House Passes Chinese Crackdown Resolution 413-1, Guess Who’s The 1?

April 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


WASHINGTON– The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution Wednesday calling on China to end its crackdown on Tibet and release Tibetans imprisoned for “nonviolent” demonstrations.

The vote was 413-1. Rep…. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who has not dropped out of the presidential race, was the lone congressman voting against it.


The resolution passed just hours before runners were to carry the Olympic torch on a six-mile route around San Francisco Bay.

San Francisco, California, which is in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 8th District, is the only U.S. stop for the torch relay, which is wrapping up the first week of a 23-city international tour.

Pelosi and other House members introduced the resolution, which urges China to end the crackdown in Tibet and “enter into a substantive dialogue” with the Dalai Lama, who lives in exile in northern India.

“It is my hope that the House of Representatives will send a clear message that we support the fundamental freedoms of the Tibetan people and a peaceful solution to the instability in Tibet,” Pelosi said Tuesday on the House floor.

“It is long past time for Beijing to reassess its failed policy to attack and demonize the Dalai Lama, and show the world it can have civilized discussions as a responsible world power,” she said.

The resolution, which has no force of law, also asks the State Department to reconsider its decision to exclude China from its list of countries considered the “world’s most systematic human rights violators,” and calls Chinese officials to allow independent international monitors and journalists access to Tibet.

In the Senate, Sens. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, and Oregon Republican Gordon Smith introduced a similar resolution, The Associated Press reported.


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16 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Oh he’s principled baby!! yeah! :roll:

  2. 007


  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    They need to change the (R) in front of his name to just say fuckin’ weirdo.

    why would anyone vote against this resolution??

    Maybe its the same reason Ron Paul is still running for president although there is no way in hell he can win. i dont know the answer, ask him.

  4. Leatherneck

    Wow. Another resolution. Don’t tell the hippies because our congress is killing all the trees to make paper for all these resolutions.

    I hope this won’t affect the polar bear population.

  5. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Just shut-up and swim?

    Athletes who take Tibet stand ‘face Olympic cut’

    BTW -

    I’m stretching waaaaaay out on a friggin’ limb here, but Paul [might] be somewhat (ugh!) [right] on this, although I’ve yet to hear his reasoning …

    Mine is … the ChiComs are laughing, “Yeah, right, US Congress, that’ll work! We’re real scared … Oooooo! … You sound like the U.N. … {bwaaaa-haaa-haaa!}”

  6. A. S. Wise- VA

    Fuggin ChiComs, fuggin PaulNuts.

  7. Reagan T.

    Fear our strongly worded letters…

  8. TBinSTL (just typical)

    The resolution is nearly, just nearly, as meaningless as Paul’s vote. He just looks like more of a moron because he is the only moron standing on that side of the aisle.

  9. Arthuraria

    This is the problem with the pure isolationist libertarians. As the saying goes, the only thing evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing. Ron Paul is the kind of guy who’d stand by and watch an old lady get robbed on the street instead of help because it’s “none of his business.” Most of the world looks to America to lead the way on issues of personal liberty and free speech. Ron Paul would rather we sit back and watch the fragile flame of freedom wither and die under the oppressive nature of foreign regimes while at the same time using his exhaust pipe to preach about how we’re at risk of losing our own personal freedoms here at home. Hey Ronnie, it’s selfish people like yourself, apathetic about the spread of freedom, who are the bane of freedom’s existence.

  10. Tom in CO


  11. Kevin M

    Actually, Ron Paul HAS dropped out of the presidential race (and the human race as well).

    He just refuses to admit it. He’s in deep denial.

  12. Charlene

    The Dalai Lama is a self-identified MARXIST monk. So we have American and European leftists demonstrating on behalf of yet another Marxist — denouncing the Chi-coms?. Another case of “throw in a few guns and let them finish each other off.” The Tibetans are rioting to have free elections so they can decide which communist party should take over so they, too, have the freedom to have their very own gulags. But the Dalai Lama is a sympathetic character and deserves our attention because he wears those really cool saffron robes, right? Jimmy Carter began this crap with the Olympics because he couldn’t stand up to the USSR. The point is athletic competition — and freedom always beats tyranny. And Ron Paul is a nut. There is nothing honorable about his stance — he thinks we should be totally isolationist: ignoring enemies and allies alike.

  13. Tom in CO

    If he isn’t running for a 3rd party, then he obviously stands no chance

  14. KBoomr113

    This is fucking stupid. the House is once again putting its nose where it doesn’t belong, with their unnecessary symbolic resolutions that piss off friend and enemy alike. Remember when Pelosi tried to pass that Armenian Genocide Resolution that would have cut supplies to our troops? This is her trying to piss off the Chinese and ruin the olympics for no other reason than her self declared righteousness…and so people think the democrats run policy, which they don’t.

    We should take some lessons from the Chinese…I think they put down a ruthless insurgency in the late 50s… Tibet. I think their favorite strategy was overwhelming numbers. We should have tried that in 2004 anyways…probably not in 08.

  15. David Ross

    I’m with ya Kurt… Rep. Ron Paul (FW) Texas.

  16. Tom in CO

    I guess it’s nice to know that Ron Paul doesn’t care about bipartisanship.

    Even though this resolution is kinda dumb and won’t hold any water or do anything, lots of what goes on in politics is symbolic (you gotta do SOMETHING, not just sit there and twiddle your thumbs). This resolution is just that.

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