*Graphic* AQ In Iraq Vid That DC Politicians Won’t See

April 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

With all the talk on Capitol Hill lately, we need to be reminded of exactly who we are up against in Iraq and throughout the world. The politicians in DC probably have no idea that this stuff gpoes on because Brian Williams and Katie Couric and Charles Gibson sure as hell aren’t going to show them.

Stay sharp!

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15 Responses

  1. TedB

    Wait, I thought it was against islam to desicrate the dead.

  2. Kevin M

    It makes your mouth turn green.
    It tastes like gas-o-line.
    It makes me cry-ah.
    So fuck Shariah,
    and buy a
    :gun: now.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    the dirtiest, filthiest words on earth. Allahu Akhbar

    :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    God is indeed the greatest. Allah the moon-god is still sitting on his marble toilet wiping his ass with this mustifoon jihadi scum.

    Pass the Koranic T-paper. I want to wipe my ass with the Koran.

  5. Old Poke

    Alluah Fubar!!!

    Why anyone questions what we are up against, I’ll never know.

  6. TJ(the kafir)

    When Muslims talk of words that incite , has anyone especially libtards , considered that when one shouts “allahu akbar” it is done preceeding an act of violence or outrage? I call those words “hate speech” and americans should not allow such words to pass through a persons lips without confronting the retards who utter them. When a libtard reminds me of gitmo, or abu graib I will show him these videos. :gun: :eek:

  7. TJ(the kafir)

    When Muslims talk of words that incite , has anyone especially libtards , considered that when one shouts “allahu akbar” it is done preceeding an act of violence or outrage?

  8. TJ(the kafir)

    I call those words “hate speech” and americans should not allow such words to pass through a persons lips without confronting the retards who utter them. When a libtard reminds me of gitmo, or abu graib I will show him these videos. :gun: :eek:

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Ah yes, the cult of peace.
    Islam sucks.
    Mohammed was a pedaphile.

  10. T Double Dash

    The only time these fools actually kill someone is when they are lucky enough to capture people like this. Otherwise they suck, especially in combat situations.

  11. BILL


  12. Howie

    Maybe we should burn down buildings and start beheading people until youtube puts it back up!

    Well it seems to work for the ham sandwich eating assholes of the muslim (lack of) faith!

  13. Jarhead68

    Video still down. Any clues? I say we storm the nearest masjid and take hostages. Tell the mullahs we’ll smear them with bacon grease unless the video goes back up. :mad:

  14. Egfrow

    Yup, JihadToob pulled the video.

  15. Bob USMC

    There’s a ton of real underhanded bullshit going on by left wingers.

    YouTube is a bunch of liberal pieces of trash that are manipulating this whole thing, Google and Yahoo too. I get legit emails from conservative groups that are ALWAYS put into my spam folder by Yahoo even after I mark them as not being spam. Wonder why?

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