Bush: “Look, Bitch, You Only Get One Follow-Up, Not Two” - With Video

April 29th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.






You tell um President Bush. Rip um up! I haven’t seen the President this fired up in a LONG time. To long! We need more press conferences like this.


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47 Responses

  1. Brad (Future Priest)

    Bless you Bush. Now take those heathens to task. The jihadists too.

  2. Vehement

    Hell yeah! Get ‘em Bush!
    And they call him stupid.

  3. GROM

    well if he was talking like that all 8 years he would be a LOT more POPULAR then he is now.

    I hope you touch on this in your next radio podcast.

  4. Laura (atypical white Canadian)

    Bravo Mr. President! Condi and her minions at State will be after him for using the no-go word “jihadist”, though.

  5. Goodbye Natalie

    This is the George Bush I voted for and have seen far too infrequently as of late.

    And yeah, I still like the man. I don’t give a damn how unpopular he is with a fickle public. So was Harry Truman until people realized he was right.

  6. Top Ward

    You tell’em W :!: :!:

  7. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    As I said the other day …

    He’s as dumb as a wolf.

  8. Rob

    HELL YEA!!! Now that’s the President. That’s the guy I would have voted for…I I could have voted in those elections.

  9. SOC

    Go get em’ “W”. I am sorry you don’t have another 4 years. Just another dumb dip shit journalist who going to print what they want anyway. That’s my President talking now.
    What a stupid bitch…. wasn’t she a blonde?

  10. A. S. Wise- VA

    Thank God, he is still among the few that identified them as Jihadists. Here’s to many years of blissful retirement, to our beloved President George W. Bush! :beer: He’s earned it.

  11. Giorgi

    shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeet … for real where was he about 7-8 years ago… i was waitnig for him to say ” you god damn right we killin’em motherfuckers, bioaatch, and stop bugging me with those stupid fucking questions”

  12. 83delta

    Get down to 3 and a wake up, anyone gets froggy, thanks anyway.

  13. Vince

    I would follow him to hell and back

  14. JCD

    Tell the knave who her daddy is.
    “pipe down, little missy”.

  15. Vehement

    I like the way he said Jihadists. :lol:

  16. Irish Gal


  17. Boo Boo

    Right on, Pres. Bush. Getting tough with the idiot reporter. Now, if you would only be as tough with your monetary policy people, Peloski on the hill, Reid on the hill…

  18. Q_Mech

    “…last time you said we were winning just to raise morale…”

    No, you dizzy bimbo. He said we’re winning because we are! Sorry if you find that politically inconvenient, you bloody ghoul.

    Goddamnit. If it weren’t for the handful of people who are willing to stand up for something more important than their own comfort, the human race wouldn’t be worth saving. That igmo-ass “journalist” is a perfect example of the decadent majority who deserve to be kicked off the damn planet. :evil:

  19. Kurt(the infidel)

    Get em’ Bush! he needs to keep nailing them just like this for the rest of his term. people dont seem to understand the threats but im sure Bush gets intel reports that would make bitch hide in a closet for a week

  20. Mike Mose

    Truth…………..Washington, the left never get it

  21. cclezel

    Fkn A~! She needed a good bitch slapping and President Bush was just the man to do it. Let me guess, now the press and the Libs are going to start telling us how we should not be in Afghanistan. My size 9 steeled toe is itching to be in a liberals ass.

  22. brovato

    Go Big W! Kill the murthafucken jihadist until your last day in office :gun: :gun: :gun: :beer:

  23. Clutch250f

    That my friends was a ass kicking. Why hasn’t he done more of that. I want that bush to talk to congress!

  24. Dave

    My Man!

  25. PhilNBlanx

    Is it long? Is it hard? Is it slog?

    Which one of those three words is so difficult for the left to understand? My beagle is smarter than these talking heads.

  26. AFITgrad86

    Ditto Y’all … Shelf the politically correct speak and tell it like it is.. He needs to take this on a road trip to every town in America and every TV and radio talk program he can get on to before the election … Ronnie Reagan end ran the media by taking it to the public .. Time for W to follow suit!!!

  27. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Outstanding, Mr. President! That’s what we need, and all too rarely get, from our leaders. Clitonesque ‘throw a few cruise missiles at them and hope they go away’ policies are what got us into this mess.

    The only way to win is to crush the jihadis so completely that all the potential recruits decide they’d be better off working at Uncle Abdul’s used camel lot.

    “I swear to Allah, her last owner was a poorly hung old man who could only afford viagra on Fridays. She’s practically a virgin!”

  28. Ranger

    He FINALLY says this shit!!! FINALLY got loose of his muzzlers. Hope it’s not too late, this is what we needed him to say, and he knew it. Fucking political expert guru advisers.

  29. will

    people like that reporter omg. one day the way goes bad they wanna cut n run.

    “Retreat? Hell, we just got here,” exclaimed Capt. Lloyd W. Williams, as the French fell back. Similarly, then-Gunnery Sgt. Dan Daly refused to let his men give up, shouting his motivating “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?”

  30. KBar

    I love that man.

  31. Kevin M

    This was SUCH a Reagan moment!

    “Aw, Jeez, Miz snivelling bleeding heart pussy-franks. I’m soooo sorry the world doesn’t jibe with your John Lennon pulse. It’s a tad difficult to be the leader of the free fuckin’ world and not step on your sensitive little “We are the World” toes. If the fire’s too hot, then get the fuck out of the press corp and pick up a weapon and stand a post…CUNT!”

    Well, maybe Reagan would not have put it quite like that, but you get the picture.

  32. John Goodrow

    Fuck yeah Mr. Bush.

    This is why I voted for him, I knew this was always in him I just wish he let it out more.

  33. RememberOurFathers

    Just tell me where to go Sir.

  34. TO (typical white person)

    It’s about time. Bush is at his best when he lets it rip ! I want more !!!

  35. Brian H

    That was pure. Can I have more, sir?

  36. TRM

    That’s my Bush! :mrgreen:

  37. jgee


    I heard if you play this backwards you can hear Bush say

    “listen morons, kiss my balls”

  38. Steve in NC

    He will go down in history as one of the great Presidents.

    I wish he would have never tried to work with the d’rats, he should have just shoved it down their throat for the past 6 years.

  39. danielle

    Hahaha that’s THE W!!

  40. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Lame ass reporter put in her place.
    Liberals don’t get it. Yes this will be a long struggle. We will prevail.
    I like it when the President gets feisty. :beer: :smile:

  41. alexjensentx

    That’s the Bush I voted for! :razz:

  42. rightangle

    Right on George! Just like Kevin M said, reminds me of the exchanges between the press and Reagan.

    Once again the lovable Shrub is proving that he is mightier than both the sword of jihad and the pen_is. :twisted: :gun:

  43. Charles

    About fucking time. I’ve been praying he’d take these leftards to task for their own stupidity.

    Where has ‘this’ Bush been?

  44. Mark

    The people at NPR would say that Iraq is a distraction to the real battle in Afghanistan and Pakistan. That the war in Iraq was the biggest recruitment tool for Al Queda since 9/11. That Bush lied to get us into the war for personal revenge for his father and to get oil from Iraq. This clap trap is considered gospel at NPR and every other liberal news gathering organization that sit in front of President Bush at every news conference. F.. them!

  45. JohnQPublic

    Unfortunately you sure won’t see this clip on the evening news; and that’s the thing that matters the most as its all the sheeple will pay attention to.

  46. Levi

    For the first time this term bush sounds like he means it. Its not scripted for him or canned. This is the W i voted for twice and has ultimately been kept confined for the past two years or so.
    You wont see a glorified pimp like obama keep up with bush.

  47. Charles H. Garrido

    Yes!! again,& again.
    Our President is real Man!
    Must the press and most liberals are trying
    Thanks Mr.President.
    Charles H. Garrido
    Miami Fla.

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