Bill: Hillary Tried To Join The Marines

April 3rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Take it for what it’s worth, I don’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth at all.

From Jake Tapper’s blog at ABC:

Possibly to avoid being one-upped on Indiana national security politics, former President Bill Clinton told a crowd in Columbus, Indiana, today that his wife had tried to join… the Army.

“I remember when we were young, right out of law school, she went down and tried to join the Army and they said ‘Your eyes are so bad, nobody will take you,’” he said, after heralding her record on issues of concern to the military, such as body armor and access to health care.

I assume this is a version of the “Hillary Clinton tried to join the Marines” anecdote that then-First Lady Clinton told in 1994 that we wondered about since it’s a story she never seems to have told again.

The original story was that in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 1975, Hillary walked into a local Marines recruiting office. The Marine recruiter looked at her, she recalled, and asked how old she was. Twenty-seven, she said.

“He looked at me, and in those days that was before I learned how to wear contact lenses,” Sen. Clinton told a crowd of women veterans in 1994. “I had these really thick glasses on. He said, ‘How bad’s your eyesight?’ I said, ‘It’s pretty bad.’ …Finally said to me, he said, ‘You’re too old. You can’t see. And you’re a woman.…But maybe the dogs would take you.’”

(”Dogs” being a reference to the Army.)

Perhaps she did so — and hence Bill Clinton’s Army story today?

Or maybe he’s conflating the two stories?

(Add that Bosnian sniper fire, and you might have something there that Julia Roberts would want to option.)

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13 Responses

  1. 007

    God. Thank You!!

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ok. So she’s a liar AND blind. I see a metaphor there.

  3. TO (typical white person)

    I want to buy that man a beer!

  4. drillanwr (typical white female)

    She’s making this so easy for Hussein …

  5. Mike in CA

    I say if she wants to join up, let her. She’s on the next transport to the green zone. She runs with the convoys. Then she won’t be a liar when it comes to sniper fire.
    Actually, I would have thought Bill was the one with the eyesight problem, have you seen old pictures of her? :beer: :beer: Beer Goggles!

  6. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Mike in CA

    Yeah, but “whose” snipers would be firing at her? :twisted:

  7. tedders

    Yeah and she joined the “young republicans” group and the NRA and the “lollipop guild”!!

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Lies. Damn lies. And more lies. :beer:

  9. Leatherneck

    “Bill: Hillary Tried To Join The Marines”

    Yeagh, and the DI’s would have thrashed the *shit* out of that pig day & night.

  10. LftBhndAgn

    Hillary’s List of Lies

    Bills List Of Lies

    Mind you, Bills list only goes to 1996. I guess they ran out of bandwidth. :mrgreen: :beer:

  11. Professor Bill

    I love the photo, bitch got punked!!!!

  12. Tom in CO

    So THAT’S why she hates our troops!

  13. mongo

    you would have to have brass balls to touch a skank of that magnitude. hope he soaked his hand in bleach afterwards :shock:

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