. Jeanet

    Commented by steve m:
    He only disciplines the ones He loves…
    Commented by LftBhndAgn:
    My tears I refer to as just the ice melting off my heart.
    Written by Pat in “Deep thoughts”, earlier today:
    Like I said, God has his plans always, and I’m just a shlub laboring along to do what I can.
    Commented by tanicacid:
    Pat, I know you will triumph over the treachery involved in getting your YA flick on the air.
    Commented by Steve in NC:
    Godspeed to you sir, finish this mission with glory.

    While doing some “copy and paste” to make this comment, a woman’s voice sings in perfect accapella on my tv;
    “Sweet hour of prayer”.

    The coincidences that can’t be “coincidental” anymore…..

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn:
    Can still feel your hug.

    :arrow: Dan (The Infidel):
    Thank you! (You know why :wink: )

  18. Vanessa

    Hey Pat my son and his buddies would certainly be happy to kick ass on your email admirer there except they are in Iraq protecting and serving and making us proud!

    Your fan club creeps are the unfortunate leeches of free speech if they were living in a dictatorship I have no doubt they are the types that would be in power or dishing out the pain suffering and death with glee. In a free republic they are those that are trying to destroy it.

  19. Unbreakable

    I keep waiting to hear this rattlesnake story. I think it’s turning into more of a fish story. Maybe next you’ll tell us about how a little bluegill you caught was actually a world record bass. Or the time you went hunting and the little spike buck you shot mysteriously turned into an 8 point monster. Next thing you know, you’ll be claiming to be some kind of journalist who’s been to Iraq shooting a movie… :lol:

  20. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)


    Michael Yon’s new book

    “Moment of Truth in Iraq: How a New ‘Greatest Generation’ of American Soldiers is Turning Defeat and Disaster into Victory and Hope” (Hardcover)

    Is now out and climbing the charts at amazon … Currently #13 and on the rise …

    Wonder how it’ll fare on the NYTimes list?


  21. Vanessa

    drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Michael Yon’s new book

    “Moment of Truth in Iraq: How a New ‘Greatest Generation’ of American Soldiers is Turning Defeat and Disaster into Victory and Hope” (Hardcover)

    Is now out and climbing the charts at amazon … Currently #13 and on the rise …

    I already recieved the book and have sent it to my son in Iraq per his request.

  22. mike

    Keep up the good work Pat! Hollywood is the biggest seditious den of inequity in the country, maybe the world. Viacom especially. This is the franchise of CBS News, MTV, as well as Showtime. Sumner Redstone and George Soros probably give each other haircuts. Their antiAmerican Antitroop bullshit is going to backfire, and take them out at their knees. Love you keeping the powder dry for the election. Those leftist elitists won’t be able to say shit, even while choking down a mouthfull of it. Might is nice, but right always wins.

  23. Evestay

    ooo thanks for the michael yon book link, it is up to #8 now =) -> http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/

  24. Sandy

    @drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I think it’s time for a New Hollywood …

    I think Pat is the man to bust out and lead the New Hollywood! I figured there were some problems. Whatever it is - does not sound good.


    “I’m here to shake the fucking world, and I’m going to do it.”

    I have absolute faith that you will. :cool:

    To everything there is a season,

    a time for every purpose under the sun.
    A time to be born and a time to die;
    a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
    a time to kill and a time to heal …
    a time to weep and a time to laugh;
    a time to mourn and a time to dance …
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;
    a time to lose and a time to seek;
    a time to rend and a time to sew;
    a time to keep silent and a time to speak;
    a time to love and a time to hate;
    a time for war and a time for peace.

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

    Looks like it might be time for a media war on some of the shady bastards in Hollywood. :twisted: :gun:

    We are all still here, still proud, and will always be behind the truth and the men and women who serve selflessly everyday.

    Keep hangin’ tough Pat!

  25. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: 10:13 P.M.

    Attention, skank …

    Gently place baby down.



  26. mike3481

    9:26 P.M.

    “American gun owners have for years understood the elitist concept of special privileges for the few, the same few who look down their nose at the people who respect basic American traditions like flying the flag, going to church, owning a gun and believing in the Bill of Rights. Obama’s statement is a crack in the door that gives all of us a peek as to how the ‘special’ people look at the rest of us. Americans can read that code.”

    - Wayne LaPierre, Executive Director of the National Rifle Association

    mike3481 :arrow: :gun::beer:

    drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: 10:13 P.M. …I’ll add :arrow: “Child protective Services and S.W.A.T. are in route to this location Code-3″ :shock: :lol:

  27. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: mike3481


    Baby: “No, seriously, Dad … Yo! Dad, look at me … Where the hell is Mom? Huh? I’m hungry, man … and I AIN’T even goin’ THERE …”

  28. mike3481

    drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Great caption, LOL :lol:

  29. Jeanet

    :razz: ,

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Pa-at…
    Happy birtday to you.

    Three kisses and a cyber-bear-hug from me.

  30. Sandy

    Happy Birthday Pat!

    I hope you take some time out today for yourself. :beer:

  31. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Pat

    Happy Birthday, Baby!!

    Nuttin’ but L-O-V-E for ya, Mr. Mannnnnn!

    XOXO :gun: :gun:

  32. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Happy Birthday, Pat. :cool:



    Baby: “No, seriously, Dad … Yo! Dad, look at me … Where the hell is Mom? Huh? I’m hungry, man … and I AIN’T even goin’ THERE …”


    Damnit, I’m still sick. I nearly collapsed a lung, I was laughing so hard. :lol:

    Forget condoms. I’d wear a hazmat suit just being in the same room as Amy Crackhouse.

  33. Molly

    Happy Birthday Pat :beer: :beer: :beer:

  34. A. S. Wise- VA

    Happy Birthday, Pat!

  35. steve m

    Happy Happy

    God Bless

  36. tanicacid

    Pat has to triumph over the evil forces that lay in Hollywood, just because YA is something GOOD. I like to believe in such things but I know full well how long Good takes to triumph in the courts, and the emotional energy needed to see it through. That’s where I imagine Pat as the lil Marine bulldog biting Holloywood by the nose ring and not letting go until something good happens. Just hope it doesn’t take him another birthday before that happens.

    Texas Mom,
    Yep, every family has a relative or two that pisses you off and of course are quick with the political adjetives and name calling so typical of persons that have no logic ammo for a civil debate. For a couple of those who’ve died, after the ceremony I came back to play “orange and blue” on the bagpipes with a lil dance on their graves. You might try some air guitar on yours if nothing else. In a small town, other visitors in the cemetary get word back to the relatives and when they ask if it was a furter honer to them, I get to blast them with a HELL NO!, glad the assholes dead and I’m here to celebrate. Then they know I’ll do the same for them. :-) Got one that died yesterday in AZ but can’t afford to head down there right now as I have a daughters wedding coming up. Cash for the living won out over a feel-good-she’s-dead gig.

  37. Iacobus

    Some people saying absolute shit about you and/or your work to discredit you, Pat? That wouldn’t surprise me.

    And to the guy who calls himself “american hero” that emailed Pat: Go fuck yourself. Seriously.

  38. LftBhndAgn

    Happy Birthday Pat! :beer:

    Blow out the candles and make a wish!
    God Bless.

  39. Reagan T.

    I hope Pat is doing exactly what he wants to do… sleeping.

  40. SCredneck

    Happy birthday to you,
    you belong in a zoo,
    you look like a monkeeeey…
    aaaand you smell like one tooooo!!! :mrgreen:

    Happy bday dude

  41. Steve in NC

    Pat, yes it’s not original, but I recite this to anyone on their birthday, esp if they are getting old….

    So you run and you run to catch up with the sun
    but it’s sinking
    Racing around to come up behind you again.
    The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older,
    Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

    Happy Birthday :beer:

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