Iran To West: “Repent Or We Hoist Our Flag On Your Rooftops”

April 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Ahmadinejad said this today in the holy Shia city of Mashhad, Iran.

“Our objective is to annihilate all corrupt powers that dominate our planet today.”

Mashhad, 10 April- Iran’s hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday his country’s objective was to destroy what he called corrupt western powers.

“Our objective is to annihilate all corrupt powers that dominate our planet today,” said Ahmadinejad.

He was speaking in the holy Shia city of Mashhad, located 850 kilometres east of the Iranian capital Tehran at an event where he met Senegalese president Abdoulaye Wade.

Ahmadinejad also “advised” western powers to repent or, “otherwise Iranians will hoist their flag on the roof of their buildings.”

“Our enemies do not fear the technological, economical and industrial aspects of our nuclear programme, but tremble at the thought of the Islamic republic sitting as equals with them at the same table,” he said.


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22 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Of course, you realize, this means………………a stronly worded letter. :roll: :roll:

  2. sh007r

    Ahmamadjihad :shock: , shit or get off the pot you little prick. Bring it. :twisted:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Keep talking shit you little bitch. you’re about to get yours!

    It will end with you being captured and hung, and you’re people showing up on the cover of newsweek with strange purple tipped fingers.

  4. Ang

    That stupid SOB needs to stop singing and start bringing…

    I hate that we have to wait for him to throw the first punch cause the US public is afraid to piss of a bunch of world pansy who won’t fight for themselves.

  5. Ang

    Is it just me or does that pic remind anyone else of the Planets of the Apes??

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Ang

    funny you mentioned planet of the apes.

    a while back the government over there got pissed when they found out alot of young Iranians were sending pictures of a circus monkey back and forth with their cell phones that said Ahmedinejad. so you’re not the only one has made that connection :lol:

  7. Sandy

    FU Ahmadickwad! Many of us have been waiting a long time to see the day you go out with a very big bang!

    Then you won’t be hoisting anything ever again. :lol:

  8. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: “Our objective is to annihilate all corrupt powers that dominate our planet today,” said Ahmadinejad.

    :!: ummmm, Amydidherdad, sorry but W’s already coined the phrase, “Axis Of Evil” … you’re real close to a patent law suit, buddy. Step away from the mic …

    :arrow: Ahmadinejad also “advised” western powers to repent or, “otherwise Iranians will hoist their flag on the roof of their buildings.”

    :!: Not before we hoist ours in your Chavez-worn ass … because YOUR buildings won’t be standing anymore.

    :arrow: “Our enemies do not fear the technological, economical and industrial aspects of our nuclear programme, but tremble at the thought of the Islamic republic sitting as equals with them at the same table,” he said.

    :!: Did YOU really just use the fucking word “equals”?!? You lying $50 cup of shit coffee.

  9. Word-Drum

    “…in the Shia HOLY city…”
    Why they call it holy?…all the ass-holes. He’s the king.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    Little Stinky Camel-boy is raising a ruckas again. Poor little monkey-boy…he’s so tiny in his machinations and yen for attention, that the average American can only laugh at his rantings.

    Let’s just say if you want to fight us little man, c’mon over here. Hell, I’ll meet you in the street…in person…
    So bring it, little man…

    But before you do, I suggest you make your last offering to Baal, before leaving Tehran; and make sure you bring a hearse with you…cause you won’t be going back home standing up. (Think gunfight at the O.K Corral)

    Know what I mean Vern?

    Let’s get ‘er done slimeball.

  11. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Think he’ll suck it up about the ChiComs being so piss-poor with Tibet and their lack of “human rights”, and show up at the Olympic Opening Ceremony?

    I mean, he sounds like such an honorable man of scruples and all …

  12. Giorgi

    hope they get him before he gets the nuke…if he gets them..welll..tactical nuclear strikes are unavoidable, i hope the wind blows in the other direction

  13. Leatherneck

    Like I said before, I hope the day comes where I have the luxury of sniping these assholes from my rooftop…but it won’t happen.

    Sure, they got a few seats in our government, tons of help from the media, they get to burn flags & scoff at us…but that’s as far as they will ever get in taking over our country.

  14. Dave M.

    I suppose their best bet is to try and get a muslim candidate
    elected to the US Presidency. Then we’ll just surrender.
    Oh wait! We already got one of those.
    I’m guessing that major action against Iran starts before
    Hussein gets command. Maybe middle of November.
    What do I know?

  15. BradW (the Infidel)

    “Our enemies do not fear the technological, economical and industrial aspects of our nuclear programme,

    Yeah, and the nuclear program is only for civilian power development, not nuclear weapons, Right?

    give me a break…

  16. IP727


  17. Caligula

    so annihilate yourself fuck-bag! :gun:

  18. BA

    Don’t worry ole Jimmy will talk to him and things all peachy.

  19. momps

    is he popular in his country?

  20. steve m

    :arrow: momps

    No, not that popular with the younger portions of Iranian society. Some of the mullahs aren’t thrilled w/him either.

    Little guy talking big. This pathetic turd is on borrowed time. If his own don’t get him, someone else will…and it will look like an inside job. He keeps pushing the envelope w/the ranting and raving. Be sure, the Israeli’s, and others, are inside Iran…tic, tic, tic

  21. DC

    I think this little terd is being used as an antagonist for some purpose we aren’t privy to as yet. Why else would he still be walking and talking shit, and dropping threats and challenges, essentially un-opposed.

    When his time is up, he’ll die a most violent death(I’m sure at least Mossad has him targeted)…..but until then, he’ll continue to talk shit.

    I’ve learned to pretty much ignore his bullshit, empty and vague threats. He reminds me of the little-man syndrome, all blow….no show. All he’s trying to do is pick a fight, then when we give him a black eye, he can go complain to the world that we beat him up, and he’ll be justified in torching off a nuke in the region, and blaming it on us.

  22. SOC

    Since we have freedom of speech why doesn’t respond to Little Hitler. I know he is not worth it but can’t we appoint someone in our government to be head of cajones, something… I would love to invite him back to the USA, say somewhere in Central Texas and let him spill some of this poison in public here in person. I am sure we would act responsibly.


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