Dubai Crown Prince Buys Camel For World Record $2.72 Million

April 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


(AFP) - The crown prince of the United Arab Emirates of Dubai has bought a female camel for a record 2.72 million dollars, an organiser at a camel beauty pageant said on Monday.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashed al-Maktoum “bought camels… worth 16.5 million dirhams (4.49 million dollars), including a female camel… for 10 million dirhams (2.72 million dollars),” Hamad bin Kardoum al-Amiri said.

Amiri, quoted by the official WAM news agency, made the remarks on the sidelines of the nine-day beauty pageant which opened on Wednesday in the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi.

More than 10,000 camels — including females which are the fasting racing camels — from across the Gulf are competing for prize money totalling around 9.5 million dollars. One hundred cars are also up for grabs.

The contest is part of a camel festival in Abu Dhabi that aims to celebrate and preserve the region’s cultural heritage.

Oil-rich Abu Dhabi, one of seven emirates that make up the UAE federation, produced the world’s first test-tube purebred camel and has begun using remote-controlled robot riders in its camel races in place of child jockeys.

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5 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    damn, that money spitzer paid for a f*ck is not so bad compared to this, bty does the ASPCA have an office there?

  2. Unbreakable

    He paid alot for his future wife, that’s some serious cash for a mail order bride…

  3. Max

    These ultra-rich muslims, if they had an ounce of real human compassion, would be sharing their wealth with the hundreds of millions of poor muslims around the world instead of spending their days gambling away untold millions of dollars and buying camels.

    Even the heathen Billionaires of America like Gates and others for the most part give generously to help those in need, and they put these champions of the “religion of peace” to shame every day.

  4. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    well fookin A!

    oil money is great, thanks America. now i can piss money away on camels

  5. Kevin M

    What a maroon! He could have rented her until he had his way with her for a fraction of that price.

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