Dead Reuters Cameraman Result Of Hamas Using Human Shields

April 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

This is the aftermath of the earlier video we showed you with the tank blast…

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12 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Hey Reuters I know why this happned!!!

    Your camera man was embedded with ENEMY FORCES! They (The Enemy) USED HIM AS A PROPAGANDA TOOL!

  2. SOC

    I suppose somehow someone will figure how to blame George Bush.
    Another senseless death caused by the cutthroats club know as Hamas

  3. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    I guess that was an airburst. I suppose if you’re fighting terrorists and not other tanks, it makes sense to have shells with that capability. It’d be more effective than HEAT rounds against soft targets and do less collateral damage (cameramen having a chat with terrorists notwithstanding).

  4. Ironside

    tictic, look up MPAT. Besides, Pally-wood has done better than this. A little zoom, a little blood splatter, and bing! a warning shot is transformed into egg on Israeli faces. Not saying this is fake without evidence, but Reuters Pallywood doesn’t equal very good credibility.

  5. 1madpittbull

    I am also a cameraman, and I know when to leave an area and when to stay. Simple street smarts rule our lives…I don’t wander into high crime areas with my equipment thinking no one will touch me simply because I’m a media member…I look at every situation as it occurs to judge the possibility of my equipment being damaged or stolen and if my life will be placed in danger (i.e. tough fire, storm etc.)

    If this guy was out gallivanting with terrorists and taking shots of them, he deserves his fate. It is a simple well-known fact that Hamas uses children, women, ambulances, and anything they can get as human shields. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again…there is no debate on this; it is a simple known fact. Yet if you know all this, and you STILL show up to take some shots of some “brave Hamas fighters”, then you are an asinine idiot. He was 23, and in Gaza…young guy with bravado showing how he can get the footage no one else would…or perhaps helping his buddies to show the Israeli’s in a bad light (like most AP and Reuters contractors out there)…no judgment, no prudence, simply brazen youthful hubris that gets you killed.

    You don’t F-around with terrorists when the Israeli army is nearby…not if you value your life.

    If one decides to dance, one must pay the piper…

    Pit Bull :twisted:

  6. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)


    Already found it, and posted in the other thread:

    A few minutes with google and voila:

    Israel Military Industries M-337 HE-MP-T

    “It uses a tungsten fragments envelope to enhance lethality in the anti-personnel role. It uses an electronic programmable fuze setter (IFS) linked to the Fire Control System (FCS), to enable airburst effect over a designated area, penetration of walls, thin armor or fortification (employing time delay) or explosion on impact, using super-quick activation.”

  7. cb10

    For a bunch of jihad bad boys who play f**k around with the big boys, they sure cry and whine alot when shit happens.

    Looks to be the keystone cops ambulance service for sure.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ham-ass plays war…and the Israelis play for keeps. Ham-ass has no respect for civilians, either Israeli or Muslim.
    Using civilians as shields to draw attention to their cause and get the world to side against the real victins (the Israelis) is an old Muslim tactic.

    This reporter decided to imbed himself with an enemy who is constantly shelling Israeli villages. He had either a sympatico with the terrorists or he was a complete simpleton.

    To Reuters: F*ck you. If you want to side with Ham-ass or any other jihadi org against Israel, then you deserve what you get.

    War is not a game. If you choose to play, don’t be surprised if you end up paying a price. Quit your candy-ass whinning Reuters. Loose the propaganda crapolla for a change.

    BTW, get the fook out of Gaza. Who’s side are you on anyways?


    Haha, I was trying to see if I could spot “Green Helmet Guy” somewhere in the background.

  10. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    “If you play with rattlesnakes long enough you will get bit.”

    My dad told me that when I was just a kid, haven’t forgot it either. I guess someone should explain that concept to Reuters.

  11. Kampfgruppe Cottrell

    Welcome to the warzone!

  12. WP0861

    Fuck em…

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