Hillary Attacks Leftist Base, MoveOn.Org

April 18th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Ben Smith:

In a weird mirror image of last Friday’s “cling” revelation — though perhaps without the same general election implications — this Friday afternoon brings a Huffington Post tape reportedly from a closed-door Hillary fundraiser in which Clinton scorns her opponent’s supporters — the liberal activists who make up a pillar of the Democratic party:

“MoveOn.org endorsed [Obama] — which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down,” Clinton said to a meeting of donors. “We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn’t even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that’s what we’re dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and it’s primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don’t agree with them. They know I don’t agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me.”

Huffington Post says the comments — of which it provides tape, and which the campaign doesn’t dispute — came from a small, closed-door fundraiser after Super Tuesday but before March 5; slightly oddly, it doesn’t say where or when.

But there’s some irony in the scorn for MoveOn, whom Hillary courted and which was founded, after all, to save her husband from impeachment. What’s striking here is the the “us” and “them” view — the almost cultural scorn — toward a section of the Democratic Party to whom, at times in the White House, Hillary was seen as the ambassador for the more conservative Bill.

Also, though some people associated with MoveOn opposed the Afghan war, the group says it didn’t.

Original Huffpo Article with Audio.

At a small closed-door fundraiser after Super Tuesday, Sen. Hillary Clinton blamed what she called the “activist base” of the Democratic Party — and MoveOn.org in particular — for many of her electoral defeats, saying activists had “flooded” state caucuses and “intimidated” her supporters, according to an audio recording of the event obtained by The Huffington Post.

“Moveon.org endorsed [Sen. Barack Obama] — which is like a gusher of money that never seems to slow down,” Clinton said to a meeting of donors. “We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn’t even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that’s what we’re dealing with. And you know they turn out in great numbers. And they are very driven by their view of our positions, and it’s primarily national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don’t agree with them. They know I don’t agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to support me.”

Clinton’s remarks depart radically from the traditional position of presidential candidates, who in the past have celebrated high levels of turnout by party activists and partisans as a harbinger for their own party’s success — regardless of who is the eventual nominee — in the general election showdown.

The comments also contradict Clinton’s previous statements praising this year’s elevated Democratic turnout in primaries and caucuses, and appear to blame her caucus defeats on newly energized grassroots voter groups that she has lauded in the past as “lively participants” in American democracy.

“You’ve been asking the tough questions,” Clinton said in April of last year at a MoveOn-sponsored town hall event. “You’ve been refusing to back down when any of us who are in political leadership are not living up to the standards that we should set for ourselves… I think you have helped to change the face of American politics for the better… both online, and in the corridors of power.”

Clinton’s criticism followed MoveOn’s endorsement of Obama in early February. The group was initially established in 1999 to oppose the Republican-led effort to impeach President Bill Clinton, and now claims 3.2 million members.

In a statement to The Huffington Post, MoveOn’s Executive Director Eli Pariser reacted strongly to Clinton’s remarks: “Senator Clinton has her facts wrong again. MoveOn never opposed the war in Afghanistan, and we set the record straight years ago when Karl Rove made the same claim. Senator Clinton’s attack on our members is divisive at a time when Democrats will soon need to unify to beat Senator McCain. MoveOn is 3.2 million reliable voters and volunteers who are an important part of any winning Democratic coalition in November. They deserve better than to be dismissed using Republican talking points.”

Howard Wolfson, communications director for the Clinton campaign, verified the authenticity of the audio, and elaborated on Clinton’s charge that these same party activists were engaged in acts of intimidation against her supporters: “There have been well documented instances of intimidation in the Nevada and the Texas caucuses, and it is a fact that while we have won 4 of the 5 largest primaries, where participation is greatest, Senator Obama has done better in caucuses than we have.” About Clinton’s remarks suggesting dismay over high Democratic activist turnout, Wolfson said, “I’ll let my statement stand as is.”

In fact, the Nevada caucuses occurred prior to MoveOn’s endorsement of Obama, and when Clinton made her remarks, the Texas caucuses had yet to take place.

The disclosure of Clinton’s statement disparaging the prominence of party activists in the caucus process comes after she repeatedly suggested that Obama’s electability had been compromised because he had allegedly offended other key Democratic constituencies.

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9 Responses

  1. Denghis (ibm al Himar)

    Know what? You may never again witness such a political comedy as we have going on right this minute.
    This election cycle will go down in history as the ultimate low point in American politics.
    Hundreds of years from now, people will still be talking in hushed tones about the Presidential Election of 2008.
    “Remember ‘08?”
    Enjoy it while you can…

  2. serfer62

    Lets start the nomination process all over…on both sides.

  3. 007

    Bite The Hand That Feed’s You!!!! :razz:

  4. Ivan the Kafir

    Dunno about that…I’d rather see this death-match out. I have to say that all kinds of irony are getting flung around by Hussein and Hillary. Everything we’ve accused the Dems of is being revealed quite graphically. I’ve never had so much fun - especially watching McCain calmly, one might say, Presidentially taking it all in.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    When I think of orgs like MoveOn and HuffPuff vs Hilda, I got this image in my mind of the worms consuming the dead. :mrgreen:

  6. Vehement

    I think farce is a better term.

  7. mike3481

    Article: “a weird mirror image”

    mike3481 :arrow: It’s also known as “the pot calling the kettle black” :mrgreen:

  8. Dave

    Demos eating Demos, excellent!

  9. Jim Treacher

    “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” (Or she.)

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