Bill Introduced To Ban Playboy From PX

April 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

I always just read Playboy for the articles…

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24 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Aw! Come ON!!!

    Our military has been enjoying Playboy and other such magazines for generations.

    Let our guys have their pussy … even if it does come on glossy, colored pages!

    Not cool, Congressman.

    Not cool.


    I believe, and I think the guys here can correct me if I am wrong, THOSE magazines are sold in plain paper covers.

  2. Armand

    If Republicans didn’t have enough fucking problems this ass clown steps up…….

  3. Unbreakable

    This ain’t right. The guys need a reminder of what they’re fighting for. If a few glossy pix of some naked women motivate ‘em to kill more ragheads I’m all for keeping the mags on base. This congressman needs to get off his high horse. I hate to say it, but it sounds like a misguided election year tactic on his part…
    Just a thought. :idea:

  4. T-Bagg

    Looking at those I’ve never wanted to commit a sex crime. Having one usually leads to sharing and bonding with the other guys around. “Check out the *** on her.” In Iraq it’s, “Dude, can I borrow this.” It keeps up moral if anything. Though I don’t buy Hustler or Penthouse. They’ve always seemed to liberal. Some of their articles have pissed me off before. I stick to the All-American Play Boy.

    That anchor pretty much verbally bitched slapped Broun.

  5. T-Bagg

    Oh yeah, and that law he mentioned says we can’t have pornography in a combat zone. And no one’s tax money pays for these. We pay cover price, just like every one else.

  6. TedB


  7. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: TedB



    {shhhhhhh!} Don’t ask don’t tell … :mrgreen:

  8. Rob

    Give the solders back their women. I mean it’s not like there’s much to see over there. Goddamned congressmen know shit about anything, but when has that ever stopped them. I can guarendamntee you that if they actually polled the country on this and voted as REPRESENTATIVES instead of all-knowing political demi-gods the law would never have been passed.

  9. TedB

    Yeah, porn is not nice, it’s making women sex objects, and there are some women who are being taken advantage of. But, I don’t think those are between the pages of Playboy. Not all nudes are really porn, but erotica. TO me there is nothing more beautiful than a well proportioned (and naturally so) woman’s body.

    I am a guy and thoroughly heterosexual.

    I’m married and I have a sex life so porn doesn’t really come into play except for some of the stuff that guys e-mail to other guys, usually in the form of a visual joke. That said, if some guy who is living in a flea-bitten, shit-smelling, dusty-windy, no convenience-having, fetid, third-world shithole wants a snuff mag to rub one off to, well then, I think he should be able to.

    I am not so far off from my younger days that I have forgotten what it was like to always be on the hunt. I mean damn, some hadj wants to kill you for that porn, so he can have it. I may be wallowing in moral relativism on this issue, but young men will be young men.

    “And if our conduct
    Isn’t all your fancy paints,
    Why, single men in barrack rooms
    Don’t grow into plaster saints.”

    R.Kipling “Tommy”

  10. Top Ward

    You have got to be kidding me! This is all this idiot can think of to spend his taxpayer funded time on!

    Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down!

    And next week we’ll be hearing about this jerkoff getting arrested with an underage male prostitute!

  11. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: TedB

    Great comment.

    I don’t want our military men to be saints …

    It’s that element of “sin” that keeps him flesh and blood, and not god.

    It’s the promise of that sin that drives him to survive …

    If he’s too “ready for Heaven”, he no longer values life.

    See: our current enemy.

  12. Kevin M

    Men want to look at naked women?

    What in hell is this country coming to?!

  13. Pvt. Score


    Just fucking wow…

    Take away money for better issue gear, make it unlawful to get pork products in our current combat zone…take away my porn…not on my watch….

  14. kyrceck

    We seriously need to purge the republican party of these fucking wimps. What a fucking faggot.

  15. Typical White Texas Mom

    Ridiculous . . .


    Dumbshit ass-cracker. This Bitch would’ve propably banned aircraft nose art (pinup girls) during WWII.

  17. Sully0811

    And idiots like this were suprised that they lost the majority in the last election. Crap like this is WHY they lost the majority. As someone who was there when the first round went across the border I’d like to beat him in the head with an e-tool for being a moron attempting to deny troops the very rights they’re willing to fight and die for.

    There are enough real problems out there to deal with and this jerk off wants to violate the spirit if not the letter of the constitution just to score points with overly religious lunatic heathens in the hope of getting re-elected.

    Full of sound and fury signifying nothing. $5.00 says he loses his seat next election.

  18. John Cunningham

    When I heard about this yesterday I went to his web site. Sometimes with representatives if you’re not in their district it gets kicked back. I told him exactly what I thought and it hasn’t been kicked back.

  19. James "Jihad This!" Hooker

    Drill, I’m with you with the “Aw come on”. Got a friend who has a name for people like this congresspuke, and it’s: “God Botherer’s” - people who “bother” god - make him shake his head, and mumble (in a huge god-voice) “That’s not what I meant at all, you idiot!!

    OK guys, you’re getting your asses shot at on my and my childrens behalf, and I thank you, thank you, thank you.

    A little snippet of what you’re fighting for, by the way, is here:

  20. just posting

    Fuckin doushe

  21. Michelle

    Let our military men keep playboy. Most of these young men are away from home and away from girlfriends and wives…if playboy helps to get them through situations…so be it.

  22. Ang

    Our guys can see the horrors of war but not boobies. Sheesh!!

  23. Vehement

    Haven’t they taken these away before?

  24. Vehement

    Oh, it still is “technically” banned.
    Get him Shep!
    But how exactly are tax dollars being spent on them?

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