If Today’s New York Times Covered World War II

April 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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6 Responses

  1. mindy abraham

    :lol: but true. there is a dvd with a similar theme called this is dnn-looks funny.

  2. Howie

    I think I could vote at least twice, I live in Chicago so it’s ok, for a politician that knew that red was positive and black was negative!

  3. drillanwr (typical white female)

    aaarrrgh! I’m REALLY an organized person … in my head. Not so much around me ….

    Anyway, just a few years ago someone dug up the archives of, I believe it was Time or Life Magazine or the NYTimes … post WWII coverage in which they were bitching and moaning a bunch of anti-American tripe about losing the peace in troubled post-Nazi Germany, and when will our “occupation” end?!?!?

    I’ve put out the word to my online buds who also archive this stuff, and one of them will hopefully have a link for me later today.

    In the meantime, Rush Limbaugh had highlighted this archive, and should have it somewhere “archived” on his site.

    Stories, articles, opinion columns …

  4. TedB

    :arrow: drillanwar

    I know exactly what you are talking about, it was as if the liberals had a time machine. Actually, it just means liberals never change, they keep on bitching even though they were on the winning side.

  5. Tom in CO

    I love that end quote, sums up my sentiments perfectly!

  6. holland

    As long as it isn’t my scrotum that gets roasted it’s ok by me!

    There was an article in the paper yesterday that during a schooltrip to a mosque the guide told the children and teacher that all non-believers where dogs…. Today i read that the explanation by the mosque was that the guide was misunderstood due to his bad dutch-language skills…. So that means a whole group of dutch children misinterprets it when someone calls them ( non-muslims) dogs? And when i make a mistake, for instance speaking english( as it is not my first language) i immediately realize something went wrong and try to rectify it right at that moment. But somehow his dutch was so bad that he could pronounce ‘ongelovigen zijn honden’ (non-believers are dogs), but could not say ’sorry dat was niet wat ik bedoelde’ (sorry that was not what i meant). yeah right….

    btw we also have Imam’s ( muslim religious leaders) that refuse to speak dutch at all…. what’s wrong here?

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