Clips From 1970’s Iran Before Islamic Poisoning

April 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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12 Responses

  1. Kevin M

    This is a great tragedy. Most Americans are unaware of the fact that Iran and Iranians are, on the whole, profoundly more cosmopolitan and tolerant than 99% of Arabs.

    You want to insult a Persian? Call him/her an “Arab.”

    The Islamists in Iran represent a small minority of the population, but power almost never is dispersed equally among people. If you have a gun, you are powerful. If you have an education, you are powerful. If you have powerful friends and allies, you are powerful.

    But today in Iran, the Islamists are in power, due to their successful overthrow of Pavali.

    Much as I have written my hopes of seeing a mushroom cloud over Tehran, in actuality, I would rather see a mushroom cloud over Riyadh. Or Kabul.

    I hope for another revolution in Iran. Many of them may be deserving of an uninvited visitation from the 82nd Airborne, but most of them are actually quite in favor of good relations with the US.

    Don’t be surprised if a US strike against Iran spares the population and instead surgically destroys their military.

    The people of Iran are not to be compared with Arabs.

    Just my thoughts.

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I was there in the 70’s and it was, by far, the most pleasant place I visited in my time in the ME(with Arab stamps on my passport, I couldn’t get in to Israel at the time).
    Another one of Jimmah Carter’s great legacies. So much was lost for America and the world during that man’s administration, I can’t even calculate.
    A friend’s family was destroyed by the fucking revolution, I have no idea what ever happened to him.

  3. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Did ya ever notice the Persians have that particular snoutly-nose thing going on? Living in San Diego we have tons of Iranians and tons A-Rabs living here (they certainly at this point and time ARE NOT visiting) and I can tell the difference between them in a freaking heart beat.
    Anyways, those were the days. The days when you could have your girl on your bike and cross over into on-coming traffic if you wanted to. Ah yes, those were the days. :beer: :beer:

  4. Eddie in Cali

    Paradise lost…

  5. mike3481

    What happened?

    The Shah had 5000 terrorists locked up and in Feb. 1977, Jimmy Carter told the Shah that his (Carter’s) Administration were reclassifying them as “political prisoners” and he must release them or the USA would cut off all aid, military and non-military :shock:

    Carter thought…I kid you not, that a holy man like the Ayatolla Kohmieni running Iran would be a better for all concerned :shock:

    Guess who those so called “students” were? That’s right, the 5000 terrorists the Shah had locked up out of harm’s way

    When the Shah was forced to leave, the Iranian PM was left in charge…Kohmieni returned, upon arriving at the International airport in Tehran, Kohmieni was asked by a reporter what he would say to the Prime Minister when they met.

    Kohmieni said…AND I QUOTE…”I’M GOING TO KICK HIS TEETH IN”…some “holy man” Jimmy.

    To paraphrase a movie line, “Mr. Jimmy Carter, know this, there is a very special place in Hell reserved for BETRAYERS” :gun:

  6. Clips From 1970’s Iran Before Islamic Poisoning « Avid Editor’s Insights

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  7. James

    For about 10 years prior to the carter administration and the ayatohlah kohmiemi’s islamic revolution in Iran the house across the street from mine was rented out to a few different Iranian families. The parents worked for the Iranian embassy in Los Angeles. They were all very very nice families, very cosmopolitian, they were friends with their neighbors, all the kids went to public schools, the woman never wore veils. islamists and democrats inevitably always makes the world more dangerous.

  8. Chris

    That was decades ago:(, most of them are all brainwashed by now…..and Islam is present in every braincell :evil:

  9. ken holton

    Lets collectively bring it back for them (and us, the seventies was okey dokey here too).

  10. David Ross

    Proof that Jimmy “Da Nut” Carter ruined more than just the American economy during his presidency.

  11. Mike Mose

    Carter has destroyed the entire middle east by unleashing radicals, and Bill Clinton has armed them and the chi-coms with nuclear weapons.


    Democrats will have destroyed the world before our vary eyes.

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Iran’s population is made up of mostly (about 60%) of people who were born AFTER 1979. What this large population wants is what you see here. They are fed up with the thugocracy in Tehran.

    Jimmah Koh-tair betrayed them all in 1979. I’m pretty sure these same young people know that too. Without a US action against the mustifoons in Tehran these people will never see an era of societal freedom like depicted above again.

    Just remember it takes about 3-7 days for radiation to dissipate enough for people to venture out into an affected area..just stay away from ground zero.

    Hint…hint… :mrgreen:

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