Clinton Demands Withdrawal From Iraq

April 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton Tuesday poured disdain on assurances by the top US general and diplomat in Iraq that US policy was working and demanded an orderly troop withdrawal.

“For the past five years, we have continually heard from the administration that things are getting better, that we are about to turn the corner,” the New York senator told General David Petraeus and US ambassador to Baghdad Ryan Crocker.

“Each time, Iraqi leaders fail to deliver,” she said, saying it was time to start an “orderly” US withdrawal from Iraq.

“It might well be irresponsible to continue the policy that has not produced the results that have been promised time and time again.”

Clinton, who appeared more disdainful, yet less confrontational than she had been in a previous hearing involving Petraeus in September, instead dwelt on the huge costs to US troops and their family of staying in Iraq.

She said the situation in Iraq was “tenuous” and did not merit the upbeat descriptions of the US administration.

“What conditions would have to exist for you to recommend to the President that the current strategy is not working?” she asked.

“How are we to judge General Petraeus what the conditions are, or should be and the actions that you and the administration would recommend pursing, based on them?”

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9 Responses

  1. Reagan T.

    I’m suprised petraeus can hold his tongue through all this bullshit. Talk about some self restraint. I really wish he would say something like ” look you aren’t there I am. You have no background in military operations and frankly you have no idea what you are talking about. STFU.”

    I guess if billary ever did go to iraq, she would waste all of her time there running from imaginary sniper fire. Go choke yourself

  2. drillanwr (typical white female)

    For the last 7-8 years we have been told by mouthpieces for this woman that she is the smartest woman in the world, and that she is a guarantee for the First Woman President of The United States in 2008 …

    Each time, her campaign leaders fail to deliver the democrat nomination at her feet.

    It might well be irresponsible for her to continue the campaign that has not produced the results that have been promised time and time again.

    What conditions would have to exist for her campaign leaders to recommend to her that the current strategy is not working?

    How can she explain the conditions by which she fucked the pooch and is losing to a clueless, empty-suited, black racist idiot?

    Maggie translation:

    If the bitch can’t win the democrat nomination she so was convinced was hers from birth, how the hell does SHE expect US to believe she has ANY sound judgement, strategy, ideas, or mentality to second guess a commanding General on the ground during a war and a man portrayed as a ‘dolt’, but who ACTUALLY won the presidency twice …

  3. Kurt(the infidel)


    Nice assessment! :beer:

    this woman might be fucking up the chances of future (qualified) women with presidential aspirations of even having a chance. people may think to themselves, “remember the last time we tried this”

    hopefully not because Clinton is a special case. in more ways than one. I dont think either one has a chance in hell against McCain in the general. i really dont.

  4. deathstar

    dumb bitch, crush skull :gun:

  5. 007

    I Feel the ship has left the dock. I hope I am wrong because we will have to fight Osama sorry Obama!

  6. Jarhead68

    Clinton: “What conditions would have to exist for you to recommend to the President that the current strategy is not working?” she asked.

    “How are we to judge General Petraeus what the conditions are, or should be and the actions that you and the administration would recommend pursing, based on them?”

    The Good General: “Senator, if you have to ask those questions then you are not qualified for command. Eat shit and die.”

  7. Jason's dad

    Neither of these leftist tools (Hussein or Billary) are fit to shine General Petraeus’ boots, much less be CIC.

    Just the thought of either of these retards making command decisions sends shivers up my spine. Not to mention what will happen to recruitment and reenlistment if either of them get in as POTUS (can you say “mass exodus”?).

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    The real “willing suspension of disbelief”: That Hitlery is ready for that 3AM call. The old douche bag can’t even handle her old man? How in the frick is she going to handle Ham-ass or Hiz-bullshit?

    The stupid carpet-munching bitch doesn’t even have a clue on the GWOT, let alone the Iraq battlespace.

  9. Chandler (Typical face for radio Infidel)

    I love the last line in the article…
    “How are we to judge…”
    That was the chance to verbally bitch slap her, General. All you needed to say was “Well, ma’am. I am the Commanding General of all U.S. forces in Iraq. By being in such a position, that means that I have extensive experience conducting war. You ma’am, have none. You judge by what I tell you is the situation and what should be expected. If you don’t like what the Iraqi government is doing…take it up with them.” :gun:

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