Dressed For Excess

April 23rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.



April 23, 2008: Russia is introducing new uniforms, developed by a top Russian clothing designer, and has discovered that many of the top generals and admirals look terrible in the new threads. The reason is that the design team was given the new military physical fitness standards as a guideline. The problem was that a third of the senior officers did not meet these standards. Not only were all of these guys overweight, but a quarter of the senior officers could not pass the new physical fitness tests. The order has now gone out to the generals; shape up or retire.


Russia has been upgrading its armed forces for the past five years, with the goal of having a highly professional, all-volunteer, force in the next decade. New equipment, new weapons, new housing, new tactics, new uniforms and, perhaps most painful of all, new physical fitness standards. Through the 1990s, the Soviet era forces fell apart, leaving Russia militarily weaker than it has been for centuries. Only its nuclear weapons provided some security, and comfort, during that dark decade.


It’s not just the generals who are having problems with physical fitness. Half the conscripts (who comprise about half the military manpower) are physically unfit when they enter service. The volunteers are a different story. In fact, they cannot become “contract” (volunteer) soldiers unless they can meet higher standards all around. Russia wants to go with an all-volunteer force as quickly as possible. But it’s a matter of money. Volunteers have to be paid wages competitive with the civilian job market. That will take time. Meanwhile, everyone is out exercising more, and looking better.

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13 Responses

  1. Joshua

    :lol: what a joke.

  2. Giorgi

    the new uniform, they think, will make up for a lack of discipline, the moral and physical state, and the fighting ability of the russian army…they still cant win the fight with 500-700 chechen rebels they been fighing for past 13 years…at leas they will die with style, with their spiffy new uniforms, lol

  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Vlad would look great in one of those …

    Except …


    Iranian goat meat while eaten in the lap of nutball Iranian president who looks like a monkey is highly fattening.

  4. KY Jim

    vell…it vorked vor de Bronco’s

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    The chick at the top looks raether stylish. Can’t say much for the rest of the uniforms. They got a cossack look to them.

    New uniforms won’t get you a professional Army either. Your tactics are still stuck in WWII. Despite the fact that the US has done joint maneuvers with Russians, they still stick to their outmoded doctrine.

    In any event, the old uniforms look better. Trying to look like a Cossack isn’t going to make your military any better.

    Back to the chick. Now that uniform looks good on her. Very chic. Then again, that chick would look good in just about anything.

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Dan (The Infidel)

    There were more chicks in the uniforms pics, but hers was the best.

    The rest REALLY looked as if they needed some of whatever the Russian brass are over-eating …

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    that chick is looking good. but the rest of them look like a bunch of hair poles standing there :lol:

    Ze Russians need more discipline and training

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    :arrow: Drillanwr: “There were more chicks in the uniforms pics, but hers was the best.”

    I saw the more chicks. Yet I’m pretty darned sure that us men saw just the one. :mrgreen:

  9. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Their hats seem huge …

    Hope they ain’t “over-compensating” for the lack of something …

    Our military hats seem just the right size. :twisted:

  10. TedB

    I’m sure those grunts on display would rather be getting paid.

    I like that Cossack chick too, but too many buttons to get to the goods. Leave the boots on girl-chik. :wink:

  11. Glass City

    Why do I get the feeling that if these uniforms are adopted, there will be a shortage grey poodles in Russia? :mrgreen:

  12. KBar

    I still can’t believe these Bolshevik retards beat the Germans.

  13. Mark Tanberg

    All the men look gaunt and malnourished, I bet all the tough guys are out strong arming the country in the Russian mafia
    taking what ever they want and getting rich.

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