Get Ready, Baby, Here It Comes

April 25th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


I kind of warned you already about this … When you head out tomorrow morning, make note of the price at the pump …

Then, on your way home … check it again.

Tomorrow’s Friday … End of the business week. Any predictions on the price of a barrel by the close on Wall Street tomorrow afternoon?

The strike might not effect our supply, but make no mistake … it WILL effect the markets.


Oil Refinery To Close Ahead Of Strike


The Grangemouth oil refinery will shut down today ahead of a strike which could disrupt fuel supplies in Scotland, the north of England and Northern Ireland.

Around 1,200 workers will stage a 48-hour walkout on Sunday and Monday as part of a dispute over pensions with the refinery’s owners, Ineos.

Ahead of the strike, employees will attend a mass meeting where they will be addressed by the joint general secretary of the Unite trade union, Tony Woodley.

Talks between union leaders and management broke up without agreement on Wednesday night.

Mr Woodley will brief workers on the latest position at today’s meeting and is expected to offer solidarity for the workers’ cause.

The Government has reassured the public that it has enough petrol and diesel to last well into May.

Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond told MSPs that “Scotland can cope” with the effects of the strike.

Motoring organisations called on drivers not to panic buy at the petrol pumps.

BP said the industrial action could force the closure of its Forties pipeline which delivers 30% of the UK’s daily oil output.

The offshore oil industry body Oil and Gas UK warned that this could cost an estimated £50m a day in lost production - with the Treasury taking half that hit.

In Edinburgh, Lothian buses said it would not be able to run any services from end of service on Sunday because of a lack of fuel.

And airport operator BAA has advised airlines to refuel at the point of origin where possible in order to safeguard fuel reserves as a precautionary measure.

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15 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Every uncertainty in oil producing countries affects the world price of oil. Whether that is terrorism in Nigeria. Iraniac threats, or a strike…

    You’d think by now world markets would stabilize and the price would be an idicator that is determined by the stability of many western suppliers of oil. Any excuse to push the price higher….

    Time to trade food for oil and harvest our own oil resources.

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Dan (The Infidel)

    Yep, we’re about to get f*cked …

  3. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Bend over, here it comes again…

  4. Steve in NC

    The majority of America cannot accept this increase in fuel prices. Let’s hope as they struggle to pay this price and the increases at everything else that is moved by machine they pull their heads out of their asses and demand that we open up development of our own resources. And then ask what thought processes and distorted beliefs led to this.

  5. el Vaquero

    So what has the DRAT Congress done for Energy since the ‘06 takeover? Worse than nothing, they raised taxes on Big Oil, mandated Corn to Fuel, refused to drill in US, propagated Globull Warming BS and finally all they can do is whine about US Strategic Oil Reserves….it’s going to take pitchforks in the azzzs of these so-called leaders!

  6. CBL

    BOHICA :mrgreen:

  7. Tom in CO

    vote them out!

  8. pete

    Over 1 billion dollars a day of American wealth leaves the country for oil imports, petrol dollars used to fund Jihad.

    Keep your hard earned money in the US and fill up with bio fuels. Even though there is not many reserves left in America we should be drilling anyway.

    There has been an outright disinformation campaign lodged against ethanol to keep Americans confused and misinformed. The greatest thing we can be doing for our country right now is burning corn.

    Don’t believe the propaganda that bio-fuels are the reason food cost is going up.

    Oil companies are trying to undermine the bio fuels industry and remove any competition they have so that they can control the ever depleting resource we know as crude oil - he who controls the last drops of oil will control the world. As long as the world still depends on oil.

  9. Tom in CO

    fuck that, ANWR’s cheaper. Plus we’re not running out for at least another 50 years if we “tap that shit” :lol:

  10. Unbreakable

    I’ve come to the conclusion that complaining about gas prices is like complaining about the weather. The complaints have about as much effect on the price of gasoline as they do on the weather, but I guess either way they make for small talk/doctor’s waiting room conversations/etc. :neutral:

  11. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)


    Keep telling yourself that. Forgive me if I don’t feel the need to sacrifice our economy in the name of manbearpig.

  12. Steve in NC

    Your kidding aren’t you? You work for cargill or ADM?
    The whole ethanol program is a bullshit farm bill wrapped in environmental wacko ideology. 20 million barrels of fuel a day is burned here. How much acreage will it take to make that much fuel?

  13. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I’m going to cut pete an inch or two of slack here …

    My “conspiratorial mind” has been kicking me in the last couple weeks regarding the whole food shortage ‘news attention’ of late.

    WHY are there so-called shortages?

    Have there been catastrophic natural or political (war on a biblical scale) events that has interrupted crop planting/growth/harvesting and food production?

    1) What we have seen is corrupt governments in places like Africa and Venezuela confiscating once productive and lucrative farmlands … taking government control of, or turning them over ignorant, NON-productive folks in an asinine socialist ideology of collectivism and anti-capitalism that feeds and benefits no one. And there is NO diversification in society if core industries/businesses fail (see MY area post-steel mills).

    2) Nothing in this 21st Century world happens in a vacuum. Remember those coloring books when you were a kid … the “connect the dots” pages? You can connect the dots in everything that is going on right now with the oil/gas prices … and NOW the panic over food shortages. The “shortages” are less a result of failed crops … and partly due to the whole ethanol movement in the agriculture industry … but more to do with the ‘food companies/distributors’ who 1. have to also deal with the high cost of fuel … and 2. want THEIR piece of the market(s) pie in this surge for higher prices and US dollar devaluation. How do they do this? By claiming such shortages and having the slobbering MSM push, push, push the stories … while causing the markets to climb and climb.

    3) So, who benefits from all this not-so-coincidental high price/shortages “hype”??? One group comes immediately to MY mind … The global warming cult. I won’t get into the tangled web that is their hidden agenda, but I will say their core belief is to control, control, control the population of the world (via horrifying the ‘masses’), and most specifically the industrial western world, and particularly the United States … via taxes (going primarily to the UN or whatever ‘world organization’ they hoist up as the answer to the world’s problems) and forced, non-representative ‘world laws’. And make NO mistake, in the future you will begin to hear a ChiCom-like push for strict population control … never mind this will not be aimed at third world and underdeveloped countries (and the non-indigenous Muslim births rising and thriving in Europe) that ARE the ones whose populations are on the rise (with the Western populations of this country and Europe dropping drastically). THIS whole “Zero Population Growth” and “Population Decrease” agenda has been decades in the making. I recall reading articles and seeing books in the book stores (SOME even geared at children) about how there isn’t enough food to accommodate all the people who selfishly populate the globe, and increase their numbers everyday … I have to laugh every time I hear such crap … and then hear a public service announcement for some health condition or disease that kills X-number of people within the time it took you to hear the heart-wrenching ad. So, if you add up ALL the “This many people have died from THIS in the time it took you to listen to this …” and ALL the numbers of people who have died of natural/unnatural/ accidental/murder causes, AND THEN compare and contrast it to the supposed “This many babies are born every minute” … and I know you have seen those damn population tally boards where the numbers continue to roll in increasing numbers … I KNOW there is a reasonable balance there … especially when you DO factor in the infant mortality rates of those third world/underdeveloped countries.

    But then, THAT would mean the average lazy-assed listener who has been sucked into the population-out-of-control mantra via “feelings and fear”, and NOT using logic and reasoning (remember, I would have pulled an A in that class had I not gotten pissed at the teacher and dropped it), would actually have to stop and talk back to the radio (as I do) when they say “THIS many people have died from THIS since you have been listening to my voice …” … HEY! So, that means at that rate we’ll ALL be dead in due time.

    But I digress … in an attempt to inject my doubts that the price of oil on the market and the food shortage hype are, at the very least, a major push for manipulating market prices and screwing, basically, the USA to some degree … maybe even trying to influence our election.

    If you want to see the markets go ape-shit imagine if the President came out and stated he was allowing drilling on our own territories and authorizing the construction of a couple new oil refineries on our own shores.

    But those are my thunks in order to contribute to the conversation and keep it flowing …

  14. pete

    Steve, way to rationalize and make yourself feel better as your petrol dollars are helping fund the Jihadi murder of our troops. Why do you think the US military is scrambling to find alternative fuel for it’s machinery? Because we are running out of oil - that is a fact - it is not some figment of someones imagination. Energy independence is #1 for US security.

    Ethanol is not going to replace gas but it can and is making a dent in lowing our imports and buy us more time until better technologies come on line.

    Regardless, I’m not worried as gas will be $5.00 a gallon probably this time next year and in three years it will be approaching $10.00 per gallon.

    So I’m sounding the alarm now to anyone who has ears, let them listen.

  15. pete

    drillanwr, don’t look for any new refineries. Why build refineries if you are not going to have the oil to refine? Instead - it makes more sense to position yourself to control the last drops of a precious hydrocarbon commodity that the world so desperately needs.

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