*Extremely Graphic* Immediate Aftermath Of Strike On Armed Hamas Militants In Gaza

April 23rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.

It’s no secret hamas uses civilians, women, and children as human shields. If you examine the crowd carefully, you will see that this was a group of armed Hamas fighters…

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24 Responses

  1. Old Sailor

    “Blessed are they who bless you, and cursed are they who curse you.” God has placed a curse on any person or nation who curses Israel, and the Muslims have brought God’s curse upon themselves. It’s their own fault.

  2. SOC

    Hamas should be destroyed for what they do to their own people. Iran must pay…

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    They wail and moan. Poor apostate criminals. And still they haven’t figured out that if you want to play war…you might get killed. And these sorry mofos don’t even have concern for their own children.

    But go ahead and play it up for Western TV musifoons. You started it. At some point the IDF will finish it.

    You got far less than you deserve. I advocate wiping your whole pest hole(GAZA) out.

    Cursed be he that curses my people Israel says the Lord God of Hosts (not Allah).

    And yet these maggots still don’t get the message. They’ll be launching rockets and mortars into Israeli settlements before the day is out.

    Kill them all IDF. Let’s get the show on the road.

  4. Mark

    They need to start shooting in HD. Quality is pretty poor. Death is never a pretty picture but if one must look at it it may as well be in a decent format. Too bad they had to elect Hamas, guess you get what you vote for. Fatah = Corruption but willingness to play ball with Israel or Hamas = fundamentalism and intransigence with Israel.

  5. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    When G-d pours His judgement out on the Islamist who strike at Isreal, it will be brutal!

  6. CPLViper

    Looks like they should have hit them again and gotten even more Hamas pigs. :twisted:

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    I mentioned something similar in the “Killer” thread. Even if they’re women and children, they’re the enemy. Their very existence is a threat to everyone and everything I care about. Looking at these dead jihadis, I feel nothing. Every single Palestinian could die screaming and all I would think is, “That’s a good start.”

    So, does that make me evil or just someone who’s seen too many innocents butchered for too many years?

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    look at them playing it up, posing bodies in certain positions towards the camera. that one dipshit walking around with his tiny Hamas flags in his hand.

    you do not mess with Israel and get away with it. Gods chosen people. you will catch the wrath

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: ttb

    it makes you normal. the evil ones are the ones who started this.

  10. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Hamas is evil to put their children into harms way.
    Come out and fight like men, don’t hide behind the children.
    Only until the Palis want to make peace with Israel, then this type of scene unbelieveabilly will be played out over and over. How many times have we seen this already? Hundreds?
    Hamas sucks.
    Islam is evil. :gun: :twisted:

  11. Joshua

    I support Israel but all of this terrible violence is getting pretty disgusting. Both sides are at fault in my opinion.

  12. Dan (The Infidel)


    Both sides at fault? Oh you mean its Ok for Ham-ass to keep targeting Israeli civilian areas? Or maybe it’s OK for the PLO and its associated criminals to detonate their “heroic” suicide vests in a school bus stop?

    What do you excpect Israel to do? Lay down and die?

    Or are you aware of the fact that every f*cking Islamic entity in the ME wants to kill every Jew or toss them into the sea?

    I assume you’re Jewish. Just how much of a chance would you have in an Islamic country? Or if a group like the Muslim American Assoc or CAIR or Ham-ass or Hizbullshitta got their way?

    These people don’t talk…they murder Jews just for fun.

    The only solution is to kill these mofos.

    Get your head out of your ass.

  13. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: Joshua

    Agreed that the violence is a tragedy, but how can you leave the Qassam launchers free to bombard Sderot as long as they are surrounded by children and women? It is Hamas who has killed these people.

  14. brovato

    Nice hit IDF. You reap what you sow hamas! :gun: :evil: I agree with you :arrow: CPLViper, hit them again IDF. :gun:

  15. PhilNBlanx

    Hmmm, renewed death and destruction in the ME. Can only mean one thing — Jimmuh the elder must have recently been in town working on another “peace” deal.

  16. HardLuck

    Here, Here; Lone Wolf.
    Hamas killed these people.

    The major differences between the IDF & hamas, is hamas targets civilians while the IDF avoids or tries to limit civilian causalities.

    The only problem is this plays into hamas’ hands on the PR end:
    “Oh, woh is us!”
    “Look, the evil Zionist is targeting our children!”
    Never mind the fact we target theirs, daily.

  17. TJ (The Kafir)

    if hamas wants palestine to even appear legitimate they need to establish military bases in Gaza, absent civilians. Instead, not one media person questions why they establish bases amongst civilians, or what role does islam play in their strategies.

    sheep led to the slaughter(this goes for the media, libtards, and the followers of islam who have no idea) :cry:

  18. Zeke Eagle

    Agreed! A day is coming when those who can will treat the Palis as the vermin they are and exterminate them.

  19. allahlovesporkchops

    Such a good start to what could have been. I’m constantly amazed at Israel’s restraint. hamass is nothing but a bunch of stinking cowards.

  20. Denghis (ibm al Himar)

    God help us…

  21. Leatherneck

    Palestinians have no discipline what-so-fucking-ever.

    I’m surprised they’re not drinking each others blood.

  22. Leatherneck

    About 35 to 50% thru the video, one dudes brains are spilling out of what’s left of his head…and these idiots are checking his heartbeat??

    Notice all the rifle fire. They can’t even put down their AK’s for a moment to help pick up their dead.

    Almost half of ‘em are missing one leg so it’ll be extremely difficult for these savages to run away next time. :mrgreen:

  23. RVN68MIKE

    Gaza will always be a boil in the body of Isreal until they drive all of the Palestinians into the sea and repopulate it with Jews. They should have done this in 67 when they could have moved the rag heads to the other side of the canal but people always think they can deal with Islamics in other ways than brute force, but you can’t. :gun:

  24. Egfrow

    Secondary, latent strike would do great benefit.

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