April 7, 2008

April 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Weekend’s “Deep Thoughts”

5:17 A.M.

“We will destroy Iran”

And of course, for that Monday morning cheer, Teens Who Hate America are everywhere.

5:27 A.M.

“The can kick the Americans, they can’t kick the Iraninas, they’re afraid of them…”

5:53 A.M.

Major Dem campaign to “define and tar” McCain fizzles…Dem bigwigs very unhappy…

7:52 A.M.

New McCain essay “Don’t Abandon Iraq”.

7:54 A.M.

France sends troops in pirate standoff..

7:59 A.M.

Still waiting…

8:02 A.M.

And he’s also demanding Hussein apologize for the warmonger charge….as Novak attacks Hussein on guns…

8:13 A.M.

Judge declares strip club pole tax unconstitutional.

9:33 A.M.

Unlawfully killed through reckless actions.

9:39 A.M.

10:07 A.M.

11:07 A.M.

In case you missed it, you really don’t want to miss it. “Collect Call From History”

11:23 A.M.

From The News Junkie:

I don’t get it. What’s MTV’s point here? Are they insinuating that at any moment in any given U.S. city, you could face the wrath of secret police? Are they guessing that we will soon be forced into concentration camps run by George Bush? Each video ends with the phrase ‘the Holocaust happened to people like us’ and the scenes fade to black. It’s more than just a little bit offensive that they have used Nazi overtones to prove whatever bizarre point they are trying to make. To me, the message to teens here is ‘be afraid, be very afraid.’ Unless, of course, Obama wins. In that case, ignore these commercials and watch the next episode of The Hills.

11:49 A.M.

1:38 P.M.

1:41 P.M.

Gone, but not forgotten.

2:28 P.M.


2:33 P.M.

British election posters from 100 years ago. Campaign of 1909.



2:40 P.M.

On U.S. Army vet Charlton Heston: “Some people make headlines, while others make history.”

2:49 P.M.

Hillary’s complete statement on her proposed Olympics Boycott:

Statement by Hillary Clinton on Olympics

The violent clashes in Tibet and the failure of the Chinese government to use its full leverage with Sudan to stop the genocide in Darfur are opportunities for Presidential leadership. These events underscore why I believe the Bush administration has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China. At this time, and in light of recent events, I believe President Bush should not plan on attending the opening ceremonies in Beijing, absent major changes by the Chinese government.

I encourage the Chinese to take advantage of this moment as an opportunity to live up to universal human aspirations of respect for human rights and unity, ideals that the Olympic games have come to represent.

Americans will stand strong in support of freedom of religious and political expression and human rights. Americans will also stand strong and root for the success of American athletes who have worked hard and earned the right to compete in the Olympic Games of 2008.

3:58 P.M.

“Animals are stuck in time”

4:10 P.M.

Hunting? Oh, you mean that stuff where three people got hurt after drinking?

4:55 P.M.

5:06 P.M.

CNN’s Amanpour Equates US with Khmer Rouge - yes, really.

5:24 P.M.

After this weekend’s deadly mortar attacks, all Blackwater personnel have been ordered to wear flak and kevlar at all times when not in a building.

6:32 P.M.

President George W. Bush is a foul-mouthed, reformed drunk obsessed with baseball, Saddam Hussein and a conflicted relationship with his dad.

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32 Responses

  1. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: 5:17 A.M.

    What a beautiful candle in the window.

    God protect him, and bless them!

    :arrow: My Deep Thoughts as I wake up this Monday a.m. for a new week:

    As General Petraeus and Ryan Crocker prepare to hold their collective noses and enter the Star Chamber that is the Senate for their report (and cross-examination) I can’t help but think:

    “Progressives” always seem to never

    1) make any ‘progress’ or

    2) recognize the ‘progress’ of others

    It must fucking kill them to look up from their stack of mindless papers and see the chest of the General nearly completely covered with all those pretty colored ribbons and shiny medals … and those blinding stars nailed atop his two very broad and strong shoulders … the same shoulders he carries the weight of the shitty world on … and STILL is able to stand tall and walk proudly.

    It MUST kill them that HIS relevance in this country, and the world as a whole, FAR outweighs theirs.

    It MUST kill them that in his lifetime he has accomplished more than any of them could ever even hope to begin to dream of or envy.

    Just keep shitting all over our General and our troops …

    That’s all the “progress” you “Progressives” Congressmen/Senators can accomplish.

  2. Old Chief

    It is time for National service. It is really time for some Drill sergeant to kick some of those kids in the ass so hard they will taste shoe polish. What the hell is going on on the left coast? Do the protesters really believe in all of the crap they protest, or is it just an excuse to party. Thank god I live in the south.

  3. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    :arrow: 5:17

    I hope everyone double clicked on that video. the tribute video and sees the disgusting comments left by someone. now thats a guy who is just begging for an ass whoopin! I watched that video yesterday and saw them. turns out the guy goes around to all marine videos and talks shit. would think a 40 year old man would have better things to do.

    enough of that rant.

    try to put a colorful spin on the 5:27am video Franchie. Sarkozy is cool. the rest can pretty much kiss my ass

  4. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    You know what, Kurt … fuck`em.

    If America goes down, they go down. And silently I think they do know that and it just chews their ass(es) raw.

    I’ve been blasted over the years for insisting we go over and dig up our war dead buried over there and bring them home. I stick by that thought.

    They cannot stand the fact that the only two REAL wars we have had on our own soil were to free ourselves of [them], and to forge ourselves together with ‘the blood of opposing brothers’ as ONE nation. Our two other “big” wars were to save their asses on their own continent!

    I know there are those Europeans who don’t hate us, and not only remember our country’s sacrifices for them but teach their new generations that fact, however I can’t help but wait with great anticipation the moment I can savor when the [wolf] stops pissing on their door step and foundation … and pounces on them to tear at their throats. Eurabia is NOT just some abstract concept.

    Almighty God help them when that happens … because we’re just a bit too busy right now to come running to save their asses again while trying not to slip and slide on the rivers of spit they’ve spewed in our direction.

    So, again … Fuck `em.

  5. Molly

    Fucking stupid Dems, they will never learn.

    The Mayor of Paris has cancelled the rest of the Olympic torch relay because of Tibetan protests. I thought the French where going to boycott the games BECAUSE of the ongoing violence between the Chinese and Tibetans. So it begs the question, why whould they allow the relay in the first place?

  6. Kurt(Typical white infidel)


    I couldnt agree more. They want to sit back and pretend they dont need us then screw em’ all. then when that inevitable day comes around that they do need us we should pretend we cant hear them.

    Its funny how alot of Europeans like to pretend that America is the reincarnation of the nazi empire while the true reincarnation sits at their doorstep planning and plotting their demise.

    treating your friend like shit while inviting your enemy over for tea doesnt make much sense.

  7. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: 2:00p.m. on a beautiful NE Ohio spring day and I walked past my kitchen TV to see FNC covering three protesters climbing the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to hang a Tibet flag … One has what appears to be a “suitcase”.

    So much for Homeland Security …

  8. James "Jihad this" Hooker

    I’m looking for the words to describe my reaction to the mtv videos, and I haven’t a single one. Is it STILL April Fools Day?

    Fuck me runnin’

  9. Steve in NC

    michigan state… not suprised, you know it is fall in Lansing MI when the smell of burning sofas fill the air

    I read the print on this yesterday and there were several quotes on the students saying the police showed restraint. There were students running around calling for tear gas to be ‘part of something big’.

  10. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: The MTV video

    Alright … Put me on the back of that ‘what the fuck’ truck …

    Although … I did have a sudden shivver… a “chill of Tim Robbins’ ill wind” flash-back to a certain little semi-orphaned Cuban boy being torn from the “arms” of his extended family burning to death in Waco, Tex—- er, no … Oh yeah! Was in Little Havana, Fla. and lead away by armed men sent by the United States’ Administration/government … shoved on a plane and flown back to Castro in Cuba … Let’s see … that was sometime in the 1990s … hmmmm. Gads I wish I was better at naming the Presidents …

    Why the hell don’t these neo-yuppie corporate dolts just get back to playing dumb fucking music set to dumb fucking scripted videos?

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    What the hell is it with state universities and burning couches?

    (THE) Ohio, Arkon and Kent, and I think even Youngstown State does it …

    Is it a ‘tribal’ thang or somesuch? :shock:

  11. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    what could MTV be implying other than we live in a facist country headed for similar things the jews experienced? must be part of the vast right wing conspiracy.
    im lost. MTV should get blasted hard for these ads.

  12. Steve in NC

    It’s Michigan State, they are always burning something.

  13. JimmyB

    Pat how was the hunting? :cool:

    Anyway, thank you for putting up those MTV adds, I saw those on at 5 in the morning one time when I was surfing by and was like wait….. what? I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I couldn’t stand that they only played it at 4-5 in the morning when practically nobody would be watching :roll: They really do need to be taken to the mat for those adds because their so sensational and just stupid, I hate it when people think they just ” got one over ” on all of us and ” got the message out ”


  14. larry

    mtv can lick my balls :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  15. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Really … REALLY baaaad move, Fox News!!! :evil: :gun:

    In the immortal words of Chuck Heston, “Damn them! Damn them all to Hell!”

    John Gibson, I’ll now be listening online to your radio show 6pm-9pm … :beer: :beer:


    Soylent Green is … people …

  16. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: 1:38 P.M.

    If Liberals all stood for peace, why do they have such violent means of trying to attain it?

    :arrow: 11:49 A.M.
    More Liberal “Peace”

    :arrow: 9:39 A.M.
    More “Socialism” for Peace..

    Who are these “Protesters” really?

    And then I have to jump to this…

    William C. (”Bill”) Ayers -

    Now why is it, that someone who “Preaches” peace but yet blows up government agency’s is hailed as a hero to the liberals in this country? When did actions such as these become “Peaceful” means to bring about change to a society?

    When did it become OK and easier for people like Ayers, Ward Churchill and MANY others to be able to TEACH OUR CHILDREN then it is to apply for and attain a government / civil position such as Police Officer, TSA screener and Fireman? All of which require extensive psychological background / criminal background investigations….

    Do you really know the people that are teaching our children?

    If liberals stood for “Peace” why do they hate so much?

    If a child of 13 or 14 used a gun in a violent crime, they scream for tighter gun laws and do not want the child tried as an adult, because after all, they are only children. But when a 13 or 14 year old gets pregnant, what makes that child an adult to make their own decisions in regards to abortion and birth control?

  17. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: 2:49 P.M.

    Hillary’s complete statement on her proposed Olympics Boycott:

    Statement by Hillary Clinton on Olympics


    You know how in the old “Peanuts/Charlie Brown” cartoons you never heard the “adults” talk …

    It was always:

    “Wa-wawa-wawa-wa-waaaaa …”

  18. Kerry

    The lack of awareness about the ideological underpinnings of Nazism, or Communism and Fascism for that matter, of post-War generations, particularly here in the US of A, should give pause to all those who believe a complete education can be had in our schools. This is manifestly evident in the tripe that mtv is attempting to pass off on its viewers. For generations of people who think that motion pictures and television programs offer anything approaching a thorough analysis of historical events, such mtv short-clips might seem profound and insightful. They are neither. For generations of people who have never known true, long-lasting deprivation, who have never had to wait in line for a loaf of bread, who have never been truly marginalized, who have never watched their kin being beaten to death at the hands of their neighbors because of some edict handed down by a king or czar every five or ten years or so that sanctions, with a wink and a nudge, such behavior, who have never experienced what happens to a society when an entire segment of its population is expelled from its borders for practicing something like the lending of money or because their profession of faith is markedly different from that of the majority, who have never had to keep their opinions to themselves while talking to a friend on the telephone for fear of someone “listening” for incorrect speech, who have never made an accusation against some other kid’s family in the classroom only to see the next day that that kid doesn’t show up for school and he and his family are never seen or heard from again, these kinds of dramatic little clips come across as, wow, deep shit. In reality, they’re bullshit. The Holocaust did not come about through events over a ten or even twenty year period. The thinking and patterns of behavior that resulted in the Holocaust developed over centuries in Europe. Indeed, it is not incorrect to surmise that such disgusting and inhumane treatment of people could not have come about on such a scale without widespread cultural acceptance. Such acceptance does not occur in the short span of a decade, nor by the persuasive speeches of a handful of people who happen to hold the reins of power. The thoughts and impulses are already present in the population when the speeches to incite begin in earnest. Beliefs, patterns of thinking, ignorance, unexamined biases, all of these and so much more are part and parcel of events such as the European Holocaust, and other similar annihilations that have occurred across the globe. Of course, it didn’t help the populations that have been decimated that they were largely unarmed. I have never believed that an event as ghastly as the European Holocaust could never happen here. I do think such events can happen anywhere, under the “right” circumstances. But there is no question in my mind that if there really are more than 200 million fire arms in the possession of American citizens from one end of the country to the other, well, the probability kind of drops off exponentially. Yes, you don’t have to imagine too hard that there are people among us who wouldn’t think twice about rounding up entire neighborhoods and towns because they’re afraid or hateful or you name the neuroses. Read the headlines and between the lines on any day of the week and you’ll have your examples. They’ve got their work cut out for them, though. That’s just my lousy two cents.

  19. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Christiane Amanpour = War Whore

    This woman would NOT be where she is in the “journalistic universe” if it weren’t for war(s).

    I used to have [respect] for her … Until I got past the “dashing female reporter ducking bullets in a war zone” fantasy I was living vicariously through her … and actually started LISTENING to what she was saying.

    I am convinced that if she could be around to [report] it afterward, she would strap on a bomb and blow herself up in a crowded Israeli pizza shop.

  20. Jimmyb

    “Hunting? Oh, you mean that stuff where three people got hurt after drinking?”

    Oh… Ya’ll had an “ATF sponsored” hunting trip huh? :lol:

    Firearms …….. in just about that order also :mrgreen:

  21. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Kerry

    Great post and very true..

  22. LftBhndAgn

    My installment of:

    Brush With Assholes 4/7/2008

    Grocery Shopping:

    As I’m walking into the grocery store this afternoon I notice 4 men standing outside with clipboards and literature. As I get closer I see they are all wearing blue t-shirts with GREENPEACE splashed across them. :roll:
    I laughed. I knew with past experiences they stand out side grocery store and to all that don’t want to hear them, they pick out an item in view in their cart and scream (fill in the blank)__________ hurts the environment.
    I hurried with my basket and my 1 year old into the story, avoiding eye contact with them at all cost. LOL
    BUT, upon leaving, it was inevitable. One came to me and asked me if he could talk to me about the environment. I said in a calm clear voice, I am not interested and continued to walk away. He got in front of my cart and preceded to say again “But it will only take a few minutes”. I said “I’m NOT interested”. Moved my basket in another direction started to walk away. With that, the kid screams to me at the top of his voice, “Disposable Diapers Are Destroying The Environment”. I continued to walk away looking back saying to him, “I don’t care. Everything does.”
    He walked away. LOL
    I thought about it on my ride home..
    If the textile industry was brought back to the US and created jobs for US citizens, I probably would..
    If disposable diapers ruin the environment, how much damage would be done to it (in All Gore time) using cloth diapers and having to wash & dry them every day? How much global warming would that cause? :lol:

    Would I have to buy carbon credits for every time my kid pooped?
    And then it dawned on me!!

    If Liberals are so concerned about this, how about THEY STOP BREADING?? If they did, our environment would be so much better off! :beer:

  23. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: Kerry
    Well reasoned and thoughtful. Pretty well written as well but dude paragraph breaks are your friend! I’m afraid that too many will skip reading it because a single, eye straining, block of text like that is intimidating.

    :arrow: all
    If you skipped reading Kerry’s post, go back and read it in little chunks if need be.

  24. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Personally, I prefer my enviro-wackos breaded. Usually a spicy crumb type. Batter dipping them just holds in all the patchouli oil that should be cooked out. :mrgreen:

  25. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    I would have had to look him in the eye and calmly state, “Look, Comrade Fuehrer, I’m trying my damnedest to wreck the environment before I die in order to justify your miniscule existence on this planet and make it relevant to your oxygen consumption, but I’m only one person …” and then walked away.

    But that’s just me, LBA … I yap at opposition campaigners before and after coming out of the voting polls … :twisted:

  26. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: TBinSTL (just typical)
    LMFAO - My last post shoud have said Breeding.

    I prefer mine BBQ’d. Using lots of charcoal starter and
    a hot coal base from burning old tires. :lol:

  27. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: drillanwr (typical white female)

    I could have had a GREAT exchange with him but having one of my children with me extinguished the situation.

  28. Ang


    Well said. thank you for your two cents worth although I feel it is of great more value.

  29. LftBhndAgn

    My good night message to all—

    Remember when we were kids and our parents told us:

    “Just because you seen it on television, doesn’t make it real!”?

    Pass it on! Its sill true…

  30. A. S. Wise- VA

    Ah, Home Alone, a movie that brings fond memories from my childhood.

    I hope to have a Tommy Gun someday.

  31. Kerry

    Thanks for the compliments. Next time, paragraph breaks included! :mrgreen:

  32. jonathan bloch

    hi pat
    how are u today? i wish i were there with u and the soldiers cause at least i would be doing something constructive with my life!!! i am so depressed and have almost zero motivation to do shit!! i wish like u i would get this inner or divine caling to know what i want to do with my life.. keep up the good work.. take me with u pat!!

    your pal jonathan

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