Baltimore Bus Beating Perpetrators Sue For $10 Million - With Video

April 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Remember this story? We followed it back when it was going on.

Some were convicted.

You are not going to believe this update:

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8 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah give them 10 million bucks so they can go buy a cadillac and some gold teeth. this is freakin ridiculous! that bus company should counter-sue

  2. Sully0811

    And yet no candidate will talk about tort reform. Loser pays would do wonders for this stupidity. Then again it is Maryland another state that buys into the fallacy of group rights over individual ones.

    Bus company should counter-sue them for creating a hostile riding environment and damaging business.

  3. Rob

    And I hate every bit about what Maryland is doing. It’s ruining my home. Hell the governer threatened to cut funding to firedepartments and police if we refused to raise the taxes. Little do we know he’s been doing it all along, and giving the money to Baltimore. And I can tell you, that money has done NOTHING. We still have about 4 armed robberies a week[on a good week] and still have shootings all over the damned place. F’ing great job Mr Governor Sir. :mad:

  4. Kurt(the infidel)


    Thats a great point to bring up. tort reform is needed badly in this country. too many lawsuits over the craziest shit and people win these cases. incredibly!

  5. monkeysdad (pinche' gringo en sur tejas)

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)
    Wow that was harsh. Cadillacs haven’t been hip in years. Now the Kids all say “rollin on 20’s im my Benz’”.

  6. Jeanet

    Freaking unbelievable.

    A 15-year old ringleader, the second time SHE is involved in this kind of crime, send to jail.

    Two others also involved are being left without punishment to start a law-suit for 10 milion!!!

    Get a live!!!!!!!! Plenty of other public schools, let the parents drive these little scumbags to school. Those were my first thought, untill……

    …that one word came up:
    “RACIAL incriminations”.


    Now it all makes sense to me.

  7. Laura (atypical white Canadian)

    What a waste of public money - in the courts, the bus company’s defence. This is absolutely nonsense.

  8. Gary in Midwest

    Take a baseball bat to the attorney that takes this case.

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