Carter: “Not Negotiating With Terrorists Is Counterproductive”

April 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Say what? This idiot is like a bull in a China shop, geez, would somebody please yank this guy home?

Pictured: Jimmy asks “I’d like a burka for my wife, and one for myself also, please.”

AIRPORT CITY, Israel- Former President Jimmy Carter said Monday he hoped to help open talks between Hamas and U.S. leaders, saying Washington’s policy of not meeting with people it labeled terrorists was counterproductive.

Carter angered Israelis with his plans to meet in Syria this week with the leader of the Islamist group, which rules Gaza and is largely responsible for rocket fire against Israeli towns. Hamas has killed some 250 Israelis in suicide bombings and has been blacklisted by the U.S. and Israel as a terrorist organization.

Speaking at an event organized by an Israeli financial newspaper, Carter said he wanted to become a “communicator” between Hamas and the U.S.

“I hope then the Israeli government will deign to meet with me—they have so far refused,” he said.

State Department spokesman Tom Casey told reporters that the U.S. has “made clear our views that we did not think now is the moment for him or anyone to be talking with Hamas.”

Casey said any meeting with Hamas officials is “something we’ve counseled against. But he is a private citizen, and it certainly is his decision.”


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6 Responses

  1. KBar

    …so says the worst president in US history.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t they burning him in effigy every day on the streets of Tehran? Wasn’t he “negotiating” then as well?

    Just curious.

  2. serfer62

    At least he can’t give them the Panama Cannel…

  3. Steve in NC

    It’s called the Logan Act.

    Use it.

    Using his bent logic, if I killed several members of his family so I could have his peanut farm I would expect him to sit and discuss it with me and not prosecute me, for I have ‘grievances’ with his land ownership. Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again.
    Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again.
    Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again.
    Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again. Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again. Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again. Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again. Then if I do not like what I hear I just go back and kill some more until we talk again.

    ….. not sure when this end as long as I am left free to kill his family members….

  4. Jeanet

    :shock: , bad case of Dutch-dissease.

    And once again I’m amased about the stupidity some people seem to suffer from.

    So, it is true: More insane people outside the nut-house then inside. (Said the nut: I’m not crazy, the rest of the world is……..)

  5. Kearny432

    So, let’s see, we have…”Carter said he wanted to become a “communicator” between Hamas and the U.S. “…then two lines later…”State Department spokesman Tom Casey told reporters that the U.S. has “made clear our views that we did not think now is the moment for him or anyone to be talking with Hamas.”

    This dude needs to seriously get over himself. Who gives a shit what he wants, the official U.S. stance was no talks. So no, we don’t need your attention starved ass, as a go-between.

    Time to revisit the CSPAN smackdown;

  6. lwssdd

    Israel should continue to refuse to meet with the enemies of its country. Why meet with an idiot whose past statements shows sympathy Hamas and only wants to help foster the elimination of Israel? It is, after all his ineptitude that has created this situation by not supporting the Shah and allowing a bunch of Iranian thugs to take over. He spent more time kissing the ass of enemies than supporting friends of the U.S. Based on Hussein’s statements, it looks like if he were to gain the Presidency we could be looking at four years like Carter gave us.

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