Best Cribs For Those Boys Of Summer

April 30th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


MLB Ballpark Rankings

These are your rankings. They are based solely on results taken from an online survey of baseball fans in March, when we asked readers to rate their hometown ballpark in 10 categories. As a group, these fans know of what they speak: Nearly 15 percent of the responses came from season-ticket holders, and more than half of all the responses came from fans who attend at least five games per season.

Essentially, this is a measure of how satisfied fans are with their hometown ballpark experience. The happiest? Cleveland. Progressive Field, home of the Indians, finished first with Milwaukee’s Miller Park a close runner-up. The Florida Marlins brought up the rear, which is not surprising considering they play in a football stadium under the oppressively hot South Florida sun.

Inside each team page we added a couple of extras that did not weigh into the rankings but we thought were interesting nonetheless, such as the Team Marketing Report data on ticket costs (Arizona’s Chase Field ranked first for cheapest average ticket at $15.96 and Boston’s Fenway Park was last at $48.80) and the player who is the biggest star attraction (Brandon Phillips beat out Ken Griffey Jr. in Cincinnati). We also included reader comments on food, hospitality and promotional giveaways.

We weighed all 10 categories equally, which hurt some of the grand old ballparks such as Wrigley Field (15th), Yankee Stadium (20th), Fenway Park (21st) and Dodger Stadium (22nd) but rewarded franchises that offer a better all-around experience.

To see where your favorite ballpark ranked head to the link:




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7 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    brandon phillips, bigger star attraction than Ken griffey jr? wow thats surprising. griffey is 3 homers away from 600.

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Kurt

    And probably did it without `roids … :razz: :beer:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    oh yeah, i couldnt see griff doing steroids. he is a total class act. now if he was like bonds, skinny and then all of the sudden doesnt have a neck i would be wondering about him :lol:

  4. rightangle

    By a purely statistical capitalist approach (before factoring such things as cost of living,) doesn’t Boston’s $48.80 cheapest average seat price speak to an appeal that should put it higher than 21st? I’m neither a Red Sox fan or hater, but demand $peak$ volumes.

    As for Safeco Field/Seattle #1 in atmosphere, I hope MLB chokes on a ballpark frank now. So many transplants to used to beat us over the head when the Mariners played under the concrete roof of the Kingdome. What they didn’t realize was that back in the early ’70’s, the MLB Owners assoc. stipulated that in order for rainy Seattle to be granted a franchise we needed to have a domed stadium for them to play in. Eat your heart out.

  5. Steve in NC

    Oh please, what a load of shit to see the indians ranked that high. It’s based on an online poll and if it’s winter in cleveland there is nothing else to do except stare at the computer. Must be like those Ron Paul basement dwellers that click the online polls over and over to get a false result.

    Tradition ranked that high? tradition of what, not winning a championship since 1948?


    Oh, and GO TIGERS!

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    Gee-zuss H.!

    I find baseball fans who feel so strongly anti-Tribe to be …

    Detroit fans :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I Liked “The Jake” much better when it was called Jacob’s Field … Not “Progressive” Field.

    The guy that owns Progressive Ins. is a big fucking lib and democrat supporter.

  7. Steve in NC

    progressive is a soros and move on supporter,

    I dropped them as a carrier a couple of years ago when I learned of this.

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