Carter Arrived In Syria Today To Finally Meet With Hamas Leader

April 18th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


After his disgusting laying of a wreath at the grave of brutal mass murder Yasser Arafat ( like Hitler, he would round up Catholics, drain them of their blood for Palestinian transfusions, and then pile their dead bodies in huge heaps all over hospitals. He turned entire generations of Palestinian children into murderous psychopaths, invented terror-jackings of planes, and each year would steal millions of dollars in relief money from his own people and stuff it into his private bank account. And I’m just warming up here…), Carter is finally about to honor the head of an organization who regularly rockets civilians in Israel and whose charter demands the annihilation of Israel. He will get nothing out of this but instead will hand Hamas leverage by strengthening their reputation. He will stoke their hopes that they can continue to attack Israel, because they will believe he will continue to defend them. Carter is a truly, truly mentally ill degenerate prostitute who does this shit out of both ego and because he is bought and paid for by Arab groups who hate Israel, and donate millions upon millions of dollars to the Carter Center. We may as well be sending Charles Manson over there. Or that Hooker who brought down Elliott Spitzer. We’ve got plenty of more intersting psychopaths and prostitutes than him.

Carter has said he will present his “findings’ to Condi Rice. She should not be too afraid of the Leftist press that she actually meets with him; instead she should deny him any meeting, and make it clear that she’s not interested in his “findings” and opinions in order to deny him any real participation in the whole Arab-Israeli process. If he wants to go talk with murderous baby-killers who fight behind human shields, then let him. But leave it at that. Let him just move there, for Christ’s sake.

DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter arrived in Damascus on Friday for talks with exiled leaders of Hamas, the Islamist group which he argues should be included in international efforts for Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Carter, who is on a Middle East tour to hear views on solving the historic conflict, will meet Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and senior Hamas members in one of the highest profile encounters between the group and a Western figure.

The former statesman, who brokered the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt when he was president, met two senior Hamas officials in Cairo on Thursday after Israel refused him permission to enter the Gaza Strip, where they live.

Carter said the Hamas leaders he had met in Cairo told him they would accept a peace agreement with Israel negotiated by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the rival Fatah faction, if the Palestinians approved it in a referendum.

But one of them, Mahmoud al-Zahar, wrote this week that a peace process could not start until Israel withdrew from all the land it occupied in the 1967 war, ended its military presence in the West Bank and Gaza, dismantled all settlements, repudiated its annexation of Arab East Jerusalem, released all prisoners and ended its air, sea and land “blockade” of Palestinian land.

“Given what we have lost, it is the only basis by which we can start to be whole again,” Zahar wrote in an article published by the Washington Post this week.

Palestinian political commentator Ali Badwan said Carter’s meetings with Hamas could help erode a U.S.-led drive to isolate the group, which has refused to abandon armed struggle and recognize past Israeli-Palestinian peace agreements.

“Carter is a respected figure and his visit may encourage some in the West to open channels with Hamas,” Badwan said.

“The meeting shows that Fatah has no longer a monopoly on the Palestinian national decision. We are even hearing Israeli voices calling for dialogue with Hamas,” he added.

In a proposal passed to Carter this week, an Israeli cabinet minister offered to meet the leadership of Hamas to ask for the release of a soldier held in Gaza — a move which would contravene official Israeli government policy.

Israel shunned Carter during his visit to Israel this week and Washington criticized him for his contacts with Hamas, which they regard as a terrorist group. They say Hamas should be shunned as long as it refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist or renounce violence.

Hamas says it is a legitimate resistance group fighting Israeli occupation. Carter said Hamas, which won Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006, must be involved in any arrangements that could lead to peace.

Carter has expressed sympathy for the Palestinians during his tour, calling the blockade of Gaza a crime and an atrocity.

He was due to meet Syrian President Bashar al-Assad before seeing Meshaal.

The Baathist government in Damascus hosts Meshaal and other exiled Hamas leaders, despite its longstanding suppression of Syrian Islamists — an estimated 3,000 of whom are in jail.

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8 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    This is a complete outrage. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea should have went with Carter. and then we could take away all of their citizenship at once. Carter should stay over there with his friends, the murderers known as Hamas and those that support them(the syrians). we dont need him back thats for sure

  2. BradW (the Infidel)

    It IS a crime of what has happened to the Palestinian people. Unfortunately, their leaders and home grown terrorist have brought it down on them. Those are the people that need to be punished, not the Israelis, who have NOT instigated attacks, only replied in kind, in aces, to what others have done to them.

    If Dhimmy Cahtah had sense, he would be trying to get the UN to wipe out Hamas, but then Dhimmy wouldn’t be a socialist Democrat, and we wouldn’t have this BS either…

  3. RC

    Carter a traitor at best and worse, high time we exile his appeasing sorry behind once and for all. I’m afraid no place on earth is worth banishing him to, however I do hear NASA is making great progress in finding a solution to landing a man on a hellish asteroid somewhere between Mars and Jupiter - any will do but the colder and darker and more desolate it is the better. He can plant a Hamas flag on it, wear his favorite kuffiyeh and boast to cosmic dust what a pioneer he was back on earth for all I care..

  4. Ivan the Kafir

    I like that idea - let’s revoke Jimmah’s citizenship here. It seems he has more stake in the future of a terrorist organization than in the future of a legitimate state. Let them hold Jimmah hostage when they find out how useless he actually is. I’m sure we’ll all be crying bitter tears over the loss of such a respectable and upstanding old fart.

  5. JJIrons

    This should be one of the Pics of the Day where we write our own caption. Okay then!

    “Honey, I’m Home!!”

  6. SOC

    Cut all public taxpayer supported funds to Carter off.

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Jimmah, please stay there. Notice how polite I was to you; you freaking traitorous mo fo piece of crap.
    No taxpayer funding to the Traitor Center or any reason he pulls taxpayer’s money. Suspend the Secret Service detail. What-ever it is that we spend on him, it is to much.
    I need a freaking beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. Norski

    I’m not sure that I’d call Former President Carter a traitor. In my opinion, that accusation would require a willful act against America.

    From what I’ve seen and read, Mr. Carter does not have enough understanding of what he’s doing, for his acts to be treasonous.

    That said, I am appalled and disgusted by the former president’s diplomatic jaunt.

    What strikes me as remarkable about Mr. Carter is his apparent incomprehension of the impression he’s leaving.

    Already, thanks to a message that Mr. Carter is passing to Hamas, on behalf of a rogue Israeli cabinet minister, is being described as “Israel negotiating with Hamas through Carter” - hardly a perception wanted by the current Israeli government.

    I haven’t heard or read what happened in today’s meeting with Khalid Meshaal. “No news is good news,” I suppose, but I doubt that much good will come of this - at least, in the short term.

    There is one bright spot in this fiasco: Former President Carter has no official standing, and is not authorized to negotiate on behalf of his country; unlike Former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

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