Gitmo Commander “Sick and Tired” Of Torture Allegations

April 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


From a Family Security Matters article by Jim Kouri, CPP:

Zanetti drew a standing ovation when he expressed frustration over frequent questions alleging detainee abuse at what he calls “the most transparent detention facility in the world.”

With all the measures taken to assure fair treatment of the terror suspects, people need to “quit talking to me about abuse and torture,” he said. “Frankly, I’m sick of it.”

Three months ago, Gregory J. Zanetti was a stockbroker and financial advisor in New Mexico. Today, he is an Army National Guard brigadier general who helps lead a multi-branch team of 2,200 personnel in what he describes as the “most misunderstood assignment in the military.”

“It is a mission misunderstood by most, reviled by some and unique to everyone,” said Zanetti, deputy commander of Joint Task Force Guantanamo, the organization that has held and interrogated enemy combatants and terrorism suspects from the global war on terrorism since 2002.

Last Tuesday, General Zanetti addressed more than 1,000 members of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary gathered in the nation’s capital for the 48th Annual Washington Conference and Legislative Rally.

The general explained in detail and candor the many ways “Gitmo” detainees are given fair and humane treatment, from culturally appropriate meals to numerous spiritual and recreational opportunities. One hundred medical personnel cover the needs of roughly 280 detainees.

The detainees, however, “believe the camps are an extension of the battlefield,” Zanetti explained, adding that they have attempted to form new terror cells inside the fence and frequently fling feces and other bodily fluids at guards.

Zanetti recollected for Legionnaires an incident in which a detainee told a female guard that he was going to rape her and, after he gets out, find her and kill her and her family. The soldier shook it off and went back to work for another 12-hour day. The general was impressed by her response, he later told bloggers and online journalists during a press teleconference.

“That’s when I fully realized we are going to win this war,” Zanetti said, “her toughness.”

Zanetti gave a more comprehensive presentation to the American Legion’s National Security and Foreign Affairs Commissions on March 31st. In that forum, he spoke often of a general “disconnect” between public perception and what really goes on at Guantanamo Bay, particularly when it comes to allegations of torture against detainees. “[Americans] believe the people who want to kill them, but distrust the people who are trying to protect them,” the general said.

Zanetti drew a standing ovation when he expressed frustration over frequent questions alleging detainee abuse at what he calls “the most transparent detention facility in the world.”

With all the measures taken to assure fair treatment of the terror suspects, people need to “quit talking to me about abuse and torture,” he said. “Frankly, I’m sick of it.”


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7 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    That reminds me, I gotta get my club gitmo shirt out and piss ‘em off some more.

  2. Jewells

    Unfortunately, a lone voice in the wilderness.

  3. Dave

    Met the guy, very smart and nice.

  4. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I wish I could have afforded to attend the Conference. My post here is, sadly, filled with old school, union indoctrinated, members that don’t know much but are sure that if a Republican is behind it, it must be bad.

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Ah yes, Club de Gitmo where all aspiring terrorist mo fo sob’s want to go. Why at Club de Gitmo you do not have to grub around in the dirt for your next meal. You get three squares a day, plenty of sunshine, clean clothing, plenty of exercise, time to pray and that funny little prayer-book.
    Akbar and Habib are doing so well there. Plus they get the attention of all the traitorous mo fo assholes here in the U.S. who want to adopt your sorry towel-headed bed-sheeter ass and tell you bed time stories. Now who would want to close a beautiful place like that? :beer:

  6. joyce

    I am very thankful for Gitmo and those running it. It’s about time the Commander got pissed and stood up for himself and his soldiers who put up with way more than they should have to….and I mean the press who is more brutal than the inmates!

  7. PRCS

    So when does this crap end?

    Gonzo Gitmo Charade

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