Coulter On H&C Regarding The Dhimmis

April 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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4 Responses

  1. SOC

    I am tired of listening to this crap by these people. Who really gives a shit what Ann Coulter says or this bald headed old coot.

  2. TO (typical white person)

    Ann Coulter is spectacular. She is a mountain of style and substance. Pat should connect to her Wednesday, weekly column. I laugh my ass off every Wednesday night. She is so funny. Ann’s analysis consistently points to the actions of people, not what they say. When she sites proof sources it is often coupled with thing that our opponents do… not say. The above video is a perfect example. The moron liberal wants to know where Hussein’s heart is….? Ann accurately sites Hussein’s behavior, not the need to listen to his words. We already know where his heart is, and it has been in the wrong place forever.

    Featuring Ann regularly is always a grand slam.

  3. J.

    I think people, left or right dislike Ann because she
    convicts people on their character - And knows exactly
    who she is. - She doesn’t waiver, she doesn’t let the
    evasiveness, the jargon, the re-casting, re-phrasing,
    re-visionists slide - She has zero tolerance for it.

    What can I say, I find all of that admirable, she’s
    the epitome of what character has been lost in this
    country. And I don’t necessarily mean her flavor,
    I mean possessing the ability to view the issues in
    black and white, based on facts, based on track records,
    based on HISTORY. She doesn’t forgive, she doesn’t forget.
    She doesn’t suffer from ADD or short-term memory.
    She has the ability to wield a weapon as far as I’m concerned.

    Imagine that.. hah.

  4. Tom

    I think Wright and Obama are currently playing a deep game. Hear me out:

    Wright has upped the ante of nuttiness.

    He looks worse. A left wing freak.

    He forces Obama to denounce him fully. Utterly. Obama will do that in the near future.

    Obama cuts the ties to Wright. Future communication is secretive.

    Obama gets a ton of points for doing this. For appearing the moderate.

    The media will put a brand new halo on his head.

    Wright gets a ton more street cred with the radicals.

    Obama gets a ton more moderate sububran cred with the soccer moms.

    They communicate quietly between underlings until after the election.

    But right this moment, Wright is setting up a situation wherein Obama is given a free pass to dump him. For the time being.

    Later, after Obama wins, Wright comes back for payment. He does a publicity tour and says all the right things and reassserts his relationship to Obama.

    This is a stunt being played out right now. Whatever appearance of a rift between them there is right now is a charade in my opinion.

    My two cents.

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