Dueling Videos: McCain Answers Hillary’s New 3 A.M. Call

April 3rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Photo courtesy Fox News

Fox News:

Hillary Clinton is bringing back her now-famous “3 a.m.” ad, this time using it to highlight for Pennsylvania voters her readiness in an economic crisis.

In the new ad, which John McCain later mocked in a commercial of his own, the campaign recycles footage from the ad that first ran before the March 4 Texas primary questioning whether rival Barack Obama would be fit to handle an international crisis when the presidential phone rings at 3 a.m.

Only this time, the voice-over is a bit different.

“It’s 3 a.m., and your children are safe and asleep,” the narrator says, again to the backdrop of dark blue-tinged footage of sleeping children. “But there’s a phone ringing in the White House and this time the crisis is economic.

“Home foreclosures mounting, markets teetering … Hillary Clinton has a plan to protect our homes, create jobs. It’s 3 a.m., time for a president who’s ready.”

The ad, released Wednesday, takes a jab at McCain, accusing him of wanting to take no action on the housing crisis. The McCain campaign had a swift retort.

“With ads like that, it’s more likely the call at 3 a.m. is ‘Senator, you just lost another superdelegate,’” McCain senior adviser Steve Schmidt said.

McCain later launched a Web ad that parodied Clinton’s.

The ad starts with the same lines, but then the narrator says: “Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama just said they’d solve the problem by raising your taxes. More money out of your pocket. John McCain has a better plan. Grow jobs, grow our economy … not grow Washington.”

Clinton and her surrogates have sustained the “3 a.m.” theme of experience and readiness on the stump ever since the ad first aired. But the ad has become fodder for several candidates. Obama also parodied the commercial last month in Texas.

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10 Responses

  1. Quarnel

    One problem with McCain’s video. He never addresses HOW he plans on creating more jobs.
    Politicians have two ways of “creating” jobs. 1. Get out of the way or 2. create programs like FDR’s CCC and the TVA which just give the appearance that Americans are working.

  2. ssgduke54

    Dam if someone was calling me up three in the morning I would cuss him/her out and then go back to bed! :mad:

  3. RememberOurFathers

    I like this one better.


    May God Almighty, the Great and Glorious Engineer, Creator of the Universe see America through the coming tribulation to be a member of the multitude of nations who receive the return of Christ joyously. May the sins of our past be forgiven in the potential of our people realized.

  4. RememberOurFathers

    I like this one better.


  5. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    yeah no kidding. if someone was calling me at 3am about the housing crisis i would go back to sleep too. let my presidential answering machine pick it up. ill call you back during normal business hours

  6. momps

    jesus…will they let this fucking thing go??? it was stupid the very first time

  7. drillanwr (typical white female)

    3 a.m.?

    What? … Is that when the White House has free fucking minutes on their phone plan?!?!?

    CRIPES!!! Get a genuine and original IDEA, for shitsakes!

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Hilda’s never been anywhere near that “red phone” at 3AM in the morning or any other time in the WH. The bitch didn’t even have a security clearance. About they only thing she was good at doing at 3AM is yelling at the military staff who were pressed into service as waiters and yelling something to the effect of “Hey you” Get over here and clean up my table”.

    Fuck you Hilda. You ain’t shit. At least McCain’s been on missions in early morning hours requiring him to answer the claxon and fly off a carrier into combat. And compared to that you have what qualifications Hilda? Hmm…thought so…no more, no less…. than Osama Bin Lying.

  9. PhilNBlanx

    WTF?!? - The pig in a pantsuit is struggling to win her own Party’s nomination and she decides to put out an ad attacking McCain? And you want us to believe your the best qualified to handle a crisis call?

    Wait…why am I surprised? Her horndog husband porks an intern his daughter’s age in the Oval Office and her thighness attacks some mythological VRWC. Never mind…

  10. Tom in CO

    I almost lol’d

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