Dearbornistan, Michigan: First Wal-Mart, Now KFC Goes Halal

April 1st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Dearborn, Michigan should just go ahead and rename itself “Dearbornistan” already. We told you about Wal-Mart catering to Muslims and going Halal…now, KFC.

Growing up in Dearborn, Zeinab Chami often was tempted by ads for Col. Sanders’ original recipe, the finger-lickin’ meal sold by fast-food giant KFC.

However, Chami was an observant Muslim, and the restaurant’s chicken was not halal, meaning it wasn’t prepared according to Islamic law. Her choices usually were limited to what her immigrant parents cooked or the occasional takeout from Middle Eastern restaurants.

But now she’s able to get a taste of KFC. Last month, the restaurant’s east Dearborn restaurant began selling halal chicken, a change that reflects the growing demand for halal products among metro Detroit’s sizable Muslim population.

Underneath the colonel’s bearded face, the store’s sign reads “Now serving halal original & crispy.” The juxtaposition of an American icon with Islamic tradition is a striking display of the changing landscape of southeast Michigan. Halal meat is not new to Dearborn’s butcher shops and Arab restaurants, but a growing number of national chains have been accommodating the local demand for Muslim food in recent years.


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11 Responses

  1. Birdddog

    Bash…i disagree with you. We can’t name it that because it would be a chunk of the USA that we would be surrendering to the pukes. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  2. Steve in NC

    why didn’t that chami eat at la shish?

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Time to reconquer parts of this country if you ask me. I wonder what Dearbornistan would do if every American that is fed up with it, decided to take it back from Haj? It ain’t their land it belongs to us. KFC means Kentucky Fried Chicken, not Muj ruined chicken. Dearbornistan is the wrong name for that town. Dhimistan is more appropriate.

  4. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    i agree with calling it Dhimmistan because by doing so we keep in front and center in our minds that their is a problem there. this is in no way normal and day by day its getting more intolerable. we need to take it back

  5. John Goodrow

    My home is falling apart in more ways than one. :cry:

    Our only hope now is TED FUCKIN’ NUGENT! :gun:

    Uncle Ted for Governor…and later prez! :D

  6. Mark Tanberg

    Have you tried the new Halal with bacon? MMMMMMM

  7. Kevin M

    To an extent I am obliged to understand the business motives for a Halal KFC (a “Muslim” WalMart is preposterous!). I once drove through a small town in NH that was overwhelmingly populated by Hasidic Jews. Small wonder it was a dry town with no liquor stores or pork shops. It makes no business sense to sell boats in the desert.

    On the other hand, the above article resonates with the establishment of a settlement rather than a community. Same thing happened with the Bagwan Rashnish in Oregon back in the 70s or 80s. A flock of religious weirdos took over a town and turned it into a trailer park for very wealthy kooks from India (gone now). They rewrote the town charter, enacted laws to further their agenda and all the locals who lived there for decades were outcasts overnight.

    Try to imagine being a non-muzzie in Dearborn. Once you have a city that is run by Shariah, you get an enclave that is sympathetic to our worst enemies. Pluralism is dead and cannot be revived.

    I can only hope the FBI is keeping a watchful eye on this place.

  8. mindy abraham

    May I paly devil’s advocate :twisted: and suggest that it was done for profit? In a muslim area, catering to local taste makes sense. If one opened up in parts of NY where jews are kosher, they would have to be kosher.

  9. Sully0811

    If they’re just doing test marketing so they can build franchises over there it might not be a bad thing. In alot of cities there a wal mart and a KFC would be a big improvement over the open air market and C.M.O.T. Dibbler types selling fried “What the hell is this?”

    If Democracy and Capitalism can beat Communism it can beat Radicalism.

  10. Tom in CO

    Ted Nugent ‘08

  11. franchie

    do you know that “Halal” reverses “one €” (in EU, don’t remember on what percentage amount though) to the Palestinian” resistance ?

    yeah, the dollars are going to the palestinan benefit too :roll:

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