Hussein Denies Snoop Dogg’s Charges He’s Funded By The Ku Klux Klan

April 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related: Snoop Dogg Says Ku Klux Klan Is “One Of Obama’s Biggest Supporters” With Cash

Gone Hollywood.Com:

Standing in my local high school gym the atmosphere was energized. People were chanting “Time for a Change!” The Secret Service combed Wayne High School as a massive line formed outside the school in the rain. Barack Obama was scheduled to speak at 11 a.m. A whisper that he was running late due to speaking with local ministers began to run through the crowd.

Finally when Obama took the stage the audience cheered and screamed. It was reminiscent of the Nickelback concert I attended, but with a lack of women professing their undying love and virginity. As camera flashes were blinding I stood in the front row and yelled out:

Mr. Obama how do you feel about Snoop Dog accusing you of accepting funding from the KKK?

The people around me looked at me like I just asked him for a mustache ride. I really wasn’t shocked. Apparently not hearing me, I yelled it again as I made eye contact with him. Obviously trying to make it to the podium he merely said:

“It is completely untrue.”

Still smiling he moved on unfazed. His speech began with honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King. Today is the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. King. The energy in the room became a little more demur and solemn. As he read from the speech the bitter people around me who don’t appreciate journalism asked me what I probed the possible future president about.

Snoop Dogg accused Obama of accepting support and funding from the Klu Klux Klan. SF Gate reports Snoop’s feelings on Barack.

“The KKK gave Obama money. They was (sic) one of his biggest supporters … Why wouldn’t they be? The media won’t tell you that. They don’t want you to know that. They just want you to know that this [bleep] befriended this other [bleep] who be (sic) threatening your values. But we all know all presidents lie to get into [bleep] office. That’s they (sic) job. In America’s eyes, that mutha[bleep]’s gonna be president ‘cos (John) McCain can’t [bleep] with him. Hillary (Clinton) can’t [bleep] with him. He’s winning over white people, white ladies.”

When question time came around I tried to make an attempt for the microphone. Oddly enough I was pretty much snubbed. Instead he talked about gun violence, the war in Iraq and “squiggly light bulbs.”

Now this is a story to tell the fantasy grandchildren.

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3 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Ok - can’t stand Obama and even I give him a pass on this story. Snoop-a-loop has been hitting the blunts WAY to much.

  2. PhilNBlanx

    Yeah LBA, this is a tough call….believe the stoner or believe the marxist.

  3. FTL

    wish Pat could have asked hussein that @ LBHS or even Compton HS… damn I wish you could have made it to the mic Pat :beer: good on ya.

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