Video: Hussein Reveals How He Would Act As Commander-in-Chief

April 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This fucking liar would pay no attention to what Petraeus or anybody else said. He would stare at them, look at their charts, nod his head, and then do the dumbass left-wing liberal loser surrender monkey thing anyway…This is the part of Wallace’s interview where they discuss Petraeus, Iraq, and how Hussein would handle things in that theater.

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10 Responses

  1. Zeke Eagle

    Arrogant Asshats, never “get it”. Understanding requires an open mind but not so open your brains fall out. Fuck him, fuck Hitlary, to Hell with the anti-American D’rat surrender monkeys.

  2. Rob

    Hey I fully believe that Obama will listen to what Patraeus would say…and then go off and do what he wants anyways. A vote for Obama is a Vote for Ossama. Hey you know what, that’s kind of catchy.

  3. dad3-7

    odumba priorities..
    1. me
    2. democrat platform
    3. anti bush
    4. anti republican
    5. pro jerimiah wright
    6. U.S. constitution

  4. mike3481

    Obama Really, actually believes the majority of the American people are stupid. :shock:

  5. RC

    shit for brains Obama does it again.. out of touch locally and way out of bounds on foreign policy and geopolitical defense strategies.

    The only timetable we should be applying here is the one that keeps him forever as the lame senator from Illinois. He seems hell bent on undermining the military and what good has been achieved, he is a thorn in our sides that terrorist will scourge deeper into us if elected POTUS.

  6. dwallu

    obama = xerxes

  7. Vehement

    Well thank you Mr. Obama, I always like my bullshit pipin’ hot!

  8. Dave

    Dad-37, skip US constitution

  9. Peter M

    This guy hates our military, but he could never say that because he would never get elected! Liberals don’t like the military, therefore they don’t support them!

  10. SOC

    What a shit slinger.

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