Don’t Miss This: American Dad - Guns Kill

April 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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10 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Too funny.

  2. Turambar

    I love that show, not many other people do.

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    Not a big fan of Seth MacFarlane, but that was funny enough. Still, “South Park” is wayyyy better.

  4. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    I don’t understand why most women hate guns. They’re the great equalizers. If a guy my size decides to drag most women into an alley, the only thing that’ll stop it is a gun.

    A tazer either needs to be pressed against someone, and men are stronger and usually have longer arms, or are one-shot affairs. You miss, and it’s easy to do when stressed, and you’re screwed, literally and figuratively.

    Besides, getting tazed hurts, but there’s no permanent damage. Bullets maim or kill. Which is the greater deterrent?

  5. 007

    Two Thumbs Up:

  6. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Have you ever heard Christopher Titus talk about his Mom shooting her new husband? Dark, very dark but also funny as hell. :twisted:

    Ok, that’s the first thing from American Dad that I’ve ever seen that was actually funny and not just a “clapper” line. :beer:

  7. Tom in CO

    You do realize he was mocking conservatives with American Dad, right? He’s an insaneo-liberal. It’s like the Colbert Report. Yes they’re making the conservative point, but they’re mocking it all the while. That doesn’t mean I don’t laugh about it, though!

  8. NickD

    LOL love that show.

    I made the exact same argument to someone one time, although I did not use a loaded handgun to illustrate my point - that would be beyond stupid.

    A gun is no different than a rock or a paperweight if no one is holding it.

  9. Jarhead68

    Truth is always a refreshing thing. :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  10. Jason's dad

    LMAO…that kills! Love it since it is so true. Even if the context of the show is to bash on conservatives, in this edit, it’s perfect.

    How many times I’ve had a similar dicussion with some lame brained anti-gun freak. Helloooo, inanimate objects can’t think, or walk, or anything else. They need a human being to use them. If that human has evil in their heart, then they surely don’t need a firearm to murder someone. Cain murdered his brother Abel by smacking him in the head with a rock.

    It’s what’s in a persons heart that needs to change, not gun laws.

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