Father Kills Burglar He Interrupts In Daughter’s House

April 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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17 Responses

  1. SOC

    American public 2 Burglars 0

  2. John Goodrow

    Who gives a fuck if they had weapons?!?

    They wouldn’t have been shot if they weren’t stealing other peoples shit.

    I think I hear Al Sharpton coming.

  3. Ivan the Kafir

    Shouldn’t this be up for a Bashage Award?

  4. LftBhndAgn (Not Your Typical Anything)

    If you have an intruder, if you have a gun, if you pull it out in self defense, KILL UM. Dead men tell no tails..

  5. mike3481

    Wow…on one hand excellent marksmanship :gun: :beer:

    …on the other hand in my 51 years of life I’ve become fairly adept at reading body language.

    I’m certain that the two TV anchors and the field reporter absolutely believe the girl’s father should go to prison for the rest of his life…that’s how anti-firearms they are…toss in the news producer and editor as well :mrgreen:

    Think I’m wrong, watch the video again :wink:

  6. RememberOurFathers

    Well done dad.

  7. Tom1981

    Mike 3481,

    You are absolutely correct. To hear the media tell it, the greater danger was posed by the father in this case because he had the audacity to actually defend himself and his daughter with a firearm. Whether or not the burglars were armed is irrelevant. If he, as a reasonable man, felt that the presence of these intruders in his daughter’s home constituted a clear and present danger to his and/or her safety, then the use of the firearm was self-defense, pure and simple. It’s also outrageous that the three “perps” are consistently described as “alleged burglars” and are permitted to remain anonymous, in spite of having been caught inside the building, ransacking its contents. Meanwhile, the media did feel that it was necessary to go ahead and name the owner of the property, in all likelihood the landlord, exposing him to unwarranted scrutiny, all the while casting doubt on the reputation of a retired city police officer. Unbelievable!! :!: :!:

  8. EDinTampa

    CBS=Bias against everything RIGHT!

    The father is RIGHT in defending himself, his daughter, the property.

  9. rld

    Mike 3481 and Tom 1981// You guys are on target. Somebody please get the e/mail for that station so we can explain a few things to them. Living in a REAL high crime area, I kinda got an issue with this one. I am a firm believer in HARSH punishments. Let’s see, I work my butt off to get things I need and want, you wait until I’m gone so you can TAKE in a few hours what I have worked months or years to get. Oh and my family! I WILL protect my family! You might decide to come back later and add some rape into the pillaging. So guess what? Can’t do any of that if you’re dead. Come to my place? Your first greeter is a mastiff that will rip your nuts off unless I tell him you’re ok. Scum is scum, and I HAVE NO DESIRE TO SHARE MY PLANET WITH SCUM.

  10. el Vaquero

    Stupid Presstards wouldn’t defend themselves if they had too and just can’t wait to demonize anyone exercizing the God given right to defense. Maybe the 2nd burglar will also kick off and save society the need to maintain his skinny azzz!

  11. Mike Mose

    Great job dad.

  12. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    WTF? :twisted: Now the father IS the shooter but the three shittards are ALLEGED burglars. Give me a fucking break.

    No doubt, poor dad will turn out to be the bad guy and the shittards will have come from a poor and abusive background, had no parental guidance and just happened to be in the house by mistake.

    :gun: :gun: :gun:

  13. Kevin M

    Don’t know how applicable this is here, but I recall something a freind told me once:

    One story is a lot more believable than two.

    If I ever come across an unwanted intruder in my house…


    “Well, here’s what happened, officer…”

  14. Kufir Ken

    “Alleged buglers”… so guys in the house stealing shit, but still “alleged”.

    Shoulda killed all 3, then there would only have been 1 story to tell…

    :beer: :gun:

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    Damn. He took on three assholes. Way to go Dad!!! Two down, one got away. Dad 3 Assholes 0.

    Typical LLMSM fare: Support the bad guys. To hell with the good guys. CBS lives up to its name as the “Cock and Bull Station”.

  16. doubleglocker

    Sweet success - nothing like it.

  17. Kurt(the infidel)

    good for him :beer: :gun:

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