Defense Contractor Website Seeks Solutions For Defeating IEDs

April 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Interesting method of Reasearch and Development.

Click here to go to the Raytheon IED Solution website.

Raytheon has launched a new Web site to recruit industry and academic partners to help defeat improvised explosive devices (IED), the No. 1 killer of service members in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Web site allows industry and academia to make teaming and partnership recommendations for proposed solutions and to receive rapid, confidential reviews and feedback on those solutions.
The site also maintains proprietary safeguards to protect submitted information against improper disclosure.

“As an industry leader in Mission Systems Integration, Raytheon is committed to ending the threat of IEDs to service members,” said Jack Costello, vice president of Business Development and Strategic Planning for Raytheon Network Centric Systems. “Coalition forces are still being affected on the battlefield, so we decided to exhaust every opportunity to find the best solutions. I hope industry accepts our challenge in this important endeavor.”

As the leader of this effort, the Raytheon IED-Defeat Task Force offers solutions that fill technology and capability gaps. The task force also addresses urgent operational needs in programs approved and funded by the Defense Department’s Joint IED Defeat Office, the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, as well as the Army and the Navy.

This is from the Raytheon website:

The Raytheon Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Task Force (RIEDDTF) was established to coordinate efforts across Raytheon to help eliminate the threat posed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Raytheon is fully committed to harnessing the power, imagination and intellect of the company and interested partners to rapidly evaluate, develop and field solutions that can save the lives of our deployed forces.

Raytheon wants to hear your ideas as we search for partners to join us in creating innovative solutions to this threat.

The Registration Process:

Complete the Partnership Registration Form (click the button on the left to begin).

Submit any brochures or marketing material to

Your application and promotional material will be entered into our supplier database.

Your application will be given due consideration. If your capability aligns with our requirements, we will contact you within two to four weeks.


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6 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I have an idea, lets bomb iran and palestine into glass and then see who is left to make ieds.

  2. Unbreakable

    Yep, #1 solution to disarming IED’s is to kill off all the ragheads who keep making them. Problem solved.

  3. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    I wish they could instead make a nuclear weapon that only targeted muslims, then drop them in every country on earth. ta-daah! no more IEDs or terrorists.

  4. RC

    How about we resurrect the Haliotosis bomb and have them planting daisies instead of IED’s?? Heck we even please the ACLU and the Church of Goracle in one go spreading sexual tolerance and also helping the environment.

    As for conservatives we’ll get our kicks out of seeing A’jad in a tutu and on a float of Simon Rushdie dancing to I will survive…

  5. azpatriot

    Hey don’t they use cell phones as triggers on most of these things? So why not use one annoying thing to destroy another annoying thing and setup a few dialing computers to dial every cell number issued to middle eastern countries 24/7 and sit back and watch the show. :beer: :beer: :beer: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  6. cb10

    Give em zero bars, smoke all the cell towers, black market exploding cell phone batts., hell this shit does not have to be a big govt. defense contract mystery shit in the sky kinda thing, damn, —– :roll:

    Nuke em now

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