Gallup: Huckabee Favorite For McCain V.P.

April 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Swamp:

by Mark Silva

It’s probably a sign of a GOP campaign not long finished that the first names which come to mind among Republicans thinking of a running mate for Sen. John McCain are Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney.

Yet, with word this past week that McCain, the senator from Arizona and presumptive Republican nominee for president, had started compiling a long list of running mates, it also seemed a question worth asking. The Gallup Poll did just that, asking Republicans to volunteer some names. Gallup found no groundswell for anyone.

In fact, Democrats John Edwards and Bill Richardson slipped into the list, with about as much apparent support among those surveyed as retired Gen. Colin Powell, the former secretary of state in the Bush adminstration and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff who has hinted that he might like Barack Obama.

Here’s the Republican public’s list for McCain’s consideration:

Huckabee, of Arkansas: 18 percent.

Romney, of Massachusetts: 15 percent.

Condoleezza Rice: 8 percent.

Fred Thompson; 4 percent.

Ron Paul (remember him?): 2 percent.

Rudy Giuliani (remember him?): 2 percent

Charlie Crist (Florida governor): 2 percent

Joe Lieberman., of Connecticut: 2 percent

One percenters: Colin Powell, John Edwards, of North Carolina, Tim Pawlenty (governor of Minnesota), Newt Gingrich, of Georgia, and Bill Richardson, of New Mexico.

The findings are based on a survey of 453 Republicans conducted March 24-27, with a possible margin of error of plus or minus six percentage points,. Which means, statistically, that Powell Edwards, Gingrich and Richardson have about as much apparent public support as Rice.

For more, see the poll.

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25 Responses

  1. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Sounds like a lose,lose ticket to me.

    Good thing for McCain the dems are putting up two of the worst candidates in recent history.

    G-d help our country if this is all we’ve got for leadership!

  2. Irish Gal

    I would hope that John McCain is not that stupid. There is nothing to gain from Huckleberry and everything to lose.

  3. Zeke Eagle

    It’s not all we’ve got, it’s all the power brokers have offered, well strung puppets.

  4. pete

    Huck or Newt works for me …

  5. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Exactly WHO did they “poll”? I wonder if it was the “Evangelical” community.

    I’m all out of ideas …

    Wake me when it’s time to vote.

  6. ECM

    No Huck and no Romney. After they’re off the list, we can start negotiating in earnest :P

  7. KBoomr113

    This VP slot needs to go to the person that is going to be the defacto GOP Presidential nominee in 2012 or 2016. Thats the most important reason to have one. I think the best person may be someone who didn’t run for president in this election cycle.

  8. shfelby

    Bring on Bobby Jindal

  9. drillanwr (typical white female)

    John A. Boehner (R - OH) or Governor Haley Barbour (R - Miss.) anyone?

    I absolutely LOVE Boehner’s backbone and balls. And he’d fit right into the future GOP slot :arrow: KBoomr113
    mentions. (IT IS about the future of the White House and the Presidency at this point … McCain, I think, would be ‘pushing it’ for a second term … his Veep is highly important).

    Barbour is a [sinfully] unsung hero, in MY opinion, of Hurricane Katrina. What he and the folks in his state did after Katrina went pretty much totally ignored by the fucking MSM. They grabbed their balls, bent their backs, and beat their hands and feet to the bones to clean up and rebuild … amid the damn pouting, bitching, begging, and moaning of New Orleans in the MSM.

  10. Irish Gal

    Well, as long as we’re throwing names out there, I’m for Haley Barbour…

  11. Gary in Midwest

    Yet another reason I’m not a Republican. That center of the road mentality will only end in a head-on collision.

  12. A. S. Wise- VA

    The last thing we need is another Arkansan politician in the White House. Huck seems like a friendly guy and all, but what is needed is someone who can make difficult, sometimes unpopular decisions.

  13. skh.pcola

    I’ve slowly come on board for Juan McAmnesty, but if he chooses Fuckleberry as VP, there is no chance in hell that I’ll vote Repug. Huckster is a real piece of shit.

  14. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Great, if we try hard enough, we can piss off every one on the right. Sadly, it could happen, Huck and Mac will be able to work together for illegal immigrant rights while saving the world from global warming(coldening?) with a little social engineering thrown in for good measure. Those two could actually manage to lose this for us and assure Democrat control of all branches for several generations to come.

  15. cb10

    300 plus million, give or take 20 mil illegals, and this is the best we can come up with—-
    last call folks, it’s closin time!

  16. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: cb10

    Like I said … Wake me in November. :shock:

  17. Tom in CO

    I’d prefer Paul over Huck!

  18. Joe in MD

    I pray that it’s not Dingleberry, er Huckabee…

  19. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    :arrow: Tom in CO

    RON PAUL!!!! tell me you’re kidding !!!!!!!

    Ron Paul is a flippin nut case !!!!!!!! Worse than McCain, worse than the Huckster. You got to be kidding.

  20. Tom in CO


    I was ;) Just trying to illustrate how low on the totem pole I put huckasuck. While Paul has some good points, fine points that I like, his isolationist foreign policy is outdated and dangerous. And right now, I’m voting for the guys who will win the war and support our troops above all else. And if that means holding my nose and voting for the mccain/huck ticket, by God I’ll do it.

    I think though that this poll is kinda dumb. The LEADER for the vp nom is 18 percent. Not to mention there’s plenty more time for better conservatives to show up before we all clamor for the Democrat-lite mccain/huck ticket.

  21. CJW

    McCain Veepstakes: Fred Thompson?!?

  22. CJW


  23. mike3481

    Gallup: Huckabee Favorite For McCain V.P. :arrow:

    it will never happen, inside the DNC headquarters last Nov. through Jan. staffers were referring to Huckabee as “The Glass Jaw” :shock:

  24. Kevin M

    Just when I thought I’d seen the last of Schmuckleberry.

  25. rightangle

    Time for the Maricopan candidate- Joe Arpaio. :wink:

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