Raw Video: High School Cheerleaders Tape Themselves Beating The Shit Out Of Former BFF For Half Hour

April 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Click here to see the what the victim’s parents are saying.

Shtory: ‘Animalistic Ambush Attack’, Police Say.
Sheriff: ‘Shocking, I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It’

Since I posted this last night, it’s ended up on the Drudge Report, and most major news outlets. Apparently, this story has really struck a nerve.

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58 Responses

  1. Leatherneck

    Not even women are human anymore.

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    C’mon! Throw us a bone here. A link to the story. A date reference. Something.
    Its sick, but without some kind of reference point its just voyeurism.

  3. Phendlin

    jeesh, i hope they throw the book at those girls. kidnapping, assault, unlawfully detained, and whaterver else they can think of, and try them as adults. that was just brutal. what’s the story with that?

  4. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: TB


  5. Eddie in Cali

    Worlds going to shit in a handbag and all people care about is fucking american idol…wtf…

  6. wjin@nyit.edu

    why and what did they fight over again? wow usually i love to watch girls fight but gdamn thats a little cruel

  7. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Thank you Pat, I tried to find more info for myself but my google-fu is not as strong as it used to be.
    Getting the rest of the story makes easier to see in a strange way. Knowing that the girl has lost hearing in one ear and one eye is messed up is not good but knowing that the Sheriff wants to try them as adults is reassuring.

  8. Phendlin

    ditto, thanks for posting the link. that’s relly f-up’d!

  9. TJ(the kafir)

    aside from the brutality, what kind of idiot would tape an assault and then want to post it on youtube. Thank God for stupid criminals :eek:

  10. Tom

    One more reason I wont let my daughter become a cheerleader..

  11. bustoff

    Who knew that dropping the cheerleader nation flag would be so brutal?

  12. Chris Rohde

    Yeah I live here in Lakeland, and Sheriff Grady Judd doesn’t really put up with much of anything.. for example when a cop and his dog were shot a year or so ago, and the man was eventually cornered and shot by a dozen or so officers (to the tune of like 73 rounds) he answered to an angry reporter asking why they shot him so many times that they must have run out of rounds.

    I just happened to turn on the today show today as Sheriff Judd was finishing up, and then the mother of one of the accused was on defending her daughter, saying she wasn’t at fault because.. and wait for it… warned the girl not to come in the house. Doesn’t help that she is ignorant white trash.

    At least Sheriff Judd is a well-spoken guy, to balance out the image of my town in the Nat’l spotlight!

  13. ssgduke54

    I hope this animals are permanently expel and are in jail for at lease a min 2 years. Over a ga dam cheer leaders flag!! How pathetic this generation has become… how sad

  14. drillanwr (typical white female)

    It’s disgusting. It is the most ugly base primitive female trait this generation seems to not only have trouble shaking, but refuses to.

    You all have known me long enough on here to have been bored with the stories of my two older daughters.

    When I had girls instead of boys I decided they would NOT become this shit you see in the video.

    First, I put my foot down and told them there would be NO school cheerleading for them. They got the whole “cheerleading” thing out of their systems by cheerleading for the local pee-wee football team until they were too old to do so in middle school. Done with that. Move on now.

    Second, I refused them idle time. From middle school through high school they were involved in the school sports teams. (Non-school hockey), volleyball, track, and basketball, and Junior Olympic Volleyball in the off season … not to mention the head high school volleyball coach was a drill Sgt. from hell during the season and in the off season with manditory (”suicide”, as the girls called it) work outs on the court and in the weight room. My daughters were physically occupied year round. They were high honors students, immersed in science and math classes, as THOSE were the subjects government studies were showing females were behind in. NOT my girls. Hell, they were tutoring the rest of the class(es) and setting the classroom grading curves.

    Third, we dragged them to church every Sunday morning … like it or not (and I’m NOT just talking about them).

    Fourth, OUR house was the meeting place for everyone. I hated the incessant traffic and the non-family kids tearing through my fridge and groceries, but it was a good trade-off to know who was hanging with MY daughters … and where they were hanging. They lounged around my couches, floors, and piled up dishes in my sink … but my husband and I were grateful … as we were aware of who they were and what they were all talking about. My husband even took a part-time job as a floor guard/manager at the local skating rink on the weekends to keep an eye on them there, and to keep up with the shit the kids in general were involved in. One day I came home from running mid-day errands to find my driveway and the street in front of my house lined with cars, front lawn occupied with a football scrimmage, and the house filled with my oldest daughter’s girl/boy friends. The high school had lost electric power and dismissed early. So, where did they go? My house … and my fridge. TV was on, MY stereo and classic rock CDs blaring, couches and floor were filled, bags of chips and cookies were being passed around (there was actually a kid eating just plain bread), micro-wave running, card game in full-swing on the kitchen table (football players, bleh) … no one was acting up or drinking (smoking was outside) … some even had books cracked open. And most of them offered a shy “Sorry, Mrs. P.” for the mid-day invasion/intrusion and shouted “Thanks” when they all finally started filing out when they realized I wasn’t offering them supper. I don’t know what those kids did or didn’t do at other peoples’ homes, but they KNEW what was and wasn’t accepted in my home … and respected it.

    You raise your kids the right way and they not only choose their friends well, but the good kids gravitate to your kids. You don’t just poop out kids and let them make ALL their own decisions … That’s why it’s called “Parental Guidance” … And sometimes you find yourself guiding, or at the very least setting and example for, someone else’s kids in your presence. It’s a big responsibility, but you recognize it and grumble through … or you fuck it up.

    Both girls acquired their driver’s licenses at 16 … and were GIVEN decent cars to drive to school, to and from sports practices, and recreationally … AND to run errands when demanded of them. WHY? Because they were good kids, never in trouble, and were at the top of their classes in GPAs. Not only that, but their reputations in the classrooms and personally were such that the teachers, coaches and the principle had the highest trust in them. I know THIS because we actually went to parent/teacher conferences … even in high school. The cars were not only rewards … but their first non-kid responsibilities.

    Lastly, I want to say I raised my girls as if they were boys … To a degree that might be true. And actually they were raised to understand they were “equals” … and to accept nothing less. Mostly we raised them as strong individuals who first respected themselves, and through that not only respected others but DEMANDED earned respect in return. They would take no crap from anyone, and in turn wouldn’t inflict crap on anyone else. But they were also told NEVER to allow anyone to screw them over.

    We told them they couldn’t control everything in life … but that they had better have full control over the things that were/are within their power. Victim hood was to be foreign to them …

  15. Pvt. Score

    It’s a backyard brawl….

    I dunno about anybody else, but this kind of stuff happens alot in school.

    I mean, back when I went to high school we had like 3 houses we would rotate through the backyards of to hold fights and videotape them. We’d go back to school with all kinds of damage. Nobody said shit though.

    Everyone is saying how sick it is, but what sickens me is that the girl who is getting her ass kicked didn’t even try and defend herself. It just proved to me that the mentallity of most Americans has become so passive aggressive it is rediculous. I can promise you if that girl would have fought back, about half of those girls wouldn’t have jumped in. It’s a pack mentallity, going after the weak and defeated one…. well if you don’t show weakness or defeat then it starts becoming a head game.

  16. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Pvt. Score

    what sickens me is that the girl who is getting her ass kicked didn’t even try and defend herself.

    Maybe she was French … (sorry, franchie … I just couldn’t help myself :mrgreen: )

  17. Unbreakable

    You know, the girl getting beat up had numerous chances to fight back…I kept waiting for her to pick up the broom in the corner and start swinging it…or something…anything but lay there and take it.

    It seems our nation’s youth are either bullies or scared rabbits.

  18. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Unbreakable

    Even if she didn’t hit them back, after hearing all the concern over the shelves and furniture she should have started busting the place up and let them explain how that shit came about to the adults …

  19. BoomBoom

    Jerry Springer society! Where else are the Libtards going to get their next generation of voters?

  20. LadyAngler

    The true coward is the girl who has to have six of her friends around to settle her score. The victim is not at fault here, regardless of who she screwed Saturday night. Don’t get me wrong some girls deserve an ass whoopin’… but it should be one on one. That’s the way it was back in the day. That’s the way it still should be. I hope these youngsters get what’s comin’ to them.

  21. 1madpittbull

    Good job at trying to break this Pat,

    I was at the gym this morning before my shift at the station, and I saw this on Fox News…

    When I saw it, I’ll admit that I increased the speed of that treadmill to 8. vs. the 7.0 I was running at…

  22. Julie

    You can view the entire story here at www.theledge.com this took place on March 30th, 2008. I live within 10 min of where this took place here in Florida. I am originally from Ohio and although Florida is where I now reside, we seldom had violence like this in Ohio. These teens need to be brought to justice but knowing how the judicial system works here in Florida they will more than likely be found as first time violators and be given a slap on the hands and be sent back home to their care givers (most of which are grandparents) because their parents are drug addicts. I suggest the girl that was beaten take some self defense classes so next time she can protect herself from these so called friends that think they are hard asses!

  23. franchie

    Drill, you raise your girl as boys, I raise my boys as girls, I am sure it’s convenient for you :lol:

  24. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Julie

    Where from in Ohio?

    I’m in the Youngstown area (burbs).

    I was in high school in the mid-70s. This shit happened, but limited. And it was a certain segment of girls … and NOT the cheerleader community. And these girls were usually the ones who ended up pregnant … There was one in my class that, honest to the gods, had a baby EVERY one of the five years we were in school (our h.s. started in the 8th grade) … and she gave them all up.

    But yeah, there were the occasional cat fights on the campus grounds, or at the pizza shop across the street … one on one .. circle of an audience … hacked it out, one would end up on the ground, and the other walked away.

    :arrow: franchie

    I wanted them (my daughters) to know and understand they were more than capable of taking care of themselves, and didn’t need their primary goal in life to be finding someone to marry.

  25. franchie

    Drill you are right,so did I for my boys, don’t rely on women for coocking :lol:


    Well if you look at the video on the second post by Pat, the mother of the one girl looks like she is 25 years old and cracked out. She probably had her daughter at 12 and is a “friend mom” instead of a real mom.

  27. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Eddie in Cali
    I could not have said it any better.
    Akbar an Habib want to cut our families’ throats and we care about stupid crap like idol or who wins a stupid pro sports game.
    Wake TFU America.

  28. Vehement

    What is happening to our females in this country? These are the future mothers of America’s children. I just don’t get it. This is more brutal and cold blooded than I’d expect most men to be. And these are just girls.

  29. Reagan T.

    wow that video really pisses me off. What assholes!

    and drill I’m from ohio also but cincy area (more like daytonish). Youngstown is a great place, I’ve been there a few times up on the campus.

  30. Jett

    :arrow: Pvt Score & Unbreakable

    Its been reported that what you see in the video, is the SECOND beating she took (unconscience after the 1st). Its likely, the victim was somewhat out-of-it and that’s why she didn’t (or couldn’t) fight back.

    Also, its pretty raw for either of you to point this out vs. the cold-hearted bitches in the video. What’s your point exactly? I’d rather go down fighting than bend-over and take an ass-beating?

    Remember, this is a young teen girl who was probably raised in a caring and compassionate home. She is not an animal, soldier, warrior or professional fighter. Rather, she was duped into entering a house with other classmates, she thought were her friends.

  31. Unbreakable

    Once people start physically attacking/abusing you, they are no longer your friends. Then the fight or flight response SHOULD kick in with the average human, regardless of what invironment they were brought up in.

    But, to stand there and let oneself be brutalized is indicative to my mind of an inherant victim mentality that most of todays youth have.

    They are afraid to take a stand for themselves or for any political issues beyond those which involve little or no risk to themselves.

    All current and former members of the military are of course exempt from what I said. They are the last bastions of bravery and freedom for those fresh out of high school.

  32. Pvt Score

    If it’s fight or flight, I’ll choose to throwdown.

    I dunno, to me… it’s just stupid to make that big of a deal out of this. It’s a stupid little squabble. They beat her ass and shit is settled. I don’t see what its going to accomplish by putting these girls in jail, or trying them as adults. All thats going to do is outcast the girl who got the shit kicked out of her, and other high school kids in America aren’t going to think twice before doing it themselves. I mean, look at YouTube or PSFights.com

    Yeah, it’s stupid that they all had to jump her, one on one fights are were its at, but that is how it works nowadays. Kids are carrying guns and knives and committing drive-bys. Little gangster wannabes. Until adults can learn to lead by example then how can you honestly expect minors to think that what they did really crossed a line?

    “Investigators said the victim apparently posted something against the six girls on MySpace before she was lured to the home by a phone call”

    And that…that right there…

    Stupid on the girls part and it looks like she pissed off some girls who took care of business… It’s a talk shit, get hit kind of world nowadays.

  33. Jett

    “Once people start physically attacking/abusing you, they are no longer your friends (NO SHIT). Then the fight or flight response SHOULD kick in w/the average human, regardless of what invironment (SPELL CHECK ALERT) they were brought up in.”

    Most animals act instinctively to what they perceive is a threat. People too, are born with a sixth sense, though much of that has been lost with the advance of civilization (humans have become complacent). This is one reason why ’survival’ is taught in boot camp - not only to cover basic techniques BUT to hone survival instincts.

    Your ‘victim mentality’ doesn’t hold water. The victim in this case was a YOUNG GIRL who was beaten unconscience AND withstood sustained blows to the head for 1/2 hour (most could no longer defend themselves in this situation).

    Having a ‘victim mentality’ is moreover the BULLY claiming he / she is a victim. This video shows something entirely different.

  34. Boo Boo

    In case you haven’t visited your local public elementary, middle or high school lately, the local values for girls are to be more or less little whores–dress like one, talk like one, act like one. Also, a whore with no manners. I think this flows down from their parents, namely their mothers, who probably learned it from TV and magazines. Ever seen some of them? So…par for the course. The cheerleaders when I was in school were the biggest whores in school, so I see nothing has changed. Now they are violent whores.

  35. franchie

    we had the case a few years ago, boys fightings were involved in what is called “happy slapping” ;

    The law, proposed by Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy, is intended to clamp down on a wide range of public order offenses. During parliamentary debate of the law, government representatives said the offense of filming or distributing films of acts of violence targets the practice of “happy slapping,” in which a violent attack is filmed by an accomplice, typically with a camera phone, for the amusement of the attacker’s friends.

    to sum up, it isn’t forbidden to catch pics of offences done on persons with a private camera au hazard, but rather to forbid the recording of organized violence in advance, then that costs 75000 € to the “authors”

  36. Pvt Score

    :arrow: Franchie,

    Seriously…. not one person here cares about your froggy country or what they do about “happy slapping” videos,
    and this isn’t anything like happy slapping. Happy slapping requires the victim to be compeletely and totally innocent in the attack. This was obviously premeditated and the victim wasn’t totally innocent…

    Please swallow the end of a twelve gauge….

  37. franchie

    Pvt Score

    Seriously…. not one person here cares about your flight either

    “This was obviously premeditated and the victim wasn’t totally innocent…” thanks for your science though

  38. Pvt Score

    :arrow: Franchie
    The only reason people keep you around here is for the humor of belittling you…

    But don’t think for one second I wouldn’t punch you old french woman lights out if we ever met in person. You may be a woman and you may be old, but you are still french and thats good enough for me!

  39. Unbreakable

    Alright Score, now you are an example of the other end of the spectrum I was talking about. Here we are, trying to have a friendly discussion on the internet, and you come along trying to be the big man on campus and acting like a
    BULLY. In cyberspace, no less, where there is NO threat to you. Stop acting like a snot nosed little high school punk and let’s all keep it civil, sound good? Carry on. :cool:

  40. franchie

    Pvt Score

    When I was 22 like you, I used to call the fourties’ “old”, so I escuse you, you’ll get old too, the difficulty is to keep a “young mind”, try hard, you’ll see you’ll be rewarded, with spirituality of course :lol:

  41. Pvt Score

    :arrow: Unbreakable
    Haha, alright. There is a difference between being a bully and saying what I want. Obviously you’ve missed the fact that:
    a. I’m a smart-ass. Don’t take everything you read on the internet so seriously.
    b. I don’t really give a fuck and am not very nice or civil. Here or the real world.

    Did I mention I have an huge dislike for the french as well?

    I keep it civil with those who can do the same, in a well educated argument. Obviously, you’ve read Franchie’s post, which usually involve insulting someone with little or no reference to the topic at hand. At least I can multitask.

    :arrow: Franchie

    No shit I’ll get old. I wasn’t referencing the number of your age, but rather the haggardness of you appearance, which I’m sure was brought on so early by years of drug use and hippie love. I’ll be waiting for your retort with the utmost anticipation.

  42. franchie

    so that were you the dog-boy I have seen around

    but rather the haggardness of you appearance, which I’m sure was brought on so early by years of drug use and hippie love.

    sorry love, your sight ain’t any good, might- be some natural doggy failure in your eyes, I bet your too trained for searching drugs, that distracts your smell

    uh, I got your pic when you were 12 :cool:


  43. Pvt Score

    Creative, but alas still not even close to your morbid appearance. Saves me time, I don’t need to go searching for websites to take stabs at your appearnance. You did it all yourself and created your own!

    I’ve had a few cougars on the prowl before, so your feeble attempts at humoring me as unattractive in your eyes don’t harm my ego.

    As far as the reference to dog boy, I’ll take that as you reading my profile on my linked and public Myspace page?
    To enlighten you a little bit, I work with dogs and kick ass. Fancy that.

    At the end of the day though, I still am a normal person… and you’re still french.

  44. Mark Tanberg

    Quite intelligent that :roll:
    back on track
    This whole thing would disappear or at least get swept quickly away if our court system would adhere to the speedy trial and try them as adults. once in an adult jail or prison, that system has it’s own justice working within the facility :shock: a sort of honor among thieves.

  45. Dr Elwood


    I tell you a secret,
    There are some wasted IQ in this country

  46. Laura (are Jews white?)

    PvtScore, so just when are you saying physical assault is OK? Is the boundary drawn by age (teenagers can gang up on another person if s/he’s a teenager, too), by the presence of a (stupid) score to settle (I’m pissed off at somebody because they cut me off in traffic or their dog crapped on my lawn so I can beat the crap out of them with no fear of punishment?)?? I don’t get your logic.

  47. Jett

    :arrow: Laura
    Agreed. These POS should be tried as adults to discourage more fight videos. I think the parents should also receive a fine (or serve time) for failing to control the animals they created & set loose on society. This will never happen of course but, the victim in this case has a great lawsuit against all of them :wink:

    My point exactly to PvtScore and Unbreakable. All of us, have had someone say something to us that we didn’t like (i.e. our lives were not threatened). In a civil society, we simply choose to disregard the ignorant. If not, can you imagine how out-of-control society would be if everyone acted on impulse?

    Last but not least, the victim here is a true victim (she does not have a ‘victim mentality’ simply because you do not see her hitting back in the video). Someone with a ‘victim mentality’ is generally some PUNK or LAZY POS claiming the world owes them something (i.e. I want reparations, welfare, FREE healthcare, scholarships for my 10 kids because I am a fourth-generation removed victim). That my friends, is ‘victim mentality’…not the poor girl in the video having her face pummeled-in.

  48. Pvt. Score

    Complete the opposite. I believe people have become so passive aggressive BECAUSE of punishments becoming so extreme for assault. “I’ll talk all the shit I want and push this guys boundaries because if he snaps and beats my ass (even though I would have instigated it) he will serve some ridiculous sentence while I just get a few bruises.”

    It works in the same way as an armed society being a polite society. If I knew I was going to get punched for saying something, and that nothing could happen to punish the other person for punching me (or the punishment was very minor) I’d probably think twice before saying it.

    Oh, and trying them as minors would be far worse in my opinion, then trying them adults. As a minor there will be house arrest, probation… lots of eyes on them to make sure the don’t fuck up ever again. As adults….throw them in county, yeah it’ll suck, but you are putting them around other shit bags who are more then likely going to support them and encourage them to get payback when they get out….

  49. Jett

    :arrow: PvtScore
    “I believe people have become so passive aggressive BECAUSE of punishments becoming so extreme for assault.” “As a minor, there will be house arrest, probation…lots of eyes on them to make sure they don’t fuck-up ever again.”

    PLEEZE. Since ‘73 juveniles account for 1/4 of all violent crimes committed annually.

    In ‘04, juveniles placed on probation was 42% ABOVE the # of cases placed on probation in 1985. The remaining youth, agreed to some form of voluntary or informal probation.

    You still think probation works??? If so, cite some reputable stats and you’ll have my mea culpa.

    Until then, know that we’re placing MORE teens on probation than in ‘85 and juveniles still account for 1/4 of all violent crime annually.

    Stop coddling our teens. Probation has not worked - instead it puts the rest of society in danger, daily.

  50. Pvt Score

    You are talking about putting some kids who got into a silly little fight into a jail with many repeat offenders and real violent criminals! Please explain where the logic in that is. You are trying to deter these youths from going and doing the same thing again or another more serious violent crime. By putting them in an area that will promote the views that they have, you would only be increasing how they view the world and crime. Crime committed by young people has risen since the mid twentieth century, as has most types of crime!

    “For all but drug offense cases, the proportion of cases involving detention changed very little between 1985 and 2004-varying 6 to 9 percentage points.” http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ojstatbb/court/qa06303.asp?qaDate=2004

    “The rate at which juveniles committed serious violent crimes changed little between 1973 and 1989, peaked in 1993, then declined to the lowest level since 1986.” http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ojstatbb/offenders/qa03201.asp?qaDate=19990930

    “About 1 in 2 juvenile victims of violent crime (51 percent) faced a juvenile offender.”
    “About 1 in 10 adult victims of violent crime (9 percent) faced a juvenile offender.”
    “About two-thirds (62 percent) of the victims of nonfatal violence committed by juvenile offenders were themselves younger than 18, and about one-third (38 percent)
    were adults.”

    “Swimming against the tide of increasing detention populations, the Annie E. Casey Foundation launched its Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) in 1993. The goals of the JDAI were “to reduce the number of children unnecessarily or inappropriately detained; to minimize the number of youth who fail to appear in court or reoffend pending adjudication; to redirect public funds toward successful reform strategies; and to improve conditions of confinement.” With Casey support and through a combination of approaches including expediting case processing, developing alternatives to detention and creating objective detention screening instruments, officials in Multnomah County (Portland), Oregon and Cook County (Chicago), Illinois were able to substantially reduce the number of youth who they detained without jeopardizing public safety. For example, from 1993 to 2000, the number of youth detained on an average day in Cook County declined by 30 percent. Similarly, between 1994 and 2000, the number of youth referred to detention in Multnomah County declined by more than half. From 1993 to 1999 (the latest year available), violent youth arrests in Cook County fell by 54 percent. From 1994 to 2000, overall felony arrests for youth in Multnomah County declined by 45 percent.”

  51. Unbreakable

    Since Jett hasn’t responded, can we take this as his Mea Culpa and end this and move on?

  52. Jett

    :arrow: PvtScore
    “silly little fight”

    You’re joking right? Is that what you call it when 8 teens (14-18 yrs) ambush one 16 yr old and the victim remains hospitalized with blurred vision and loss of hearing.
    A silly fight???? Un-fucking believable.

    In case you hadn’t noticed, videotaped assaults are becoming the new trend.

    Violent crime and aggravated assault in the US has remained flat (or decreased) over the past 20 years.

    While the juvenile population has also remained flat.

    However, juveniles still account for 1/4 of all violent crime (in other words, juvenile crime has not decreased in-line with overall US crime). That tells me that while PROBATION is still being dolled-out, in higher %, it DOES NOT work.

    Damn straight, try them as adults - put ‘em in juvenile boot camp / prison (unless they are 18 yrs whereby they go > regular prison, if convicted).

    Sorry Unbreakable, no mea culpa. We’ll have to agree to disagree.

    * last post from me on the subject

  53. Pvt Score

    “You’re joking right? Is that what you call it when 8 teens (14-18 yrs) ambush one 16 yr old and the victim remains hospitalized with blurred vision and loss of hearing.
    A silly fight????”

    Yes I do, especially when the whole reason it started is over a stupid ass post on Myspace.
    Like I’ve said before, ADULT America is raising children to believe this is the answer by doing the same things themselves, so I can hardly be suprised about this or require that these kids be tried as adults if adults can’t even give an example of it being the wrong way in the first place. A fight is a fight is a fight. Period. I can promise that if this hadn’t made the news, the girl who got jumped would have (and probably still might) get a bunch of her bitchy little friends together to seek retribution. Eventually one of two things will happen, someone would get killed (although highly doubtful in this scenario) or it would blow over and everyone would just move on.

    “In case you haven’t notice, videotaped assaults have become the new trend.”

    I have, hence why I posted about it earlier in this thread.

    “Violent crime and aggravated assault in the US has remained flat (or decreased) over the past 20 years.

    Althought youths account for 1/4 of violent crime, that leaves 3/4’s to adults, therefore meaning that something is wrong with how we are punishing our older criminals, but as stated crime is still on a decrease or remaining flat, which would mean that with youth violence parralleling adult violence (with an overall decline in violence across the US it would have to be otherwise those statistics would not match up), youth violence IS on the decrease as well or staying the same. So really nothing has changed, so you can’t say that probation isn’t working either.

  54. Jett

    * Violent crime on the DECREASE in the US
    * Teen populace FLAT (same # of teens vs lower crime rate)
    * Teens still average 1/4 of all violent crimes

    Youth violence NOT on the decrease. They are still at 1/4. In order to REDUCE, it would have to be LESS than 1/4 (no matter the total) unless of course, you can show a change in teen populace.

    Think of it in ‘pie’ terms :mrgreen:
    100% = BIG crime pie (75% adult crime, 25% teen crime)
    80% = REDUCED crime pie (60% adult crime, 20% teen crime)

    Again, teens still 1/4 of all violent crime. The % has not been reduced from the whole sum.

    Your Soros link said it all. You remain on the ‘left’ of the issue, while I remain on the ‘right’ - - nuff said.

  55. Pvt Score

    I guess I just stand on the side that thinks people should be allowed to beat each others asses for being dumb cunts.

    I’ve always loved fighting, and watching people get whats coming to them. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom to e a jackass and not expect someone to get pissed about it.

  56. Jett

    The fight may have ’started with a silly post on MySpace’ however the consequences were meant to HARM, HURT, DISABLE, MAME, DISFIGURE, etc.

    For every action, there is a REACTION. Therefore you CANNOT deem this a ’silly little fight’ - -

    Silly post on MySpace but NOT a silly fight.

    How spinless for you to skew the story to your liking and/or political position.

  57. Unbreakable

    Hey Jett, :arrow: “spinless”? Now who needs spell check?
    Everyone makes typing errors from time to time. Don’t be such a douche.

  58. franchie

    nothing much scored lately I am afraid :roll:

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